"Oh yes! You too? The first time it happened I had just finished taking a bath when dad yelled at me to come to the kitchen. I put on my bathrobe and went to him. He said, 'This place is a mess! Why didn't you wash the dishes?' I told him I was going to do them as soon as I got out of the tub but this wasn't good enough. I leaned over the table and his brother took some rope out of his pocket and tied my wrists to the legs. They pulled the bathrobe clear over my head so I was stark naked on the table. then they used their belts to stripe me from my thighs to my shoulder blades. They were standing on both sides of me and when they hit my back the end of their belts would hit the sides of my stomach and boobies.

When they were done they tied my arms to my sides by running ropes from my crotch to my arms. The rope cut into my crotch just terrible. Then they had me stand in the corner again. but every minute they would have me turn around so they could see my front as well as my back. When I faced them they told me I had to stand up straight. and if my stomach was not sucked in enough to satisfy them they would whip it with their belts.

This was just terrible so I told mom. She was no help at all. She just told me that Dad didn't want me to be wayward because she had been wayward, got pregnant with me and they had to drop out of school to work to support me. She said I should understand why he might resent me sometimes for causing him so much trouble and then said we couldn't get along without his brother's money and that I shouldn't feel bad about being naked because we were all family.

Since then it has gotten worse. Now I always have to get naked and they hang me from the ceiling fan so they can stripe my whole body."

She hesitated a minute then continued, Last week Dad gave me a bunch of leather strips and told me to braid them together to make a handle. I have to keep it under my pillow and bring it to them and ask them to whip me. The last time instead of having me kiss their lips they made me kiss and lick the things they pee out of till the things spit on me."

"Why don't you run away?

She looked scared. Dad said if I tried to run away he would beat me till I died! Besides, I don't have any money or anywhere to go. I have been saving all the change I find around the house. When I save twenty dollars I will run away."

"How much have you saved."

She said proudly, "I already have four dollars and thirty one cents."

"Look I am going to run away too. I have a car and lots of money and a friend in California that can get us jobs."

"Gee I will have to think about it. Dad may want to kill you too. And I have been told never to owe anyone for anything."

"Tell me the truth! It excites you to get naked and whipped by those men. Doesn't it?"

She blushed and then answered, "You too? But it is getting less exciting and more painful. every time they hurt me a little more."

"Do you always run at the same time?"

"Just on wednesdays, fridays, and Saturdays. Those are the nights Mom works and they always start me running at six in the evening when she goes to work. When I get back if I am not sweaty enough they whip me. I am never sweaty enough."

"Alright you think about it. If you decide you want to go I will be waiting for you at six next friday at the next intersection. Leave a note under your pillow that you are going to hitch hike to Canada to stay with Shirley and her Mom. I am sure Shirley really went to California because one of your neighbors saw California plates on the truck."

She got out of the car and began to run very fast to work up her sweat. I was really disappointed and jealous of the men who were getting her to do all those things because she was too dumb to go to the police.

On wednesday Lance flew Mom to Portland to do some shopping so I had Shirley to myself. He was too wimpy to really hurt her so we had not used the splintery fence post yet.

Janie's story about tying her arms with ropes to her cunt appealed to me so I tied sash cord around her arms then pulled up on the outer fringes of her cunt till space opened up in the middle. I used the winch to lift her up and let her down gently on the post. I told her she should be able to sit there for twenty minutes because all she had to do was grip the post with her inner thighs to keep her pussy off the sharp edge.

After a few minutes I could see her pussy was no closer to the splinters so I decided that was too easy and tied ten pound weights to each ankle.

She began to sweat from the strain and whined, "Oh Heather, this is too hard. I have to grip the post so tight I can feel splinters going into my legs."

"Come on. Don't be a wimp! You only have a little more time to go. I'll help you, if you quit before the time is up you will get twenty lashes."

I sat at the end of the post watching her cunt get closer and closer millimeter by millimeter as her legs tired. Finally about two inches of the sharp post had disappeared in the crack of her snatch and she sobbed. "Let me off and whip me! It is tearing my pussy. It won't go any deeper anyway."

"Prove it. Spread your legs."

She squinched her eyes shut and spread her legs slightly. When I made no comment she spread them further. This really made her gasp and sob. I made a mental note to tie her legs wide apart the next time I put her on it.

I told her that proved it and she was relieved she would soon be off of it as she clenched her legs back together driving more splinters into her cunt and inner thighs. She began screaming and never stopped when I fooled her by whipping her ass and tits while she was still on the post. She squirmed and jumped with the lashes until she drove in so many splinters it took me fifteen minutes to pull them all with a tweezers while she cried.

"Oh Heather.. You are getting too mean. My poor pussy is all torn. I want to leave. I would rather be in the juvenile home than here."

"Yeah I know I got carried away. I'll make it feel better."

I ate her pussy until my tongue and jaw muscles ached before she could forget the pain enough to cum.

I knew I could go even further when she said, "Thank you for taking the pain away. I am sorry I said I wanted to leave. Lance isn't as mean as you but you both make me cum. As long as I can have orgasms I can stand anything."

"Don't worry Lance and I love you very much. We will always give you great orgasms. Oh yeah I have a surprise for you. Thursday of next week we have a day off from school. By that time Lance will have the air strip done and we can fly you to Seattle for shopping."

"This really brightened her up and she said, "Oh that will be wonderful. I love you guys too. I'll do anything for you."

"Really. That reminds me. we got something in the mail so I can get you off when Lance isn't here. Close your eyes. It is a surprise."

I pulled off my dress which left me naked since I had stopped wearing underwear and started strapping on a dildo. When I was done it was sticking straight out from my crotch. The other end was bent and was buried in my pussy. When I went over to her she was still on her knees with her eyes shut.

"Okay open your eyes." She looked at the little rubber spikes all over it greedily ."Isn't it great! It will never get soft! We can fuck till we can't stand it anymore." She couldn't resist feeling it and moving it around. That made me gasp when the corresponding spikes in my pussy teased my clit. I had her suck on it to get it wet which moved it around in my pussy to get me more excited. She laid on her back and I mounted her and fucked her till I got so excited I became uncoordinated and rolled on my back so she could sit on it and gyrate. My orgasms became closer and together and got progressively intense till I thought I was going to go crazy when she finally fell off on her side. We were both panting and soaked with sweat.