We hated the curriculum. We were used to just being taught what was necessary to get high S.A.T. scores so we could get into the college of our choice. This school taught a bunch of extra stuff we couldn't care less about. The other thing that pissed us off was our old friends asking us if our folks couldn't afford to keep us in private school any longer. Shit! My dad could buy and sell most of those bastards and we ended up ignoring them.

The good part was we were kind of celebrities at this school. No-one was impressed with money at the private school but some of these kids were really impressed. They really enjoyed riding around in our convertibles and constantly complimented us on our clothes.

One girl really intrigued me. She was really pretty with a great figure. She wore these hopeless clothes and really needed a decent hair-do and to be taught how to use makeup. She was really mousey and obviously had no idea how pretty she was. Her name, Shirley, was even blah.I checked on her and was told by one of the girls that her father had left and her mother was on welfare. She referred to her as white trash which pissed me off since if that girl's dad lost his shitty job for two weeks she would be on welfare too.

Just for kicks I decided to give her a taste of the good life. I told her my Mother had given me two coupons for the beauty parlor and asked her if she wanted to go with me. She jumped at the chance. I got a kick out of her watching the sidewalks on the way there to see if anyone noticed her in the fancy car.

At the salon we got the full treatment. We had a steam bath, a full body massage with warm scented oil, a hair do, a manicure and a pedicure. She loved every minute of it and really looked good. It seemed a shame when she had to take off the beautiful soft bathrobe they had given her to put her raggy clothes back on. I decided to take her to our place and give her some of my old clothes. When she took off her clothes I saw she was wearing a cheap bra from K-Mart and some baggy panties so I gave her one of my strapless bra's and some bikini panties. I gave her one of my low cut sweaters and a short skirt. She was so happy she spent several minutes turning and posing in front of my three way mirror.

On the way home she couldn't stop gushing about how grateful she was for everything I had done for her I was getting a little tired of it when she said some magic words.

"Oh Heather. You have been wonderful to me. I am so grateful I would do anything for you."

I decided to test that statement. I remembered Mother and Dad were going to be gone to San Francisco for her bi-weekly shopping tour so decided that could be a great opportunity.

"Shirley.. Would you like to come to our place for the weekend? Do you like to swim? We have an indoor pool."

"Oh yes I would love to stay over. I'll have to ask Mom but I am sure she will let me stay with you."

That was an understatement. They lived in a hovel. Her Mother came out half-gassed with a bottle of wine in her hand. She was impressed as well and was more than happy to see her daughter have some fun. It was even better when I saw the brand on her wine bottle and told her My Mom had received a case of it for a present but she didn't like it. I told her I would bring it to her when I picked up Shirley. That was such a lie! My Mother would never have any of that cheap wine in her house. I had great fake ID so I brought a case with me on friday afternoon. I think her Mother would have sold Shirley to me for that case.

I had briefed Lance on what he should do and say. When we got home he was sitting on the couch drinking a beer and watching a football game on our large screen TV. Shirley was even impressed by it! I told Lance That we were going to try on some clothes and then we would go swimming.

I left the door open a crack so Lance could see when Shirley was down to her panties and bra. At that point he walked in with a tray of drinks. Shirley yipped and put her arm over her breasts and her hand over her pussy and kind of hunkered down. I ignored that and said,

"Oh Lance, I am glad you are here. We need a boy's opinion on our clothes."

Then I looked at Shirley and said, "Why are you in that funny position."

"Oh Heather I am embarrassed. I am almost naked! Does he have to be here?"

"Of course. I want his opinion. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You have a lovely body and your pants and bra are the same as a bathing suit."

"Not my bathing suit. It is a one piece that covers all of me."

"You are being ridiculous. Now stand up straight and put your arms by your sides. We have a lot of clothes to try on to see what you want to have."

"I can't! I am just too bashful."

"Well if you are all that bashful you won't like the bathing suit I have for you so I might as well take you home."

"Oh please Don't take me home. Mom will be drunk on all that wine you gave her and she will be mad at me for not pleasing you."

"Well then do as I say."

The little bitch turned her back to us and dropped her hands to her sides. It didn't do her any good since she was in front of my three way mirror but it still pissed me off so I thought I would add a little humiliation.

"You aren't wearing those panties correctly they should be like this." As I said that I pulled the narrow band at her ass in between her ass-cheeks so the cheeks were totally bare. "Now remember that!" I went ahead of schedule a little by giving her a slap on her butt hard enough to leave a hand print in red on her snowy white ass-cheek. I was glad to hear her only protest was, "Oh that stung! I'll remember!"

"See that you do. I have to teach you everything about fashion. If you don't pay attention you will get more."

At that point Lance handed her a drink. I recognized one of his bombers. It was made with chocolate liquor, cream and vodka it tasted good but would really get to her.

I put a bunch of different clothes on her to give her a chance to get used to taking off clothes and putting them on in front of Lance. When she became more relaxed I told Lance to get us another drink and then brought out a really low cut cocktail dress. It was made of silk with a very short skirt. I walked up behind her and unsnapped her bra saying, You won't need this, the dress has a built-in bra" She gasped when I flipped it off her but since Lance was not there she didn't protest. She had really great breasts. They were so big I was surprised there was no sag.

"You have beautiful breasts! If I had them I would be naked at every opportunity."

She actually blushed! "Do you really think so? I have been embarrassed about them. Don't you think they are too big?"

"God no. They are great." She blushed again when I went to her to lift and fondle them. but as I continued to compliment her she relaxed her hands which were tightened into fists as she kept her arms to the sides. I put on the dress for her just before Lance came in with the drinks. She gulped hers down and then giggled when Lance said it really made her look beautiful. She made several poses in front of the mirror then said. "Do you really like me? No-one has ever said I was beautiful before."

I could believe that considering her plain jane look until the salon made all those improvements. We continued to gush over her and that and the second bomber made her relax and really get into posing. I was surprised when she put her hands behind her back and bent over exposing most of her boobs to us. Lance chortled, "That is a great pose. It would turn on a monk."

She blushed and giggled but I noticed she wagged her shoulder a minute to make her boobs move before she straightened up.

Lance looked thoughtful then said, "The only thing wrong is that her panty lines show up."

I looked at her then said, "We can fix that." I reached under the skirt and jerked the panties down then smoothed the skirt over her ass and said, "See isn't that better, Shirley?"