On the way to the car Lew said, "That was quite a show. Now nobody can bitch because the preacher's kids never have to get whipped."

That had to be the understatement of the year. Hollywood would have a hell of a time beating it for excitement.

When we left the driveway Bob pulled me over on his lap facing him and said, "Put your arms over your head."

When I did he pulled my blouse up and off and then dragged my skirt up the same route. I loved the feeling when the waistband compressed my tits and dragged across my nipples.

I managed to get his fly open. He wasn't wearing shorts and I pulled out his dick to feel that it was as big as my largest dildo. While I gyrated on his dick he pinched my nipples and slapped my breasts with his hands.

After we came I slid to the floor to kiss and lick his prick in gratitude. Shortly later the street light began lighting the car and he had me put up my hands so he could slide the skirt and blouse back on. I didn't want them on! I wanted to be naked in front of everyone. I wanted to be whipped naked in front of them!

I held on to Bob as we went into the house. He asked me if I wanted a drink and I answered, "Yes, Desperately!" I chugged down the first glass and Carrie brought me another.

While we sat at the table Lew looked at me speculatively and began talking quietly.

"You are a very naughty girl aren't you? I can't imagine a nice girl who would go to church with no underwear and let two strangers feel her up and stick fingers in her."

"Oh yes I am terrible. I should be punished!"

"I see. Shall we say twenty lashes on your naked body?"

"Yes... Twenty for each of you."

"All right. I would like to see what we will be whipping. It was dark at church. Take off your clothes and sit on the table."

When I did it they spread my legs and prodded my breasts and pussy while they sipped their drinks. I couldn't stand any more teasing. I begged them.

"Please.. Please whip me. I need it. I am a very bad girl. I'll do anything, just please whip me."

Bob got up and got some rope which he tied around my wrists. Then they moved the table out of the way and Lew held me up in the air while Bob knotted the rope at the base of the fan. When Lew let me down my toes were about a foot off the floor and I felt my muscles stretch and the rope cut into my wrists.

Lew said, "That was kind of an interesting thing having the log between the legs. Too bad we don't have a log."

Bob said "Hold on. We can do something like it. I'll be right back."

Carrie said, "I have an idea too!"

While they were gone Lew kept my excitement alive by sitting in a chair beneath me and amused himself by sticking his thumb in my pussy and his index finger in my ass-hole and opened and closed them to push the knuckle of his thumb against my clit. His hand must have been wet to his wrist when they returned.

Bob used duct tape to secure my wide spread legs to a two by four while Carrie wrapped yarn around the base of my tits till they were hard and throbbing.

When they were done Lew said."Let's wind her up."

He turned me around and around while the rope formed knots and I was lifted higher. Then they got on three sides of me and Lew let go of me and I started to turn slowly. I saw I was not just going to be hit with the thong whip. Lew had the whip, Bob had a long willow switch and Carrie had a thick leather strap.As I turned I was hit any where they felt like it by the whip, then the switch and then the strap.

I was so hot from the anticipation my orgasms started by the tenth lash. Finally I couldn't cum any more and the pain got so bad I fainted.

I have no idea how long I was out. I woke up to stinging and cold from being slapped with wet towels on the front of my body. I was tied spread out to the walls of the opening to the kitchen.

Bob held a glass to my lips so I could drink vodka and 7up while carrie and Lew spread salve on my tingling body. My tits really hurt and I looked down to see they were still tied up and they were turning blue.

Between sips of the drink I said plaintively, "Please untie my boobies. They hurt something awful."

Bob said, "In a minute. I have some presents for you. I made them for Janie."

He held up three round metal medals soldered to large safety pins. He picked out one and held it closer so I could read the words he had punched into them with letter dies. the first one said. "I am a bad girl." The next said, "I need to be whipped." the last one said, "I am good now."

I decided to humor him and said, "Oh yes. They are nice You did a good job."

"Good. I will pin them on you."

He pulled out one of my nipples! I screamed, "No. Please don't!"

"Oh, you are hurting my feelings. I guess I will have to give you the rest of your lashes on these. Maybe with my new wire whip."

While he said this he pinched the welts on my poor throbbing tits. I panicked.

"No. I want them. I just want you to untie them first."

"Oh I didn't understand."

He began to untie and unwrap the yarn. It felt wonderful to have the pressure relieved but they tingled like crazy as the blood began circulating in them again. When they were loose he rubbed them for awhile which felt wonderful.

Just when they were feeling almost normal he pinched my left nipple and pulled it out while Lew and Carrie watched avidly. I clenched my teeth and braced myself when I felt the point pressing the skin. If he hadn't been such a bastard he would have shoved it through fast but he very slowly pushed it through to cause as much pain as possible. I saw a bump like a big pimple form on the right side of the nipple and then the point appeared and he locked it. I asked for a drink to give me time to brace my self for the next one. When it was gone I had no more excuses so he repeated the operation to my other nipple. Through eyes glazed by pain I saw him hold up the last medal.

"You know where this one goes don't you?"

"Oh no Bob. Please. We will do it next time."

"There might not be a next time. Don't worry Carrie will take your mind off of it."

Carrie knelt in front of me and began lapping at my pussy. I was so scared she had to do it for a long time till I started getting excited then I felt Lew behind me and the head of his dick working its way into my ass-hole. He held me steady by my hips and just worked his dick that was buried in my ass in a slow circle. I saw Bob kneel down too and his timing must have been perfect because I didn't really notice the pain when he put the safety pin through both lips of my pussy just above my clit. I must have passed out again for a minute. The next thing I knew I was lying on a bed and they were all naked.

When they saw I was awake they told me I was very brave and they were proud of me. Then Bob began to eat my pussy while Lew and Carrie kissed and licked my breast and nipples flipping my medals around with their tongues. Incredible as it seems I began to get horny again. I desperately wanted something in my pussy so I slid down and told Bob to get on his back and I let my pussy sink down on his rock hard prong. Then he pulled me forward and I felt Lew's dick entering my anus. Carrie couldn't stand it so she put her leg over Bob's chest and pulled my mouth onto her slit. I began to pant which must have really felt good to Carrie as she moaned and slipped off the bed to the floor while Lew was giving me a gism enema and Bob's dick began to soften.

We went to sleep just where we laid.

I was awakened by a neighbors dog barking so I put on my clothes and went home to sleep till noon.

I got up to see the carnage to my body in my three way mirror. I was a mess. I still had nasty maroon welts and scabs in places where the end of the switch cut my skin. There was dried blood on my nipples and pussy where the pins had gone through. I tried to remove the obscene medals but my nipples were so tender I couldn't bear to squeeze the pins together enough to unclasp them. I was going to take a shower to wash off the blood and soften the scabs when inspiration hit! Someone was going to pay for this and I knew exactly who it would be.