"Shirley, what kind of sex fantasies do you have?

"Well until I met you guys I just had romantic ones where some handsome boy carried me away to a pretty house on a hill. I guess I don't have too much imagination. I have just been extending my experience at the store. In my fantasy I am taken to the jail where all the police and convicts stick their fingers in me and then they all take turns whipping me while I am hanging from the ceiling with weights on my feet to really stretch my body."

"That's it? When do you cum?"

"While they are whipping me, silly. Don't you cum when you are whipped?"

"Oh yeah. I just like to be fucked and sucked too."

"Oh sure I do too. It feels real nice but you can't get the real orgasms with skyrockets without pain can you? Lance, is it the same with boys?"

"Not with this boy. I don't like pain at all unless I am providing it."

"Gee I guess girls are a lot different than boys. My girl friend Janie told me she got off on pain even if her step-father or uncle did it. I didn't know what she meant by getting off till I met you guys."

She smiled at me so I smiled back and said, "I would like to meet Janie, she sounds just like us."

"Oh sure I am sure she would like to meet you too. But she doesn't get to get out much. Her Folks think the school is sinful so they teach her at home. She only gets out during the day to run. Her dad said he wants to keep her in good shape."

I could believe that easily enough since he and his brother were stripping her clothes off her and whipping her.

All this talk was making me horny again so I said"It is my turn to fist-fuck you. You can suck Lances dick while I am doing it."

Once she had her mouth working on Lance's prick I began to work my fist into her pussy. When it was good and wet I took it out and started pushing it into her ass-hole. I had to push and twist my fist as hard as I could till it finally popped through her anal ring. Then I stuck my other fist in her pussy and began to pump them both. It was fun to watch her get turned on but it wasn't enough! She took her head off his dick just long enough to scream, "More! I need more! Pinch my nipples!" Lance evidentally pinched them hard enough. She screamed "AHHHRG," and then went back to bobbing her head up and down on his dong. Poor Lance she kept sucking on it long after he came and it was soft. He grimaced when she worked on the head. Finally she fell over panting with shock tremors going through her body while sweat poured off her tits. I had to have Lance help me spread her legs so I could get my hand out of her ass. It was really gross. It was covered with her shit and blood. I could hardly wait to get to a sink to wash it off."

When I got back Lance had his back to the couch and she was lying against his chest drinking white wine out of a bottle he was holding for her. When he moved the bottle from her lips to his she smiled at me and said, "Thank you. That was a whole new way to get an orgasm."

"Well don't hold your breath till you get another like it. I don't want to get my hand all shitty again and I am sure Lance doesn't want a shitty dick. Now lets get something to eat I am starving."

We went to the kitchen and pulled out a couple of pizza's to throw in the oven. Lance opened some beer for us to drink. while we waited for them to cook Shirley looked at me shyly and said,

"Heather..Maybe if you washed me out with some enemas it would be clean enough for Lance to fuck it. Would you like to whip my titties While he fucks me. You can whip them as hard as you want with whatever you want."

"Do you want to be butt-fucked that bad?"

"Oh yes. Lance said he would put his fingers in my pussy while he was doing it and if you whip my boobs my whole body will be involved." She was getting excited just thinking about it.

I didn't know who elected me boss but I was enjoying it. "Well okay. We don't have an enema bag but there is a gas can and siphon hose in the garage. Lance, why don't you get it and empty out the gas in my car." I wasn't lying about the enema bag but I had a douche bag that would have worked just as well. I wanted something that held a lot of water.

I teased her by eating slowly and sipping my beer. She had wolfed hers down and was so antsy she jumped up to get two more beers to chug down before I said I was ready.

While Lance filled the five gallon can with hot water I glued my douche nozzle to the end of the hose with instant super glue. I had shopped for that douche nozzle. It was about as big as a king size cucumber. I used it for jerking off more than I ever used it to douche.

We took her to the bathroom and put her in the tub then Lance hooked the handle of the gas can over the shower curtain rod and stuck in the hose.

I had her get on her hands and knees and lower her head to the floor then I jammed the nozzle in her ass while she moaned, squirmed and whined. Lance loosened the clip to release the water. This turned out to be more fun than I thought it would be. She began to sweat profusely as the hot water filled her guts and then her stomach began to distend. When the pressure in her guts matched the pressure in the hose she looked about six months pregnant. I let her lay there sweating like mad with the skin of her stomach tight as a drum till she whined she couldn't hold it any more. I let her crawl over to the toilet then I lifted the seat and had her sit on the edge of the porcelain so I could see better. When I let her pull out the nozzle shitty water just poured out of her. You could watch her stomach go back to normal. While she sat there Lance refilled the can. I had her take two more before the water was absolutely clean.

Since what I had in mind for her was going to be pretty rough I decided to give her a break and let her pick out some more clothes to let her set the amount. She ran into the bedroom and began to move quickly from item to item. She decided on the cocktail dress.

"I don't think so Shirley, Eighty lashes are too much to take just on your tits."

She looked a little disappointed. "Yes.. I guess you are right. How about this?"

She held up a dress and some matching panties worth forty two."

"Hey, If you can take that many. I can sure give them to you."

She got a kind of sick, excited look on her face and squeezed her breasts. "Yes I think I can take it. If I pass out before I take them all you can give me the rest later."

"Yeah, sure." If she passed out I would lie my ass off on the amount she still owed.

We went back down stairs and tied her in an "X" shape between the posts. While Lance was rubbing his dick to get it super hard I showed her the rose branch.

"We need to puncture the blisters on your nipples so we can disinfect them. With this we can kill two birds with one stone."

She looked at it with genuine alarm. I was sure she was having flashbacks to the barbed wire. Finally she whined, "I don't think I can stand that much pain."

"Of course you can. You don't have a choice. You said I could use whatever I wanted and this is what I want."

She was about to answer when Lance jammed his dick in her ass while I whipped the top of her tits. We made all kinds of noise. My branch made a "Whit" sound, His body hitting her sweaty ass was making a "Splat" sound while she was screaming and moaning as the thorns tore into her nipples. I didn't count the lashes but when her tits got really bloody I quit. To my astonishment she screamed, "No, don't stop! Whip my cunt!"

This bitch was beginning to piss me off. What the hell could I do to hurt her. I hit her snatch so hard a lot of the thorns tore off the branch and were stuck in the skin. She was bleeding from just below her navel clear to her ass-hole the whole width of her vee but she just kept pumping till her head fell forward in a dead faint.