That wasn't even close to true. I had jerked off all the time she was whipped, burnt, and while I was eating her. I had cum over and over. I said lovingly, "That is alright Darling. I am just happy you could."

"Oh no. That isn't fair. Get out of the pool."

As soon as I stood there by the side of the pool she got on her knees and began to lap at my pussy and suck on my clit. My knees got weak so Lance went behind me and put his arms around me to hold me up by my tits. It was just glorious. After I came we laid by the pool and gently stroked each others pussy till Lance said, "Let's go look at our movie."

We made fresh drinks. Shirley and I sat on the couch while Lance rewound the tape. I couldn't resist touching the small blisters that were forming on her nipples. "Doesn't that hurt terribly?" She stroked the other one and said ,"No not really. It is a kind of tingling pain I can live with. It must be that salve. I wonder what is in it?" I didn't know so I asked Lance to look on the bottle. It had a bunch of things but the only thing I recognized was codeine. "It doesn't matter, the main thing is it worked. It hurt so bad I couldn't describe it when I pushed my nipples into those cigarettes. It took all my nerve to push into them. Are you proud of me?" Naturally we said we were and I added, "Nothing we could come up with could hurt you as bad as you hurt yourself." This seemed to shock her. "Oh gosh. You are right I did do it to myself. Lance didn't push them into me. I did. I must be crazy." I certainly didn't want her running down to see a headshrinker so I quickly replied. "No you aren't crazy. You were just excited. It is natural for anyone that excited to want even more." She looked doubtful, "Would you do it?" I had no choice but to lie. "Well of course I would as long as I was excited enough. I would have to be very close to orgasm" She brightened up immediately, "Oh good! I am not crazy I was just at the edge. In fact I came while I was kissing him!"

I thought to myself that she must get fantastically excited. I could lose the edge just by having the phone ring. Setting my nips on fire would have had me climbing the walls to get away. I began to feel a little jealous of her.

Lance moved us aside so he could sit between us. After pushing "Play" on the remote control he dropped his hands down to our crotches and began playing with our pussies. Shirley and I had to giggle when our hands touched and we realized we had both reached for his dick at the same time.

I had been busy operating the camcorder and didn't realize until I saw her on the big screen that her improvised dance was so good and so sexy. As usual she fished for compliments.

"Oh I don't look nearly as clumsy as I felt while doing it. Do I look alright?" We complimented her and at least I really meant it as she went into her sensuous strip. She was grinning and bubbling over with happiness till we got to a part I thought was very sexy. She was so limber she removed her panties by putting her thumbs in the sides and slowly bending over till she let go of them at her ankles. All the way down she kept her head up with a sultry look on her face to keep her boobs in sight at all times. On the way back up she slid her hands along her inner thighs and when she got to her pussy she hooked her thumbs in the pussy lips while she spread her legs to pull her cunt into an oval hole. Her eyes widened and she yipped, "Oh no! I don't remember doing that. That is so terrible and slutty." From that point on we got a running commentary on how terrible she was. She hated it when she spread her legs and walked down the wall with her hands to get to a full back bend with her hips pumping her wide open snatch. She couldn't believe all the times she had one hand or another working her pussy but the ultimate was when Lance whipped her pussy.

"Oh God, I am a complete whore! Look at me, I am trying to fuck his whip! I would just die if anyone saw this."

As a joke I giggled and said, "I don't think we will give it to your mother until her birthday." It was no joke to her!

"Oh God no! You couldn't she would kill me! Once we were downtown and the wind blew up to show my panties. Some boys were on the corner and they whistled and yelled. Instead of being mortified the way I should have, I giggled. She was so mad by the time we got home she whipped my butt with a piece of barbed wire till it was so torn up I couldn't go to school for three days. I can't even imagine what she would do if she saw this."

Oh shit! this was perfect! I could hardly keep a straight face when I said sternly, "Don't worry as long as you are obedient we will never give it to her."

"Oh I will be obedient. I'll do anything you want. I would do it anyway. I would rather have you kill me than her."

Good why don't you start by making us some more screwdrivers. Squeeze some more oranges."

I wanted her to be away for awhile so I could talk to Lance.

"Jesus, this is going to be great. We had a slave before but now we have a complete slave. Do you know what this means? We can satisfy any fantasy we ever had or have no matter how gross or painful to her it may be. Do you have any favorite fantasies?"

"Yeah I have thought a lot about fist-fucking a girl but her pussy is really tight around my dick. I doubt I could get my fist in her."

"Come on! Get real! She is going to be squirting babies out of that hole. Your fist will be a breeze."

"Yeah sure. I guess it hurts a lot to have a baby but a baby's head is a lot bigger than my fist."

"Her barbed wire story turned me on but we don't have any. Wait a minute! We have something close. I'll be right back."

I went out to the rose garden and put on the gloves and picked up the clippers we kept there. I looked around and finally found a branch about three feet long with a couple of roses on the top. They were waiting for me when I came back so I clipped off the two roses and stuck them in her hair over her ears. "There you go, pretty roses for a pretty girl." She grinned and chortled.She was really easy to please. I dropped the branch to the floor and told her to go get the dog collar and leash hanging on the coat rack by the front door.

When she got back I had her get on her hands and knees while I buckled the collar around her neck. I led her around the room while saying "Come on doggy. That's a good doggy. Isn't this a cute doggy, Lance?" Instead of being humiliated the way she should the dumb bitch was getting a kick out of it. She began to yip and bark for chrissakes. It pissed me off so I said, "It is too long since I had an orgasm." I laid on my back and used the leash to pull her mouth down to my pussy. While she was happily lapping her face off I said, "Lance don't you want to fuck our cute little doggy?" He did and began thrusting from the back pushing her head deeper into my crotch. When I could tell by his agonized expression that he had cum. I raised my arm and began to pump my fist in the air. He caught on and later told me he put his fingers in her one at a time and then finally put his thumb in his palm and shoved in his hand. As soon as his knuckles were in he closed his hand into a fist. Evidentally this was when she really noticed. She lifted her head and screamed, "What is happening! My pussy is tearing!" I just told her to shut up and that she was all right." Now get back to my pussy and suck on my clit! I am about to cum."

Lances fist was going like a triphammer when she just fell over on her side panting like crazy."

I was pretty tired myself so we took a break and had some drinks while we talked. Shirley said, "What happened, Lance? Your peter just got huge. I was afraid you were going to tear out my cunny."

"That wasn't my dick! It was my fist and my wrist. Doing that has been one of my sex fantasies."

She looked shocked. "Really!" Then she giggled, "I guess I really have become a loose woman." I laughed with her then said,