He had her kneel between our seats in the aisle and used the bungee cord to hold her knees to the legs of our seats and then put handcuffs from her wrists to our shoulder belts. While she knelt there sniffling he dug around in the box on his lap till he found a sack of little clips with metal teeth on them. He split them with me and we took turns putting them on her tits and pussy. We left them on her till it was almost time to land. I told her it was for her own good to teach her to be a lady. She actually bought that and promised she would try harder while she soaked her tits with her tears!

We planned to take her right to our new torture chamber but she said she had promised to let her mom know she had returned safely so we stopped by her house. I was wishing I had told her to change clothes as I watched her ass cheeks flash when she ran to the house. I was hoping her mother would not get pissed at the new look.

She was gone for a few minutes. We were getting impatient when she ran back to the car bawling her eyes out. Between sobs she said "Mmmon is gggone! Here look at this."

She handed me a note scrawled on paper torn from a grocery sack. It said,

"Shirley, I hate to leave you but I am in love with a man who doesn't want to be saddled down with a kid. I have not had a chance to be happy for a long time and I can't pass this up. You are old enough to get a job and I am sure your rich friend will make sure you don't starve until you find a job.

Love Mama"

"Oh Heather, what am I going to do. She took all the money in the cookie jar. Even the hundred dollars you loaned her. The rent will be due next week and when I can't pay it they will put me in a juvenile home like they did when she had to go to alcohol detox."

"Hey don't worry Shirley, we have a place you can stay. You won't be able to go back to school though since they check with your parents if you get a bad grade. Lance and I can teach you everything with our books."

"Oh Heather! Would you do that for me! Really! But how can I pay you for my food and rent?"

"How about the same way you paid for the clothes."

"Would I pay for the whole months rent at once?"

"Just as much of it as you can."

"Oh I will be glad to pay for everything!"

Just then Lance broke in and said he needed to talk to me in private. When I met him behind the car he said, "Are you fucking nuts? What is Dad going to say when he finds her up there and what is this shit about her not going to school. The school will go looking for her."

"In the first place if Dad comes up we will know. That is why I am putting in the electric gate. We can always hide her in the basement and tell Dad we lost the key. When the school or anybody else looks for her they will assume she left with her mom. I have the note that could prove otherwise. Don't you see what this means? We have a real slave now. We don't have to worry about making her too sore to got to school and we don't have to pretend we are going to make her a real friend and take her with us everywhere."

"God that would be a relief. She bores the shit out of me any time I am not whipping or fucking her. It is still a little risky but that might make it more exciting. One thing is certain she can't run away with that electric fence all around the place. I will hide the switch for it."

With that settled we took her up to the ranch. She thought the place was beautiful and was thrilled with the satellite tv reception the previous owner had installed. They just had a coat hanger for the antenna for their tv and could only get two channels. Now she had a hundred. Actually she only needed one. All she ever wanted to watch was MTV. She had too short an attention span to watch movies and she wanted to practice her dancing. We didn't hurt her very much the first couple of weeks since we enjoyed the idea of a slave. She waited on us hand and foot and sucked us whenever we felt like it.

We kept up the pretense that her punishments were brought on by her failures. We would stretch her on the rack or tie her in strenuous bondage and tell her if she was brave she should be able to stand it for a set amount of time. We would let her off any time she wanted but she would get a lash for every minute short of the goal. Sometimes just the bondage would get her so excited she would get fantastic orgasms from the whipping.

Her only complaint was that we were not around enough and she got lonely. We tried to explain that we couldn't spend all our spare time with her because our parents would get suspicious. This was true. They couldn't understand why we wanted to fix up the place and put in the airstrip ourselves since we could have a contractor do it and write the cost off our income tax. We tried to convince them we just enjoyed doing the work but they seemed doubtful especially since we had never done any work before.

She really scared us when she told us she had turned off the electric fence planning to climb over it for a walk in the forest. She couldn't climb the fence fortunately but we realized that if she really got desperate she would. Lance asked her how she had turned off the fence.

Oh I couldn't find the switch so I just turned off all the power at the main switch box. Our landlord showed me how to do it because he was tired of coming over to reset the circuit breakers. My mom was always plugging in too many things at once and popping the breakers."

We punished her for turning off the switch with the excuse that she could have caused the food to spoil in the refer and freezer. I stayed with her that night and she told me she could be very happy living there if she could just have a friend. Yeah sure, Like I should kidnap someone to be her friend.

The next day one of the teachers asked me if I knew why Shirley was not in school. I told him I did not know her that well but thought I had better check to make sure that he would be told she left town if he checked. I checked with the neighbors on both sides of her. They didn't know any detail except they just left evidentally to beat the landlord out of his back rent. Just to make real sure I stopped at the house behind hers. It was really a hovel. At least Shirley kept their shack fairly clean. A big unshaven man opened the door wearing a dirty undershirt. He scratched himself all the time I was talking to him. At my question about Shirley he said,

"I never paid any attention to those people. The old lady was a drunk and dragged loud drunk truck drivers home with her. I think Janie knew Shirley. Janie! Get your lazy ass in here."

A girl about sixteen appeared with tousled blonde hair wearing a large black dress buttoned to her neck and with sleeves to her wrists. The hem of the dress was just above her raggy sneakers.

She told me Shirley's mother was going to marry a truck- driver and she told her that if the Landlord asked, they were going to Canada. She hadn't seen them leave.

The man said impatiently "Okay! End of story. Get your ass started on your run. You had better be real sweaty when you get back."

She got a scared look on her face and ran out the door.

This was the girl Shirley had told me about! I noted the direction she was running thanked the man for the information and got in my car to follow her. I caught up with her in about three blocks. I opened the window on her side and told her to get in so I could talk to her.

"No I can't. I have to run. If I am not back in fifteen minutes real sweaty I will be punished."

"You can just run faster later, get in. We can drink a coke and talk." That appealed to her so she got in saying she couldn't stay long. I wanted to hear about her punishments so I invented a huge lie.

"Hey I don't blame you. My folks take down my pants and spank me with a strap for any little thing I do wrong."

"You don't know how lucky you are. At least you have a car to drive and have nice clothes. Mom and Dad have always spanked me but until dad's brother moved in it was always on my clothes. Dad only works once in a while when a contractor needs help and mom just works part time at a 7 Eleven. So they needed him to help pay the rent. One night when mom was working they had me bring them beers. When I opened Dad's some of it squirted out on him. He got real mad and said I needed a spanking. I leaned over the kitchen table like I always do but his brother pulled my dress up because he thought I wouldn't even feel it through all my clothes. It was really embarrassing. They patted my bottom and talked to each other about me being a big girl and having a good butt for spanking. They gave me the worst spanking I ever had. To make it worse they made me give them a kiss and thank them for the spanking and had me stand in a corner holding up my dress so they could see my red bottom after they had pulled the seat between my cheeks." I broke in to say I knew just how that was because I had to do it too. Then I asked her if they ever whipped her naked."