"Well the bank is asking seventy five 'K' but I know there is only sixty owed on it. If you offered sixty I am sure they would go for it. They haven't had any offers for almost a year. Most people don't like this much isolation. It is ten miles to the nearest grocery store. Kids would have a long walk to the school bus stop."

That was no problem. Lance and I got bonds for every birthday and Christmas from dad and other relatives. We could come up with thirty 'K' each just by selling a few of them. I told him to make the offer. The next day we got good news and bad news. The good news was the bank had gone for it. The bad news was that since we were under eighteen we needed Dad's approval. We dreaded asking but to our surprise he was delighted. "I am glad to see you are interested in investing in real estate. You are chips off the old block." Then he went on to tell us the stories for about the twentieth time, how he had made a killing on a couple of real estate deals. It was no time to remind him that he had bought some land he had paid taxes on for years that had not appreciated. He was even more delighted when Lance told him he was going to put in an airstrip. "Good idea Son! You won't have to pay those greedy bastards hangar rent. I bet you could build condos around it and sell them to other pilots." God forbid. We would have to go shopping again. I replied, "Great idea Dad! of course that would have to be down the line. It would have to be rezoned." He came back, "Oh of course. All real estate deals take time. You have to hold them long enough to make them qualify as capital gain or the fucking IRS will take most of your profit."

We bagged our afternoon classes to close the deal. Shirley was disappointed she could not go along but we did not want her to see the place till we were ready for her. We stopped at one of Dad's ranches to borrow power saws and all kinds of tools then loaded two pick-ups with wood and hardware. Thank god Lance had taken wood-shop to avoid a class that involved study. We worked like beavers every afternoon and night after school. By friday he and I had built a rack to stretch someone with a boat winch, pillories, an X shaped device to tie someone to, saw horses secured to the floor to bend someone over for spankings, our block full of tacks to sit her down on, and an entire table full of tacks. We got so horny thinking of Shirley squirming around on the tacks face down while we whipped her ass and back we had to stop for a quick fuck. Lance found a splintery fence post split in a V shape so he put legs on it so we could seat her on it while we whipped her. I tested it and there was no way I could stand to have my full weight driving that sharp, splintery wedge into my beaver. Of course we put hooks all over on the ceiling, walls and floor to tie her.

Lance said that he only had to make one more solo cross- country flight to qualify for his pilots license so he planned to fly to San Francisco to shop directly for other goodies at a place that advertised all kinds of whips and torture devices in a catalogue. I decided Shirley should have one more treat before we really put the heat on her so I talked Lance into taking us along, He resisted at first because legally he couldn't take passengers but he finally decided he could meet us at a small strip where his instructor could not see us get in and could land at a small field near San Francisco that would not be likely to have any F.A.A. people on it. Her mother borrowed a hundred dollars from me to help pay the rent so of course she had no objections to Shirley going with us. She said something I really did not pay attention to at the time. "I trust you to take care of my little girl. She is better off with you than me."

I hadn't really been interested in flying but I found out it was fun especially when Lance let me control it. I decided I would take lessons too. At the field Lance rented a van and I rented a convertible then we went our separate ways planning to meet at the hotel I had reserved later that night.

Shirley had a blast shopping. I bought her one really nice dress since I knew Lance would want to go to a fancy restaurant, then spent the rest of the time at sleazy shops that must have catered to whores. Shirley had taste for shit. Her favorite things were a satin Mini-dress, a super short vinyl skirt, and a sequinned half-shirt that barely covered the bottoms of her tits. She really had gotten used to being naked. When a man came into the dressing room to hand her yet another transparent blouse she took it from him stark naked without blinking an eye even though he was staring at her shaved pussy.

My feet were getting tired and I was getting bored with all her gushes over the clothes so we went to the hotel. I had her give me a massage and then go down on me. I ordered some champagne from room service then we took a shower together so she could wash my back. I had her wash my pussy and ass-hole then taste it to make sure it was clean. Just as she was drying me off the bellhop arrived with the champagne. It was fun watching his eyes pop while I signed the tab stark naked. Naturally he didn't ask for I.D.

We were lying on the bed sipping the champagne and fondling each others pussies when Lance came in. He got an instant hard-on seeing us so he laid on his back so shirley could sit on his dick while I sat on his face. After that we needed a shower again since the shower was big enough for all of us we washed each other then Lance put on a suit while Shirley and I got dressed. Shirley was disappointed I would not let her wear one of her whore outfits since she thought she was so cute in them but she was satisfied when Lance complimented the dress I had picked out.

While she was in the bathroom Lance told me the place he had gone to was a regular department store of erotica. "It is a good thing I brought the Cherokee six. Anything smaller would not have been able to take the weight of all the stuff I bought. Look at this. The man at the shop demonstrated it for me on his wife or girlfriend. It doesn't make any noise at all but if the way she jumped and tried to scream through her gag is any sign. This thing really hurts. It is just a spring steel wire with a rubber coating. I also bought this gag. Isn't it a gas?" He showed me a short, thick rubber dick with straps and a buckle to tighten behind her head. I had been wondering how we could punish her in this crowded hotel. Lance had the answer.

We still had an hour to kill so we ordered drinks. I had to grin at the bellhops look of disappointment when he saw I was clothed.

"Lance.. Since this is going to be a seven course meal it may be a good time to see if Shirley is ready to go to our country club without embarrassment."

"Good idea. Shall we use the same demerit system?"

"Well yes. But since there is a good chance we may be embarrassed by her I think we should go to ten lashes per demerit to make her try harder. Don't you agree Shirley?"

"Oh yes. If I am embarrass you I should be punished a lot. I will do my best not to be a problem. I guess I will have to pay all the demerits tonight."

"I am sure she thought this was a plus. We fed her another couple of strong drinks. I thought if she was a little tipsy she might get careless."

We watched her very carefully at dinner. We let her take the first bite of every course. She made her first mistake when she used a spoon rather than a fork to eat her shrimp cocktail. She made another when she ate her soup by bring the spoon toward her rather than away. She got two demerits when she dropped her fork on the floor and picked it up exposing her tits instead of waiting for the waiter to replace it. For the rest of the meal she did very well. We finally gave her a demerit for talking too loudly when she gushed over the meal.

On the way back to the hotel she apologized for embarrassing us and thanked us for the great meal and gushed over the beauty of the restaurant and the wonderful way the waiters and busboys took care of us till I finally told her to shut up so Lance and I could decide how she was going to pay off the demerits.