I shopped all over town until I found what I was looking for in a leather and saddle shop. They had the whips that looked like a black snake and the other whip except it had three inch leather thongs at the tip instead of the metal tips on the church whip. When I asked the man at the counter if they had the whip with the metal tip he told me that they had sent them back because the customers had returned them because they cut the skin on their animals. He said he could order one but it would take two weeks. That was too long for what I had in mind. I took the ones he had and he offered to dip them in oil to make them more flexible and to keep the leather from cracking. That was great. It took away the "brand new" look. At every stoplight on the way out of town I practiced putting a pained haggard look on my face. I wiped off most of my make-up to improve the look.

I hurried to the ranch where I would have the girls to myself since Lance had flown my folks to Vancouver B.C. for a jazz concert. When I got to the ranch I trudged to the house with my haggard look. The girls must have been peeking out the windows because they came running out to meet me.

I was proud of my acting skills when they looked concerned and Janie said, "Oh Heather what is wrong. You look sick. Shirley. Help me get her in the house."

When we got into the house I said, "Oh Janie. I hurt so much! Let me show you."

"I unzipped my dress and dramatically lowered it slowly to reveal my welts, scabs, and blood clots."

"Oh that is terrible Heather. What happened to you?"

Janie said, "I think I know. I recognize those medals they were going to put them on me for Wednesday church. You have been to my house haven't you?"

I whimpered and even managed to work up some tears. "Oh yes! Janie it was just horrible. I just stopped by to see if they were looking for you. Your Dad pulled me into the house and began yelling at me. He was sure I knew where you were. He said he knew I had something to do with it since you went away right after I had talked to you. They tied me to a chair and slapped me and yelled at me and when I wouldn't admit to anything they took off my clothes and they all whipped me and put these medals on me. Even your Mom whipped me!" I began to howl in anguish and went on. "They whipped me for hours hung from the ceiling fan and tied to the kitchen entry all spread out so they could whip my poor pussy for a long time." I stopped talking to go back to whimpering and sniffling. Janie began to cry along with me.

"Oh poor Heather! They used to tie me to the fan and the entry too, but they didn't whip me for hours. Didn't you faint?"

"Oooh yes. Lots of times but when I fainted they slapped me with wet towels till I came to and then started up again."

Janie began to cry harder "They only did that to me once and that was just so they could give me the last twenty lashes they said I owed them. You should have told on me I wouldn't have blamed you."

"Oh no." I whimpered. "I couldn't tell them even if they killed me. If they find you they said they would whip you till you died."

Shirley made me a strong drink and I sipped it and pretended to calm down. If anybody ever deserved an Oscar it was me. They helped me into the bed and began to put salve on me which took off the clots and removed some of the scabs. That felt really good but when Shirley started to lick my pussy I had another inspiration I screamed, "No don't touch my pussy! I never want to have sex again. They raped me over and over and when they couldn't get hard ons any more they jammed other things in my pussy! That isn't all! They were drinking beer and when they had to piss one of them would force my mouth open and they would piss in it. They kept whipping me while I threw up."

This last part was pure luck.

Janie said, "Oh no. Bob did that to me once. I had to throw up too. These medals were meant for me. I should have to wear them." She reached out to take one off but I screamed, "No! don't touch them I will have to heal before I can take them out."

They kept getting me drinks but I didn't want to get drunk because I might get out of character. After the third drink I acted more calmly and said, At least the church and they won't be able to use those whips on anyone again. When I got the knots loose and sneaked out I stole them. They are in the car. I hope the preacher is real mad at them for borrowing them and then losing them."

Shirley ran out to the car and brought them in.

"Oh yeah! I recognize them. Poor Mom. They will blame it on her and she will get an awful whipping Wednesday. The whip I saw had a steel tip."

I was ready for that. "Yes, I heard them say that they wished they had borrowed the steel tipped one instead of this one. If they had I would probably be dead."

They said I should rest and since the drinks were strong I decided it would be a good idea since I could be "recovered completely" after a nap.

I must have slept a couple of hours and then went out to the kitchen to get a beer since my mouth was dry from the nearly straight vodka Shirley had given me. I looked around for the girls and finally saw them coming toward the house from the workshop in the barn.

When they walked in the door they saw me sipping beer at the table and Janie said, "Oh good. You are up. Do you feel any better? Your welts look better thanks to that wonderful salve."

"Yes I feel a lot better thank you for taking care of me."

Janie kissed me and then sat down while Shirley brought us three more beers."

"Heather. Shirley and I just feel awful about what happened to you. It is all our fault. If you had not rescued us you would never have had to be tortured by those men. We want you to do to us what they did to you. We realize you aren't as strong as the men so we won't be hurt as much but maybe if you rest once in awhile you can make it almost as bad. We know you get excited when you whip us. Maybe you might want sex again. I couldn't live with the guilt if you never wanted anything as wonderful as sex anymore."

This was exactly the reaction I was hoping for but I was sure they would expect me to protest a little.

"I love you for offering but you didn't torture me."

"Oh yes we did! We might have well done it ourselves because it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't helped us. We want you to imagine that is Dad, and Bob and Mom you are whipping. We will wear gags so you won't feel sorry for us if we scream. I won't feel better until I have more marks on my body than you and Shirley feels the same way. Don't you Shirley?"

"Oh yes I feel doubly guilty. You took a real chance rescuing me and then when I told you about Janie you rescued her too. You took a big chance rescuing us. Our folks could say you kidnapped us and nobody would believe the truth since we are kids and they are adults. To prove that we mean it we made these for you to put in our nipples and cunnies. We couldn't find any big safety pins. We thought you could put these in and bend them around to pinch the nipples like the pins are doing yours."

She dropped twelve four inch pieces of baling wire which they had sharpened on one end with the grinder in the shop.

"Why so many. I only have three of them."

"Since you can't whip as hard we thought we should have twice as many."

"Well I would feel better if I was not the only one with things stuck through my nipples and pussy."

"I am sure you would! Please do It we will feel so much better. Oh I hope this is alright. Janie and I can't decide who should be first. Would it be alright if you tied us up back to back and then put one wire in me then one in Janie and when that is done you can whip us one at a time the same way. We think if you do us one at a time with all the lashes you will get too tired to really hurt the second person."