"Oh. You aren't going to make me pay till we get home will you? Someone may hear! I will try not to yell but sometimes I can't help it."

"Don't worry about it. We have that covered. Now just shut up. Lance, since we don't have anything to tie her with I think she should just come to us in turn and assume any position we like. Since giving her ten at a time would force one of us to give her more lashes than the other I think we should just give them to her five at a time."

Shirley broke in as she must have realized there would be no way she could get a climax with just five and a delay in between.

"I feel really guilty for embarrassing you guys in that fancy restaurant. I hope no-one you knew was there. I would be willing to take sixty instead of fifty to make it come out even"

I acted as if I was doing her a favor. "Well alright if you want that. Just don't forget you asked for it."

Back at the hotel we had her strip while we kept our clothes on since I knew she was more humiliated when she was the only one naked. The dildo gag filled her mouth so completely she could only breathe through her nose and I saw her body shudder occasionally when it hit her uvula and made her gag. I handed her the whip and told her to try it out on her thigh since we had never used one like it. She hit herself fairly hard on the front of her thigh. Her eyes widened in shock at the amount of pain she had caused and the dark red line running down her thigh.

We left her standing in the middle of the room inspecting and bending the whip while we went to a corner to flip a coin to see which of us would be first. I whispered to him. "I don't want her to get off. After every series of ten, stroke the part you hit and tell her you will soothe it till she calms down."

Lance won the toss and had her bend over and hold on to her knees while he placed evenly spaced lines on the lower part of her ass and upper thighs. She was panting heavily through her nose in excitement so Lance stroked her for quite awhile till she began breathing normally.

I had her put her hands on her ass and lean back as much as she could while I striped her upper thighs and her mons pubis. I also stroked her but kept my hands away from her pussy.

Lance liked that position so he had her assume it again while he striped her stomach.

When she came back to hand the whip to me I told her to put her hands behind her neck and push out her tits.

She shook her head frantically which proved just how vicious this whip was.

"I said, "If you shake your head 'No.' again all ten will go to your nipples!"

Tears began flowing from her eyes but she put her hands behind her neck. I had her push out more and more till her muscles were trembling from the tension and then quickly laid ten stripes across her tits with one right across both nips. I was afraid she would get off if I stroked her sore tits so I just patted her on the back and said, "There, there baby. I know that hurt. I am proud of you for staying in position. When she finally calmed down I gave her the whip and she walked shakily over to Lance.

He had her turn her back to me then got on his knees so I could see everything. He hit her vertically on the outside portion of her left cheek and thigh, then the right cheek and thigh working toward the middle till the last three went between her cheeks and hit her anus and the lower part of her cunt. He fucked up! She was definitely in orgasm and fell to her hands and knees letting her head sink to the floor as he continued her orgasms by stroking her inflamed pussy. I decided that it was too late to worry about it so let him keep stroking her till she finally rolled over on to her side and closed her legs with a look of pure bliss on her face.

That had ruined it for me so when she finally got up and came over to me with the whip I told her I thought she had enough for one night and I would give her the last ten when we got home. I took out her gag so she could thank me over and over then offer to go down on me for being so nice to her. I was ready for that so I had her take off my clothes and laid back in an easy chair while she tongued my clit and toyed with my nipples. This got to Lance so he fucked her from behind while she was eating me.

After we had all cum we were tired so we got into the bed with Shirley in between. She began prattling while she toyed with my pussy with her left hand and Lances limp dick with her right.

"Oooh that whip hurt worse than anything you have used before. I took it without being tied up. Aren't you proud of me?"

We both mumbled about how proud we were and how brave she was then I told her we were tired and wanted to go to sleep. This didn't bother her, she just moved her hands to her pussy and nipples and we had to listen to her pant and make funny little "Yip" sounds till she brought herself off and went to sleep.

The next morning she wanted to wear one of the new outfits she had picked out. I didn't want her to wear it because I wanted to go to brunch and it made her look like a hooker. Before I could object Lance said she could as long as she didn't wear panties or bra and if she wore the skirt backward so the full length zipper was at the front. She readily agreed because she thought Lance wanted her tits and cunt to be readily available to him. The top was just a strip of white cotton with elastic at the top and bottom. for the bottom she wore the white vinyl mini skirt. Both of them were too small for her. The top showed a lot of cleavage and the skirt barely covered her ass. She just grinned while she stood in front of Lance while he pulled the top down even further till it just covered her nipples and tugged down the skirt till her pussy hair would have shown if she had any to show. I was embarrassed to be with her until I realized the odds of seeing anyone we knew was very remote.

Lance had unloaded the van into the airplane and had turned in the van at the hotel so he rode back to the airport with us.

Just for kicks we sent her into a Mcdonalds to get breakfast sandwiches and coffee so we could watch the men staring at her from our parking place by the window.

On the freeway to the airport Lance noticed the passenger of a truck staying even with our car was staring at Shirley's tits. He grinned and pulled down her top to expose them completely. Shirley tried to act embarrassed but she didn't try to cover them and I knew she was enjoying the attention. When the passenger stuck his fingers in his mouth to whistle and began to applaud Lance unzipped her skirt and pulled her ass forward by tugging on the lips of her pussy. When her ass was on the edge of the seat he spread her legs and jammed in three fingers. That damn near got us killed! The driver tried to see the action and almost pinched us into the guard rail. I told her to cover up and followed the truck to our exit to make sure he didn't follow us.

I was really pissed off. We weren't even supposed to be in California. If we had wrecked we would have been in trouble.

I told shirley she should be ashamed because I knew she enjoyed showing herself and that ten lashes she owed me were going to her tits and pussy. She apologized which I told her just proved she was enjoying it. If she hadn't she would have nothing to apologize for.

The Cherokee Six has an aisle down the middle so I had Shirley strip and hook the back of her knees on the back of the seats and lay back in the aisle so I could give her five lashes to her tits and five more to her gaping pussy. Lance turned on the autopilot so he could watch.

When I was done Lance had me fly while he went to the back of the plane and dug around through he stuff he bought till he found the box he wanted and a couple of bungee cords used to hold down cargo. I was glad to see him come back because his weight at the back of the plane made me push forward on the wheel to keep the plane level. It was a hard push and my arms were getting tired. It wasn't till he got back that I found I could have just trimmed the plane with a little wheel to take off the pressure.