"Yes Sir. If you want me to Sir."

This was new too. When I was there before she had been an equal partner in whipping me and demanding to have her pussy and ass eaten. Obviously she had lost some privileges.

"I knew you would. Heather might need some working up to it. Come over and get this whip and ask Heather to give you ten lashes on each of your tits. Heather. If we don't think you hit her hard enough we will give you twenty."

I did not need this warning. I was looking forward to getting even with her for the way she worked my tits over.

She went over and picked up the thonged whip and brought it over to me. Then she put her hands behind her head, pushed out her tits, closed her eyes, and compressed her lips.

I hit her as hard as I could while tears ran from her eyes and she screamed through her nose. When I was done she began to sob and caress and comfort her beaten boobies while I said,

"Was that hard enough, Sir?"

Hey. You learn fast. From now on you will call Bob and me Sir. If you forget you will be punished. Now get up on the table. Carrie will eat you till you cum. Just to make sure she works hard we will be spanking her ass and pussy."

Carrie was really in for it. Considering how sore my pussy was and since I planned to do math problems in my head it was going to take a long time to get me off.

I thought it would hurt at first but she was really gentle and I found myself getting in to it. Bob was standing beside her ass with the black snake whip and Lew was behind her with a wide leather strap. They stood silently waiting for me to show some excitement and as soon as I did Bob started hitting her across her ass-cheeks and Lew began bringing the strap up between her legs. In a few moments I forgot all about doing math when her tongue drove into my pussy and her nose hit my clit at every lash she got. When I couldn't cum anymore they helped me up to a chair and gave me a beer to drink while I watched Carrie whimper and caress her sore spots.

Bob looked at my back and said, "You probably have some special salve at home. You probably better go home and put some on. Just jumping around on the table has got some of your welts oozing blood. When you come back we will expect you to call us Sir and to offer some ways to punish you. If we don't like your suggestion we will do one of mine."

Bob went out to the car to get my clothes and Lew followed him out.

Carrie got on her knees and literally begged,

"Please Heather! Don't ever come back. You have made my life pure hell. They never knew a woman could take so much punishment without going to a doctor before you came. Now that they saw what you took at church it will be even worse. They have changed. Now they make me come up with a new idea they can use to punish me or else they will do their favorite. I can't stand their favorite and neither will you. They take me out to the garage and squeeze my tits in the vise to hold me in position then they run a wire from the vise to the bumper of the car and hook another wire to a spark-plug and then whip me with it. They told me the wire is carrying twenty thousand volts. It hurts so terrible I have tried to tear my tits off to get away. I am running out of ideas and I am afraid they will kill me if they hook me to the vise again."

"Why don't you run away or go to the police?"

"I tried to run away. They caught me and hung me up for two days and nights whipping me with everything they could think of. They didn't let me down until my cuts got infected and I ran a fever. By the time I was well enough to go to the cops most of the marks were gone. The cops went and got them but they told the cop they had caught me giving a blow-job to a nigger dope-dealer and the cops said I had the whipping coming and let them go."

I told her I would hide some money under the bush in front of their place and for her to wait until they were going to be gone for a while fishing or hunting and use the money to catch the first bus out of town and go as far as the money could take her.

"Where will I go and what will I do? I have never had a job. I don't have any friends or relatives."

"You can always be a whore now that you look so good. You like being fucked you might as well make some money doing it. Just go to a big town. They won't find you. They never found Janie."

"You are probably right. They only looked for her in this town and about twenty miles around. They won't know I have any money."

I don't know if she did it or not. I left two hundred dollar bills under the bush. I never went back and don't intend to since it took so long for me to heal."

I knew I would have to drive to the ranch since I couldn't reach my back to put on the salve or to disinfect some cuts. I knew they would ask me what happened and did not want to admit my stupidity in going to the church so I concocted a story that I knew would excite Shirley.

I told them that I had been arrested for speeding and drinking. I had begged the cop not to arrest me because my father would take my car away and would beat me up. The cop seemed interested in the part of me being beaten and told me that there was no way I could get out of the offense then added that in the old days criminals were whipped. If I would agree to that my father would never know. I told them I signed an agreement that confessed I was guilty and agreed to be whipped. I knew the idea of such an agreement was ridiculous but I was also sure the girls would believe it. They did and clamored for details. I decided to incorporate a new torture device that Lance was supposed to make for me.

I told them they took me underground to a basement that was sound proof and then tied me to two wheels with my arms strapped outside the smaller wheel and then my legs to the outside of the bigger wheel so I could be turned around like a chicken on a barbecue spit. I told them I was stretched so tight my body just formed a small curve when they turned me facing the ceiling or the floor. The cop who had arrested me whipped me first then made me suck him off and then the other cop who had come down with him. They left me hanging there all night and I would yell every time the door open for another cop to come in who was on break or going off duty. Then I remembered the big butch dike who had taken my money for a parking ticket and added tearfully that the lady cops had whipped me too and one of the lady cops was really big and had me eat her smelly pussy. Shirley broke in at that point.

"Oh Yes! I have seen her drinking coffee and eating doughnuts at the mall. She looks awful mean!

If they had any doubt over my story that convinced them.

Janie said, "I can see how that whipping thing would work. All they had to do was turn her sideways to stick their dicks in her mouth. Did anyone hit you easy enough and long enough for you to have an orgasm?"

"No the first five hit me so hard that when I did get one that hit me easier my body was so sore it would still hurt too much."

Shirley really looked excited, "Oh that is too bad. If they hadn't hit so hard it would have been terribly exciting! How many cops hit you?"

"I don't know twenty or so I think. At the end I was so out of it some of the first ones could have come back again."

"I believe that! You look as if you were hit hundreds of times."

"Yes and the worst part was I never knew when it would be over and I never knew when the door would open up and a new person would be there to whip me again."

They mothered me for the next few days keeping salve on me and catering to my smallest whim. They were always offering to eat me or to fuck me with dildoes. I never had to move a muscle. They did all the work.

Once in awhile I would be awakened from one of my orgasm induced naps by the sound of power tools in the basement. On the third day they said they had a surprise.