Then they proceeded to take off my clothes. It was much more exciting than stripping for the nude contest. No-one looked bored as they had in the strip club and they cheered even for my blouse and skirt which didn't really reveal anything. They really got carried away when my slip came off and kept it up for my bra. Lew ripped off my panties and then they grabbed my thighs and pulled my legs apart. Evidentally the preacher had looked questionably at my bald pussy because Lew said, "To save time we shaved her at home." I looked over to the preacher in time to see a look of disappointment. Evidentally this was one of his favorite parts.

They hooked on the log and pulled me up. That damn log was heavy. It really put a strain on my arms and shoulders. Then the house lights went on catching a lot of people rubbing their crotches and the preacher said, "Everybody who has had something stolen from them. Hold up your hands."

Almost everybody held up their hands and the preacher said,

"All right. Those of you have been robbed can come up here and give her five lashes."

"Shit! That would be hundreds of lashes. I consoled myself that if it got too bad I would faint."

People started coming up the steps and they gave whips to the first in line. The one on my right would hit my front and the one on the left hit my back. after about the twentieth lash the preacher noticed that people were moving from the line to my left over to the line on my right so I got a break while he told them to give me one on the front and then one on the back no matter which line they were in. At least I would get them evenly. I found out early the women were the worst. They always went for the nipples or the center of my pussy. Even if they were hitting my back the lash would come around to hit a nipple or would come up between my legs. I was cumming by about the fiftieth lash and passed out around the seventieth.

Passing out didn't end it! I woke up just as the second bucket of icy cold water splashed against my face and tits. I was so sensitive by now I passed out at about the fortieth. Again they threw buckets of water at me. My body was on fire from my calves to my shoulders front and back at thirty more I passed out again.

When I woke up again I was lying on my back on the floor. I thought it was all over till I noticed my wrists were now tied to my thighs at the crotch and then saw the logs slowly going up in the air pulling my legs up with it. They lifted me till my head was off the floor. They started in again! It was even worse now because my pussy and inner thighs was such an easy target. It seemed to go on forever and with all the blood in my head I couldn't pass out. I screamed till I was hoarse.

Suddenly it stopped. I hung there sobbing for a few minutes while the preacher babbled about something and then pulled my head forward as the log and my legs started down until I was lying on my back. They let me lie there for a few minutes until I stopped sobbing and went to shuddering breaths then Lew and Bob helped me to my feet.

They set up a reception line for Christ's sake. Men and women would pass in front of me shaking my hand or worse hugging my burning body while congratulating me on being saved or being brave. One lady caught my attention when she said, "You are a real healthy girl. Most girls would have been cut to pieces you only have a little blood on your crotch."

I looked down at my body at least as much of it that I could over my throbbing tits. She was right! I could not believe it I swore I felt blood running down my body but it must have been sweat. I was one big welt but there was only a little bit of blood on my thighs which must have come from my pussy which hurt beyond belief.

As the reception line continued I found myself thanking them for their compliments on my beauty, bravery, and salvation. When I looked back on that I realized I should have been spitting on them. They were the ones who were getting such a great kick out of whipping me and laughing when they made me scream.

The line lasted so long I was breathing normally and much of the pain had turned to heat. They washed off my blood and sweat with cold water before they began to dress me. I begged them not to put on my clothes because I did not want anything rubbing against me.

They led me out to the car and I tried to keep my skin off the seat by pressing my shoulders against the back of the seat and holding my body off with my legs. I was just too tired to hold this position and slowly sunk down. My skin was so sensitive I could feel every tear and imperfection of the upholstery. Bob was so horny he was shaking so I pretended I was asleep. He tested me by lifting my tits but I managed to hold myself just to moans and shudders as he squeezed my red, swollen boobies. He was evidentally satisfied I was out of it because he sat back on the seat and began to talk to Lew.

"That fucking preacher really got carried away. Her twat and ass-hole is a mess. He screwed up my chances to fuck her or to whip her. Her skin is so weak by now a lash with a wet noodle would bleed."

"Hey Bob. Don't worry about it. We will keep her a few days until she heals some."

"I don't think so. I think she is at the last straw. If we work her over now we may end up with cops all over our ass. She came back once. If we are easy on her she will probably come back again and we will keep her to ourselves. Why should we let the preacher get his jollies with her and get all those extra contributions because she is pretty."

"Damn! I was looking forward to whipping her tits and hanging medals all over her cunt, tits and ass. Maybe we could just keep her till we are tired of her."

"That's kidnapping you fucking idiot. On top of that her folks are rich. We would have cops, the FBI and private detectives looking for us."

"Maybe you are right. We can settle for blow-jobs and we can use Carrie to show her how we want her to act when she comes back."

Thank god Bob had convinced him. He carried me to Janie's bed and tucked me in. I went to sleep to the sound of slaps and moans from Carrie and slept soundly to late morning.

I finally had to get up to pee and they heard me get up to go to the bathroom. Bob was waiting at the door when I came out.

"The nights rest did you a lot of good. You healed up pretty good."

"Well a lot of the red is gone but I am still covered with welts and my pussy and ass-hole are really sore."

"Yeah but we put salve on them last night and checked this morning. All the little cuts have stopped bleeding and nothing looks infected. Don't worry though we won't whip you any more. Come on into the kitchen. We will have some coffee and breakfast if you want it."

I settled for coffee. It was a good thing because I would have probably thrown up food. They looked at me speculatively while I finished my coffee then Lew said,

"We were pretty nice to you. We just put you to bed and let you sleep. Don't you want to thank us?

I didn't have to be told how to thank them. I knelt if front of Lew and pulled down his shorts and sucked him till I felt his dick jump in my mouth as he came. Then I did the same with Bob. I started over to Carrie who was wearing an old robe when Lew stopped me."

You don't have to do Carrie yet. She has to earn it. We are pretty proud of Carrie. When Janie ran off we put Carrie on a diet and exercised her, she has lost thirty pounds and turned the rest of the fat to muscle. Take off your robe and show her, Carrie."

The change was fantastic! All the rolls around her stomach was gone, her ass was firm and her tits looked like they shrunk about two sizes and did not sag nearly as much. She turned in front of me proudly and positively beamed when I said she was beautiful. I could see now where Janie had inherited her beauty. with a little good make-up Carrie could have been truly lovely. Lew said, "Carrie, when Heather was here last time she ate your pussy. Wouldn't you like to return the favor?"