"That will mean you would get them all on your front"

"Yes. We are both more sensitive there. We want to be hurt as much as you were. Please do it."

"Well alright. But unless I can imagine you are Bob and Lew I won't be able to hit hard."

"Janie has an idea on that. She said that she hated the people at church who were cheering when someone was being whipped. Try to imagine we cheered while Bob and Lew hit you. If that doesn't make you mad, you should know that if either of us had been with you when you were being tortured we don't think we would have been brave enough to say, 'Don't whip Heather. Whip us instead."

"Do you mean that after all I have done for you. You would not have volunteered to replace me? That makes me very disappointed in you! I will do it! Even though it won't be near as hard. It really hurts a lot to put the needles through the nipples. I will just put one in each nipple and four in the lips of your pussy. That doesn't hurt nearly as much."

For all I knew that might be true. I had been so bombarded with sensations I had hardly noticed it when Bob put the medal in my pussy. The real reason I wanted to do it that way was because I had visions of leading them around by the rings and maybe putting weights on them.

They were overjoyed I would let them pay for their sins. They kissed me and thanked me profusely and then ran to the center of the room and stood under the ropes hanging from the ceiling with their butts pressed against each other and their legs spread.

"Will this be alright, Heather? It should be okay as long as you hit as hard as you can."

"Well...Okay. I won't hit you endlessly like they did me. I will only give you sixty." It suddenly dawns on me that my arm would be tired as hell before I got to one hundred and twenty so I added. "I'll just give you twenty at a time and let you rest in between."

Janie said, "Oh heather that isn't fair for you. We really appreciate you and we will make it up to you somehow. I hope it will make you feel like sex again. If it does you can hit us more."

Shirley looked a little frightened."Heather could you please start with the little black whip so we can kind of get used to it? They used it on you didn't they?"

This was no concession. I planned to do that anyway. I said, "Yes that will be alright although they just used the long one. I know I would have liked it a lot better if they had started out with it."

I tied them with their backs together and spread out. I cut sashcord to lock them together at the waists, knees, and biceps. I was really sorry I didn't have yarn for their breasts and a log for their ankles but I wanted to do this while my marks were fresh. I knew most of them would be gone by the next day. I decided to use the dick gag on Janie so she could get used to a prick in her throat. The ball gag was used on Shirley since she could swallow a softball bat by then.

I stood by their sides and began forehanding and backhanding them with the little whip. I noticed my forehand was better since it almost always created a small cut at the tip so after ten I switched side so they could appreciate the difference. After the forty lashes we were all sweating like pigs So I loosened their arms a little with the winch so they could slump while I went up for a cold beer. I held the medal up on my pussy with my thumb so I could play with my clit while I drank my beer. I was really excited by the time I had tightened them up again and started using the long whip.

God! This whip was marvelous. It would leave a wide red mark in the thicker section on one girl then when the tip came around it would bury itself in the skin of the other.

I really got pretty good with it. I could hit a nipple or bury it into a cunt slit when it came around almost every time and at the same time see the thicker part burying itself into breasts or stomachs.

When I finished that twenty I noticed that Janie was having a hard time breathing so I took out their gags and loosened the ropes to their arms. They thanked me for taking out the gags so I felt a little guilty. Since they were sweating so much I went up and got a six pack and fed them beer while I drank mine.

They moaned but seemed to be resigned to it when I tightened them up again. This time I would face them and just use the tip of the whip to whip their breasts down and sideways. They turned their heads sideways and held them back as far as they could with their eyes shut tight to avoid being hit on the face. On the last go around I went sideways at their pussies to wrench the lips out of shape. When I was done there were bloody places all over their tits, asses, and pussies. I untied them and let them down giving them another beer. They were finally able to stop sobbing long enough to drink them.

Janie asked. "Aren't you going to put in the wires?"

Shirley gave her a dirty look. She must have been hoping I had forgotten a bout it.

"In a little while. They let me rest a few minutes before they did it. We can put some salve on your welts while we rest. I had them lay on their backs while I got on my knees between them and rubbed on the salve. I could see they were beginning to forget the pain and start to get excited by my caresses so I said.

This part doesn't hurt near as much as the whip but it seems terrible because you are helping. They untied me and made me hold my tits still while they put the medals in my nipples. Then I had to spread my legs wide and pinch and pull out the lips of my slit so they could put it on. It is awful hard to be still but if I didn't they said they would tie my pussy open with fish hooks and whip the inside with a barbed wire whip. I was sure they would so I kept still and even managed not to scream. When they were done I had to thank them and suck the men's dicks and eat your Mom's pussy."

"That must have been awful for you. I have seen Mom's pussy. It is awful ugly with all that hair and the inner lips hanging out."

"Yeah and it smells bad."

"I love licking your pussy. To make it more of an ordeal you can spank my butt with the little black whip till you cum."

"Well I didn't think I would ever want sex again but the love you guys are showing me to volunteer to be hurt is making me excited."

Shirley said, "Oh good! I am so happy for you. Do me first."

She gripped one of her tits in both hands to push it out to me. I told Janie to go to the shed and bring back some pliers.

They hadn't got the wires very sharp with the rough grinding wheel so I really had to push to get it through the nipples. Shirley just whimpered and gripped her tit till it was hard. Even as slow as I pushed them through. They were both stuck evenly through her nipples when Janie came back. She seemed relieved Shirley did not seem too upset and watched me avidly while I bent the wires into a circle then used the pliers to twist the ends together.

Then I had another inspiration. I told shirley I had an idea that might take her mind off the piercing of her pussy. I had her lay on the floor and then lift up her butt so I could put the block with all the tacks glued to it under her ass. At first she was able to hold her ass off the block but when we spread her legs real wide and had her pull up the right lip to be pierced her legs began to tremor and her ass slowly came down. By the time I got to the second wire her ass had spread out on the block.

When I was done I clipped off the excess wire where they had been twisted together and slid the knots around close to the outer skin. She got up and looked in the mirror. I told her we would replace them later with real gold rings. She said, "Oh that will be nice. Say..Do you know all those tacks going into your butt makes it ache?"

"No. I have never sat on it. When Janie is done I will put my butt on it while you lick my pussy. I want to know if I can still have an orgasm while I am being hurt."