They took me down to the basement to show me how they had taken the wheels off an old hay rake that had been by the barn and mounted them between the big wooden door and a supporting post between the floor and ceiling. They were really proud of their job and jerked on the sides of the wheels to show me how they had made them real strong with bolts through the wood and center of the wheel.

Janie said, "Shirley has been dying of excitement to see how you felt. I hope you aren't mad at us for taking the wheels off the rake."

I told them I was not mad at all but she still wouldn't really know since I could not bear to keep her on the device over four hours and of course Janie and I would not hit her as hard as they had me.

Shirley said, "That is alright. I don't want to be hurt as bad as you were. I just want to get an idea of what is was like. Can we do it now?"

We had her lay on a table while we tightened the ropes as tight as we could since the wheels were too far apart to tie her wrists and ankles directly to them. When we pulled the table out from under her stomach sagged down as her legs and arms stretched even more.

"Oh wow! This is wild! The joints at my shoulders and hips feel like they are being pulled apart. It hurts a little already. Do they get numb later?"

Of course I had no idea so I told her that I didn't want her to know anything that I hadn't and she would find out.

For the next four hours we took turns whipping her and having her eat us after her twenty or thirty lashes. Sometimes we would strap on the dildo and fuck her in the ass or pussy and then have her lick it off after we used it on her.

After the first couple of hours she would start whimpering and moaning "No...No" as soon as she heard the basement door open. I thought Janie would feel sorry for her but when Shirley begged her to let her down she just said, "You asked for this, bitch. I went to a lot of work to make it. Maybe you will think twice before you volunteer for anything else." Then she whipped her pussy and used our biggest dildo to shove and twist in her cunt."

When we took her down I expected her to whine about our meanness but instead she said, "Oh Heather, You are so brave and strong. I could never have taken twelve hours of that the way you did. I would have been in a coma or dead. I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime for an hour especially if you guys could wear police uniforms. The first hour I began to orgasm before you even got to me from the door."

By this time I had graduated from high school and had convinced my parents college was not necessary to continue my career in real estate. Since Lance had located some other property from his airplane that looked good we had made some easy money. We really got lucky on one place which was in the path of a freeway. Since Dad had some influence they put the exits on our property so we were able to sell the land for a mint to be used by motels, restaurants and mini-markets. Mom had flunked out of college so her only objection was that I would not be able to meet suitable boys to marry. Dad convinced her that I would meet a lot of influential people in my business, country clubs, and travel so she gave her blessing and I moved into the ranch permanently doing a complete remodel including a swimming pool. This really made the girls happy and they spent most of their spare time sunbathing and swimming nude.

Lance began to bitch about having to fly us around so I decided to get my license. There was a really good looking instructor standing by a plane being refueled so I asked about him. I was told he had all the licenses to teach me all the way from a private pilot, to instrument, and then commercial if I wanted it. I arrange to lease a Cessna 150 on a six month lease then he went out to tell the instructor but he had taken off with his student. I told his boss he could bring the Cessna out to my place on wednesday and gave him my unlisted number so he could call me and let me know when he was coming.

The next wednesday the girls were sunbathing nude while listening to rock music cranked up to the maximum while I was in the basement finishing up a new torture device.

Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring. I cussed all the way up the stairs on the assumption the girls had locked themselves up. I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans to keep the sawdust off my sweaty body. When I opened the door the instructor was there enjoying the view of the girls lying facing him on deck-chairs wearing nothing but sun glasses.

I yelled to the girls that we had company and they bolted to the shower room to put on their robes.

I was mad and told him I told his boss he was to call me before he came out. He apologized.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it was a big deal. He told me you would be here all day so when I took the plane up to make sure it was alright I decided just to come on over and practice a landing with the engine out. You have a great air strip. Why have you marked it closed with the X's on the ends."

"It is a private field. We don't want anyone uninvited to land here."

Before I could go on the girls came over wearing their robes.

Shirley said, "We are sorry we embarrassed you by sunbathing nude. You should give us a spanking."

Before I could answer Curt, the instructor said,

"Yes she should. When I caught my sister sunbathing nude I spanked her with my belt."

He was grinning but seemed serious so I said, Well we are all agreed you should be spanked and you are the ones who should be embarrassed so Curt should do it.

Curt looked at me curiously and said, "Do you mean it? I will be more than happy to do it."

I knew the girls would love it since they had not been spanked by a man for a long time so I let them answer.

"Girls, I am sure you need the spanking. If you agree lean over the porch rail."

They raced over to the rail and leaned over it and held on to the rungs. I took off his belt and then went over and flipped their robes over their heads.

"They just had their eighteenth birthday give them eighteen each."

He could hardly wait. He hit them easy at first but when they didn't protest he started hitting them harder and harder till the belt was a blur and deep red stripes appeared across their cheeks and thighs. When he quit after the thirty six lashes he was shaking with excitement watching the girls still in position wiggling their hips trying to find something to rub their pussies against.

I saw his dick tenting out his pants so I unzipped his pants and held it while I said,

"That really excites you doesn't it?"

"Oh god yes! My sister would never let me do it again."

"Would you like to whip them on their breasts and pussy?"

"Oh Jesus! Really? Oh yes!"

"Alright you can whip their fronts while I give you a blow- job. Try to hold off because when you cum you will have to stop."

I went over to the girls and took off their robes and told them to face us and hold onto the rail with their hands. Then I placed him between them and told hem to forehand Janie and back hand Shirley while I worked his dick into my throat. He really tried to hold off but when it was obvious janie and Shirley was in orgasm he almost drowned me in cum. Either he was super excited or had not been laid for quite awhile."

We went into the house and I sent Shirley to get us some beer while I took off my clothes and told him to take off his. He had a lean strong body when he sat on the couch Janie pulled on his legs to get his ass to the edge and began to lovingly lick on his dick and balls. When Shirley came back she joined her.

Curt rubbed their heads with his hands while he said,

"Oh shit. I have been doing nothing but instrument training lately. I thought I was going to be bored stiff teaching a new student. My ass-hole boss didn't even tell me how beautiful you are." He continued to stoke their heads while his dick began to grow and then went on, "Jesus. I really hit them hard but they didn't seem to care. They liked it!"