They finally let them down and released them. They grabbed their clothes and walked hurriedly into the wings to dress.

In spite of my disappointment about the whips I became very excited and had trouble controlling my breathing while I moved my legs around to feel the wet lips of my cunt rubbing against each other.

The preacher stepped up to the podium and said softly. "It saddens me to tell you that the next sinner is my very own daughter. I can't bear to tell you what she did. I will just say it was against nature."

Lew snorted, "Haw. He finally caught her giving blow-jobs. I heard she loved doing it."

I caught some movement in the wings and then two men came out leading a very stunning brunette by pulling on her shoulders. Her wrists and elbows were tied tightly behind her back which pushed out her boobs. She was wearing a tight strapless wool dress that really showed off her great body. I recognized the dress! My Mother had made me get rid of it because I looked too sluttish. If she had thought I looked like a slut she should have seen this girl. She was at least three inches taller than me and with bigger boobs. The hem barely covered her ass and her tits were ballooning out of the top. I looked at this girl and then the preacher and decided she must be adopted.

The preacher said angrily, "I do not want to take the chance of being too easy on her. I have asked brother Bill and brother Joe to carry out the punishment.

Lew said, "This is going to be great. Those guys are meaner than snakes!"

They brought her out to center stage. She seemed resigned to her ordeal. There were tears in her eyes but she was not making any noise and did not try to fight the men. I realized they were going to make a production out of this when all the lights went out and a spotlight came on to light her brightly. Except for her it was so dark I could barely see Lew and Bob sitting on either side of me and the preacher at the podium disappeared.

I don't know whether they turned up the bass on the preachers microphone or what but then out of the dark a big booming voice said, "Let the punishment begin!"

One of the men unzipped the back of the dress just enough to get it below her transparent bra. She had big nipples showing through the transparent strapless bra. They left the dress that way and slowly turned her around in a circle.

When she faced forward again they unzipped the rest of it and left it hanging on her hips. They turned her around slowly again to show her small waist and flat trembling stomach.

This was not a church anymore. It was a strip show and the men acted accordingly, laughing, whistling and applauding as more flesh came into view. They kept it up through her whole ordeal.

Then they pulled off the dress and had her make the turn to show her nice ass and the shadow of pubic hair under the panties.

When they took off her bra they hardly sagged which was obvious since we got to see them from all sides.

Instead of taking off her panties they ripped them off which caused her to gasp. When they turned her around they squeezed the cheeks of her ass and pulled the cheeks apart.

When she faced forward again the men grabbed her knees and pulled her legs apart. You could barely see the slit of her pussy in the thick dark hair. Tears had fallen on her breasts which reflected the light of the spotlight.

By now I was really getting excited and anxious to get on with it but the strip was not over.

The big booming voice said, "She should not hide her shame!"

One of the men went to the wings while the other kicked at the sides of her feet to open her legs even further. The other man came out carrying a suitcase and unrolling an extension cord. then he stuck something in the waist of his pants and came back. The other man got down on one knee with his other leg bent at the knee to make a place for them to lay her over with her head and shoulders on the floor and her ass on his leg then they pulled her legs apart till her pussy was gaping while the man with the suitcase took an electric clippers out of his pants and proceeded to shave all the hair off her pussy and the crack of her butt While her stomach jumped from her sobs.

While the man held her over his leg pulling and pinching the lips of her now bald pussy the other man went into the wings again. He came back with a log about four feet long and a foot thick with collars screwed to the ends. He put the log between her legs and pulled her back to her feet. They spread her legs and buckled the collars around her ankles then hooked a rope from the ceiling to her wrists and began pulling her up which forced her to bend over. When she was at a ninety degree angle they picked her up and pointed her ass at us. It gave us a great view of her pussy and her ass. They went to the suitcase and came back with paddles the size of badminton racquet made of leather with several holes in it. One hit the right cheek and the other hit the left with a resounding "Crack!" then they stopped so we could see the effect. Her ass was fiery red with white circles where the holes had been. They started again to hit alternate cheeks till her screams and the sound of the "Cracks!" echoed in the room. I got so excited before they were done I was panting while the audience cheered.

They turned her to face us again and went back to the suitcase to bring back nasty looking whips that looked like black snakes about three feet long. One of them swung sideways at the top of her breasts while the other hit the back to make her tits swing violently from her chin to her stomach. I was going nuts as I clutched my boobs in empathy and pulled at my nipples.

I managed to calm down a little as they let her hang there till her screams turned to moans and then sobs. I thought it was all over when they unhooked the rope from her wrists and pulled her upright. I realized I was wrong when one of the men went to the suitcase and came back with some sash cord which he coiled around the base of her boobies to make them round and hard. This seemed to show up the lash marks even more.

I then saw something I would not have believed was possible. They hooked the rope around the sash cord at the center of her breasts and began pulling up on it while she screamed in agony.

I began panting and clutching my tits again when I felt a hand sliding up my right leg taking my skirt with it this was followed shortly by another hand sliding up my left leg. I slid to the edge of the chair as I felt fingers entering my pussy and ass-hole while their legs hooked over my knees to pull my legs open widely.

Just as I felt a knuckle sliding into my ass The men on stage pulled on the rope and her feet and the log left the stage. She continued to scream while her tits turned maroon as they went to the suit case. They returned with whips like the one Janie had described then pushed the ends of the log to make her spin. While she was spinning they lashed her letting the whip hit wherever her body might be as she turned. I pumped my hips in time with the "Snap!" of the whips.

I felt hands pulling down my peasant blouse till it was at my stomach trapping my arms to my sides. Then they began to pinch my nipples and slap them as I went into a series of orgasms while I watched the girls spin slow then stop and start turning in the other direction While the whips left small cuts with the tips all over her body including her nipples and pussy.

Suddenly the spotlight went out and out of the darkness the booming voice said, "Repent sinners or you will be next!"

They pulled up my blouse and took their fingers out of me seconds before the house lights came on. I looked around groggily and could tell by the facial expressions that I was not the only girl that had been treated with orgasms.

I was so shaky they had to support me by the arms when we walked up the aisle.