That was the end so Lance turned it off and said. "We have the girl. What we need is a dungeon. It would make it a lot scarier for our slave."

"That shouldn't be too hard. There is bound to be a house around here somewhere that is isolated and has a basement."

"Yeah! I'll get a real estate company to start looking for one.The idea is making me horny again. How about a 69."

That sounded good to me. After we came we went upstairs, climbed into bed with Shirley and slept like logs.

The next morning when I woke up Shirley was gone so I woke Lance so we could look for her.

We found her in the kitchen making breakfast. It was a regular Sunday brunch with ham, bacon, scrambled eggs, waffles and fresh fruit. She was juicing oranges when we came in. She rushed over to pour us some coffee wearing an apron that covered her whole front. I asked, "Why are you wearing clothes? We didn't tell you to put on clothes. You know we want you to get used to being naked."

"Oh I'm sorry. I am used to being naked. Honest! I was just afraid some grease might spatter on me. I'll take it off. I am really sorry, you can punish me if you want to."

"Maybe later. Right now I am starved and this looks great."

She took off the apron and began to pour our juice and put food on our plates. I was amazed at her recuperative powers. All those nasty welts I had put on her had faded to red lines. She was very chipper and I noticed she was wearing the high-heeled shoes and had become used to them enough to move around gracefully. Lance must have noticed too because when we had finished eating and was sipping coffee he said,

"Shirley, you move very gracefully. Do you know how to dance?

"Oh thank you.I haven't had any training but I dance along with the movies on TV. I love them. I must have seen 'All that Jazz,' and 'Chorus Line' over twenty times. One of my girl friends had a VCR and I used to rent musicals and we would play them over and over till we could do all the routines."

"I have an idea. Let's make a romantic musical. Go upstairs and put on Heather's sexiest underwear and cocktail dress. I'll get the camcorder ready."

When she left Lance explained, "I am going to have her do a strip tease for us then have her beg to be whipped."

"That is alright but she will go further. Have her hold her pussy open while you whip it. If she gets hot enough I'll bet she will go for the cigarette bit."

"What the hell. I'll go for it. If she doesn't want to we will have an excuse to whip her for disobedience."

She came down in a few minutes. She had made a good choice the short skirt on the dress had a pleated skirt to allow full leg movement and had several buttons on the front so she could take them loose one by one to slowly reveal her upper body. Lance explained the scenario.

"Great you look just beautiful. What we want you to do is a strip tease. Have you ever seen one?"

"Well I saw the one in the movie "9 1/2 Weeks." Would that be alright. I danced with her on that." She blushed and added, "I didn't take off my clothes though."

"Good I even have that tape. Heather, cue it up while I explain the rest."

I got up and started going through our C.D.'s while I listened to him in the background.

"I want you to take off your clothes slow and sexy while you are dancing. When the music stops I want you to come over to me and get on your knees and say, 'I love you. Please whip me so I can prove my love.' Can you remember that?"

"Yes, but I haven't done anything wrong."

"I know you haven't done anything wrong. I want you to want to be whipped just because I want to and you know it will get me excited."

"Oh yes. If you get excited enough will you make love to me?"

"That is up to you. If you are really good I will fuck you and Heather will lick your pussy."

She looked at me slyly and said, "I really do love you, both of you. I will do anything for you if you love me."

I planned to talk to Lance about volunteering me for things without checking with me first. But, in this case, if she followed orders I would lick that sweet pussy till she passed out again."

She did a really good job on the dance. She had natural grace. I had to take dance and ballet for years to develop that much grace in movements. When the dance was over she finished with a slow split that made her pussy open up then crawled over to Lance got onto her knees and made her lines even better.

"I love you. Let me prove my love. Please whip me. Whip me as hard and as long as you want."

If you really love me you will want you whipping on your most sensitive place. Your cunny."

"Oh that will hurt awful but I guess it has to. You know I don't mind being whipped on other places."

"Yes and I want you to help. You will hold your cunny lips open so I can hit your most sensitive places"

"Oh I don't know if I can do that. Will you hate me if I can't?"

"No I won't hate you but I will be real disappointed at your lack of courage."

"Oh. I'll try real hard to be brave."

We didn't have the pin block so I took a cushion off the couch and put it behind her. I wanted her pussy high so he could get to all of it. She put her ass on it and leaned back. She spread her outer labia as told. Lance was really enjoying her submission. He made it last by telling her to spread her legs even wider and to pull the lips even further apart till the skin was stretched and you could see clear inside her.

At the first lash with the end of his belt she screamed and snapped her legs shut. Before Lance could say anything she ran her fingers over her pussy with her middle finger inside then slowly opened them again with tears coming out of the outer corners of her eyes. Her finger was wet.

We didn't need the cushion. By the fourth or fifth lash she lifted her ass up from the cushion to thrust her pussy towards his belt. Just as she was about to go crazy I lit two cigarettes and held them out to Lance. He stopped whipping her and pulled her up on her feet. She looked dazed.

Lance took the cigarettes from me and stuck both of them in his mouth to puff on them till they had long coals while he watched her pulsating body then he said quietly.

"You really do love me don't you?"

She panted, "Oh yes! so much!"

He lowered the cigarettes to be even with her nipples and said, "Then put your arms around me and kiss me."

Her eyes widened in fear put she put her hands behind his neck and moved forward till the cigarettes were almost brushing her nipples. Then she sighed and slowly pushed her nipples into the cigarettes until his hands were buried in her tits while giving him a deep kiss. She held the kiss for a long time while her body trembled violently. then moved her head back far enough to say, "Oh they burn! They are burning up!"

Lance said he would get the salve but she said, "No! No! Just fuck me. Fuck me hard."

He put her ass back on the cushion. She was so wet his dick made a "Slurping" sound when he buried himself into her. I got down on my hands and knees and began licking and kissing her burned nipples. And when Lance came I jumped between her legs and kept her orgasms going till she completely relaxed.

She said dreamily, "Oh that was so wonderful. Thank you. Thank you so much."

This girl was fan, fucking,tastic. We had whipped her pussy to a froth and burned her nipples and she was thanking us for it. Lance had gone for the salve that I knew would kill the pain in seconds while I was eating her so he began putting it on her nipples while she stretched like a cat. I swear if she could have she would have purred."

Lance thought the cool water of the pool would help her so he took her to it while I made screwdrivers with double vodka. When I got back to them she was kissing his soft dick with her hands squeezing the cheeks of his ass." I joined them and kissed the back of her neck and her ears while I rubbed my pussy against her great ass. She said, "Oh poor Heather, you didn't get to cum."