God this was fantastic. I could hardly wait to tell Lance.

"No it doesn't ruin it for me. I know if I really want to punish you I can whip your upper back and shoulders. I know that doesn't turn me on at all."

"Oh you mean you like to be whipped too. That is wonderful I thought I was crazy. I worried all night."

"Well I can't take them as hard as you. Look on the bed, I laid out some clothes for you. If you are going to be with Lance and me you will need better clothes."

She picked up a soft wool mini-dress and held it against her while twirling in front of the mirror. "Oh this is beautiful. But I have seen this at Nordstroms. How can I afford to pay you for it."

"It isn't so bad. Look at the price I put on it."

She looked at the tag and said, "I can't believe this is only thirty dollars. Maybe I can get a job!"

"That isn't thirty dollars. It is thirty lashes."

"Oooh I can earn them by being whipped. I'll take them all!"

No way! I wanted to spread this out. "No you can just earn one per day. Also we have to train you to walk and use proper etiquette if you are going to parties with us. We don't want you to embarrass us."

"Oh really. You mean those fancy parties? I will really try. I learn fast. Honest!"

"I have a way to help you learn fast. Every time you make a mistake you will get a demerit earning you five lashes."

She agreed quickly thinking she would get a lot of orgasms. She was in for a surprise. I knew it took a lot of lashes to get her off and I planned to just give her five at a time as she made mistakes so she would get the pain without the relief of an orgasm."

"Fine we can start right now. First of all you slouch. From now on you will stand up straight and keep your stomach sucked in. You also must walk with your toes straight ahead and get used to high heeled shoes."

I was a little disappointed because she did learn fast. She walked around the house with perfect posture in the five inch heels. I had an inspiration. "We have a willow tree. Let's go out and pick out a switch."

"What should I wear outside?"

"Just the heels. The place is fenced with a gate. No-one can come in without calling the house to have us open the gate." This wasn't completely true all our cars had remote controls to open the gate but I knew Mother and Dad would not be home until tuesday.

When we got outside she said, "Oooh I feel so naked! I can feel every little breeze on my body."

"Yes. It is kind of exciting isn't it."

I caressed my breasts not so excited by the breeze on my naked body as the fact I was getting her to go willingly to get a switch she knew would hurt more than our little whip.

She looked at me and said, "Oh you too. You should try it after your boobies and cunny have been whipped. It makes them real sensitive."

She heard a plane fly over us and looked up in alarm. This made her stumble over a lump in the lawn.

I said, "That is one demerit."

She didn't seem to notice. "Do you think the people in the plane saw us? That kind of excites me. Once I stole a pair of earrings and got caught. The manager and two security guards took me into a back room and made me take off my clothes so they could search me to see if I had stolen any thing else. When I was naked they stuck their fingers in my pussy and ass-hole looking for any small item. I was blushing but it was terribly exciting. They kept me there for about a half-hour till the manager said they would give me a break and let me go."

God she was naive. She could have sued that store for a mint. I told her so.

"Oh no. I couldn't let anyone else know about it. My dad would have killed me. Besides that I liked it. In fact about a week later I went into the store and told the manager I felt terribly guilty about trying to steal from him and deserved a spanking. He had me take off my clothes and lay over his lap while he spanked me with his hand. It was terribly exciting and I might have had an orgasm but one of the employees called him on the phone with some problem and he had to leave. I never went back because I realized the employee could have come back to the room instead of calling."

By that time we had reached the willow tree so I handed her the cleaver I had taken from the kitchen so she could cut a switch. She cut one about five feet long while saying, "This is like the one Dad used." On the way back to the house she stumbled again since she was concentrating on taking the branches and leaves off the switch. When I said, "Two," she revealed she heard me on the first demerit. "Gee, I have only been up and hour and I already have ten lashes coming. By tonight I will owe a million."

I laughed and said "I doubt you will fuck up that much. Maybe only nine hundred thousand."

When we went into the house we found Lance drinking coffee and digging in the refrigerator for snacks. He put a bunch of cheeses, meats, and bread on the table. I explained our education program to him including that the punishment would be immediate and that whoever caught her mistake would be the one who punished her. Shirley whined, "You mean I can't save them up and take them all at once? What if I do good. Can I get credits?"

Lance said, "Yeah that's fair if you pass a test you can get a credit for five lashes." I gave him a dirty look but I didn't want to argue the point since I was sure she would fail most of the tests."

"Well you failed the high heel test. Stand up for your demerits." I had her stand there facing me with her legs wide apart because I wanted to see if the switch worked as she had said. I am going to give you five on each thigh. Are you ready?"

She clenched her fists by her sides and nodded. It was just as she had said, that limber switch applied to the inside of her thigh made a complete circle around her leg leaving a red welt kind of like one left by a tight garter. By the time I was done she had ten red lines round her thighs with the top ones just below her pussy."

Lance looked shocked. "Wow. That switch really marks her bad. Why aren't you using the whip?" Shirley answered for me with tears brimming in her eyes, "Because it has to hurt bad if I am going to learn fast."

Lance went on, "Those heels make your legs look great. Walk around for me. Great, walk faster." He was really loving this. Walking fast in those heels was making her ass and tits shudder like crazy. Then he had an inspiration. "Let's test your poise, put this book on your head and balance it there while you walk around. He issued commands like a drill sergeant. "Forward march. Left turn. Right turn. Halt. She finally got confused, stumbled and the book fell from her head.

Lance grinned and stood up to pick up the switch. "This switch is really flexible. I guess I'll whip your butt the hard way. Stand up straight with your legs together and hold on to your tits."

He got by her side and hit her right at the pussy hair if she had any and the switch came around and buried itself in her ass- cheeks. At each lash she convulsively gripped her tits. When on the last lash the tip dug into the crack of her ass I thought she was going to squeeze her tits so hard they would pop.

She stood there a moment whimpering as I marveled at the fact she had stood stoically while getting red line across the top of her pussy lips. He had her turn around so he could see her ass. The tip had picked up speed as it curled around. He was shocked.Three of the whiplashes were oozing blood.

"Jesus! Why didn't you scream? On the next one I will just use the whip."

"Not me! I'll tell you what though I will just use the whip when you earn your clothes."

Lance asked curiously. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh yes, you weren't there. Shirley wants to buy some of my clothes at five dollars per lash."

"Considering all you spend on clothes she is really going to be red as a beet."