"Are you guys crazy? You could make big money while you got to show off your bodies. You know you liked dancing naked in front of all these guys."

Janie answered, "Yes it was exciting this first time but it would get boring after awhile."

Shirley joined in, "Yeah Lance. Look at the professional dancers. They are bored stiff."

You couldn't argue the point. Most of them went through the motions expressionless as if they were sleepwalking.

When we got back I walked Lance to his car.

"Well Heather, you can forget about locking up the place. It looks like you have slaves till they drop dead from old age. I won't be up unless I can't get laid by an innocent one for a week."

It was his own fault. He had no imagination and didn't really want to hurt them. Since he just wanted a fuck and suck he was better off with his virgins. I had ideas to hurt and humiliate them for years.

I had to admit I also became bored at times. Once on a trip to Seattle I entered a nude dancing contest. It was a little exciting but since it was against the law for anyone to touch me I was just in the nude the same as I was every day. I didn't even bother to dance in the last round. I thought it could have been very exciting if someone had been fucking me in front of the audience or even better whipping me.

I couldn't get the girls to really hurt me. They either did not want to hurt me or else the fact that I would want to do everything to them that they did to me held them back.

I kept dwelling on the church. It seemed to hold the answer. I would be naked and whipped in front of a lot of people. I held back for a long time since what I had seen and felt was pretty scary. The more I thought about it the more I rationalized. I decided that they hadn't put on any permanent scars and that I had experienced some monster orgasms.

I didn't want to look too rich so I went to Sears and bought some plain jane bra and panties, a slip, an opaque blouse, and a suit. I wanted gobs of clothes for them to take off of me.

I went to their house the next wednesday. I almost changed my mind when I parked in front but then thought that they could never hurt me too badly because if it got too bad I would faint.

Lew looked really surprised when he answered my knock.

"Well I'll be damned! Bob said you would be back but I didn't believe him. I thought if you came back you would have a cop with you." He stopped for a moment then went on. "It wouldn't have done you any good to go to the cops you know. It would just have been your word against ours. Three to one."

Yeah, right. All the whip marks would not have proven anything. I told him I couldn't go to the cops because I deserved what I got and besides I would be too embarrassed. He relaxed then and invited me in. Bob and Carrie were sitting at the kitchen table drinking beer.

Bob jumped up out of his chair grinning and said, Well son of a bitch! What are you doing here"

"I have been feeling guilty for a long time for sneaking out and stealing the medals you worked so hard to make." Naturally I had taken out the shitty medals as soon as I could and replaced them with gold rings but I had put them back for tonight.

Bob said, "Yeah that did piss me off. I want them back and you deserve a whipping. Where are they?"

God I felt myself getting wet just thinking about it but I didn't want them to do it.

"I am wearing them. Our preacher said stealing was not only an offense against man it is also an offense to God. I could be forgiven if I am whipped at church."

"Well we would still be whipping you. You had better take off the medals now. The preacher wouldn't like it if he thought you wanted to be whipped."

I took off my clothes and let Bob slide out the medals. He pinched my nipples and pussy lips hard enough to make me gasp and then said, "Jesus. I would like to whip her right now but it will be better if she doesn't have any marks and we will have to hurry if we are going to get there in time."

I didn't have any marks because I had not let the girls whip me for almost two weeks so I could be really desperate for a session.

They had me put back on my clothes except for the suit jacket. Bob had ne suck his dick till he came and then lick his dick, balls and ass-hole till we got to the church.

Lew ran in front of us to tell the preacher then came back to join us.

"The preacher was real glad we are here. There was only one other woman to punish and contributions are always better if there are two or more. He said you had the worst sin so you would be last."

"What will he do to me?"

"He didn't say except that we would be using the thong whip since it was your first time."

That was great! I didn't really want to get cut up. My main fantasy was to be whipped in front of a lot of people. The word must have gotten out about the Wednesday meeting. The place was packed.

As usual we had to listen to a bunch of bigoted chauvinistic bull shit but I didn't mind since I was lost in daydreams of the excitement forthcoming. Finally he finished with the bullshit.

"Our first sinner took the family food money to buy herself a fancy brassier. When she has learned her lesson she won't care about brassieres for awhile."

They brought out this bleached blonde wearing a plain house dress. She fought them till her husband slapped her face really hard a few times. Then she just hung her head and whimpered. They took off her dress. She was pretty fat with huge boobs. Some fancy bra! It was one of those heavy duty jobs from Sears and if anybody needed one it was her. When they took off her bra they dropped down half-way to her belly-button. When they took off her panties they revealed a black hairy pussy that left no doubt her hair was bleached. They hooked the log to her ankles and her wrist to the ceiling and lifted her till the log was off the floor. This made her body look better but she was still pretty fat. Then the lights went out and the spotlight went on.

Again the voice boomed, "Do not let her hide her shame."

I expected one of the men to get the clippers but they fooled me. The men on each side of her just reached down and grabbed hair and ripped it out of her crotch. She was screaming like mad by the time it was bald which must have irritated the preacher because he came out of the dark and put a gag in her mouth.

Then they went to her sides and took turns whipping the shit out of those pendulous hooters with thick cowboy belts. When they were completely covered with welts one of the men went behind her and pulled her tits up to her chin by the nipples so the other man could get to the underside till they were completely covered. Then they let her hang so I thought since it was a boob sin they were just going to whip the boobs. Actually they just let her calm down a little and then turned her around and began whipping her ass. She was so fat her ass-cheeks bounced around with every blow and the skin rippled clear up her back. When they finished welting her ass they turned her around again to face us and then they tied strings around her nipples and pulled her tits up and tied the strings around her neck pulling the nipples to their maximum.

"The booming voice said, "That is all the bra you need."

I thought this was it but then the preacher walked out of the dark with a rubber hose. He stood in front of her then began swinging the hose like a windmill burying it in her pussy with up swipes till her head fell forward in a faint and the stage lights went back on.

While they took her down and dragged her off stage Bob and Lew took hold of my arms and led me up the steps to the stage. I must have been the best looking girl they had seen for awhile because they started to whistle and applaud before I even got to center stage. I stood there with my legs shaking with excitement while the preacher told the audience I was a thief.