"You certainly should! That is a very expensive floor."

When Lance started to say something I shut him up. "Lance you just stay out of this. This is between us girls. We always have to clean up the messes." This was a crock. Maids came in every day but weekends to clean the entire house.

"Speaking of that, pick up the glass and lick up the drink with your tongue." I could see Lance was enjoying her submissiveness as much as I when she got on her hands and knees and licked up every drop. I had her dry the floor with her tits. when she was done she looked up at me and said, "If this is clean enough I am ready for my spanking."

"Alright I think twenty on your butt and forty on your front would be fair."

"Yes I guess I deserve that."

"Alright. Say I am sorry. Please give me twenty lashes to my butt and forty to my front."

She put her head down and mumbled. "Louder damnit!"


"Alright go up to my bedroom and bring back the whip that is in my top drawer."

Lance had bought the whip to use on me but the skinny braided lashes scared me even after he had soaked it in olive oil to soften it and he never got the chance.

She revealed her excitement by trotting up the steps. If she hated the idea she would have been dragging her ass. She came back hugging the whip to her tits. She handed it to me and said,

"This looks like it may hurt more than the belt.Do you want to tie me up for it so I won't try to get out of the way?"

I wanted to prove to Lance that in spite of all her crying she wanted to be whipped so I said, "No that won't be necessary. You know you deserve the pain and you should be brave. If we have to tie you we will be angry and hit harder. Just lean over the back of the couch."

She amazed me! I really laid them in hard and each thong left a red line but in spite of her cries and sobbing she never tried to move out of position. I kept building her excitement for the next phase by stroking her red butt and letting the ends of my fingers push into her pussy to feel that it was really wet.

I had her climb up on the couch and push her wide-spread toes in between the cushions and the back and then had Lance come to the back so she could hold on to his arms. She leaned her head back and he was kissing her when I brought the first lash in just above her pussy. Her body just trembled and she didn't even break the kiss. She kept on kissing him while I worked up her stomach and onto her boobs. She didn't break off kissing and scream till I began lashing across her nipples. Then I started on her pussy which increased the intensity of her screams. I watched incredulously when she spread her knees further apart and tilted her pelvis to give me greater access. I think I gave her about forty four lashes when she slumped and I knew she got off."

When her cries turned to hiccough's Lance said, "Wow. That was some payoff for a spilled drink."

Shirley answered, "It is okay Lance. I deserved it. I feel better now. Thank you for whipping me, Heather."

"Okay. Come here and give me a kiss. She got up and hugged her red swollen tits against me and kissed me on the mouth. "No not on my mouth. You know where I want to be kissed. She smiled shyly and then slid down my body to put kisses all over my pussy.

"No not that way. Use your tongue!"

I didn't realize the whipping had turned me on so much. She had me in orgasm in no time and I had to weakly slip down to the floor. Lance came over with a raging hard-on. I said between pants, "Look what you did to Lance. Take care of him."

She twirled on her knees and started sliding his dick in and out of her compressed lips. When he hit the back of her throat she would gag but come right back. She swallowed every drop when he dropped his load in her mouth."

When we had rested for a minute Lance offered to get the salve but she refused. "No let it keep hurting it will remind me to be good. That was a crock! she was squeezing and pinching her red skin to keep the excitement."

By that time we were all exhausted so we cuddled together in Lance's kingsize bed.

The next morning Shirley and I were awakened by Lances Deep snores. Shirley giggled and then offered to make us coffee. I told her to bring them up to my room.

I laid some clothes out on my bed and used some Post-ems to put price tags on them.

When she came I went over to her and began to inspect her body. I spent a lot of time doing it because it was fun to have her stand there blushing while I pulled the skin around on her private parts. "Wow. You really heal up fast. There are only a few small bruises on your tits and pussy. That is amazing especially since we didn't put any salve on them."

"Yes I guess I am lucky that way. Once My Dad whipped me so hard with a switch my bottom had huge welts on it but by the next day there were just red lines."

"Really, tell me about it."

"I guess I deserved it. I was about thirteen and I was going swimming with the kids in the neighborhood. My Mom got a bathing suit out of Goodwill that was real old fashioned. It covered me almost to my neck and had a little skirt. A boy I knew just hated my suit and he stole a bikini for me. I was wearing it in my room trying to see all of me in my little mirror when my Dad came in. He got real upset and called me a slut that wanted to parade around in public naked. He had me bend over and hold on to the back of a chair while he pulled the suit up into the crack of my bottom and began to whip me with a willow switch. The switch was real limber because it was willow and they had me keep it in a pipe full of water to keep it wet. When he hit my thighs it would bend around and leave a welt all around it. It hurt so bad I couldn't stand it so I turned around. I knew it was a mistake because the rule was if I moved out of position I would get even more lashes but I thought it would be worth it just to get a small delay. Instead of letting me stand there while he yelled at me an then having me bend over again he said, 'Oh I see. You would rather be whipped on your front. Well you won't move out of position again.' He used one of my belts to tie my wrists behind me to the bedpost. Then he began at my thighs and worked up. It was a good thing I had the bottom on because he hit my crotch a lot and it hurt bad even with the protection. When he hit across my belly button I screamed and pulled on my arms. The catch at the back of my top broke and the top fell off! My boobies weren't as big then but he welted every inch of them and then quit and ran out of the room. I had to stand there with my poor welted boobies bare for quite awhile till he came back in and untied me and made me thank him for the whipping. You know now that I look back on it and know how Lance reacts to my whipping I think he just got too excited to whip me anymore. He seemed disappointed when I brought him the suit and told him to burn it as I never wanted to see it again. It was a good thing I had the old suit or I wouldn't have been able to go swimming for several days till the welts went away."

God her story got me so excited I had to calm down a little before I could talk.

"I don't think you mind getting whipped very much. You had another orgasm when I whipped you didn't you?"

She blushed and said, "It is different when you and Lance whip me. I really hated it when Dad did it. It made me ashamed of myself."

"I think you were ashamed because deep down you liked it. You didn't answer me. Did you cum or not?"

She blushed again and admitted it. "Yes it was glorious! I never had an orgasm till you guys." She thought for a minute then continued. "Does it ruin it for you that I don't mind being punished. Maybe it is that little whip. You can use a switch if you want. It hurts a lot more."