Lance had her put the book back on her head but after she had walked around about five minutes without dropping it. I lost interest since I had another idea. I went into the dining room and laid out a complete dinner setting with every eating utensil from lobster forks to steak knives and every type of glass and plate. In a few minutes they came in to the room. Lance seemed impressed. "She passed with flying colors. Even when I gave her forward march and about face real close together. I gave her a five lash credit.

"Well that is great I am proud of you Shirley, but you just lost your credit. Your stomach isn't sucked in." She had relaxed with her triumph but she didn't argue she just sucked it back in and stood up very straight.

"I thought that if we took her to the young adult dinner at the country club she should know how to use all the utensils. Here is a list starting at your left on everything. Do you understand?" She picked up the fork furthest to her left and said

"Is this the shrimp fork." When I nodded, "Then this must be a sherry glass."

"Yes you have the idea. Go ahead and study for a minute."

Lance looked worried. "Heather help me cut up some fruit for lunch in the kitchen. Shirley you can study."

When we were in the kitchen Lance went to the fruit refrigerator and started pulling out fruit as he said."Are you fucking nuts? We can't take her to the country club. She won't know how to act and her vocabulary and grammar sucks. We will look like fools."

I was glad to hear this. I was afraid he was beginning to like her and would want to go easy on her. "Come on lighten up! We have a whole month to train her. She will take all the punishment we want to give her for a chance to go to that dinner. You don't give a damn about those ass-holes anyway and we can introduce her as a friend from Eastern Washington. Even the rich out there are bumpkins."

"Yeah you might be right. She told me she had never been to a quote' Dress-up party' unquote in her life. She will probably work her ass off." He laughed, "Or get it whipped off."

"Well we had better get back in there. I don't want to give her too much time to study."

I guess we spent too much time in the kitchen she only made three mistakes. We made her assume poses for her lashes although she begged to be tied and told her if she got out of the pose she would get five more. On her first mistake I followed Lances lead and whipped her butt so the end would come around to hit her pussy. On her second mistake Lance had her bend over and hold her hands on her head while he whipped the tops of her tits and made them bounce. I caught her last mistake and had her squeeze her tits till they were hard balls and then gave two lashes with the very end of the switch to each nipple and then one hard one across both nipples. By this time she was gulping and sobbing so we gave her a five lash credit and went in to eat fruit. We took away the credit when she took too large a bite of watermelon and juice escaped from her mouth and rolled down her chin.

When we were done I suggested we go upstairs so she could pick out her clothes. I watched her closely when she got up. But she had her tummy sucked in when it came into sight.

It seemed like she took forever agonizing over her decision on the clothes while we sipped on the drinks Lance had made. Finally she said, "It is so hard to decide. They are all so beautiful.I want the cock-tail dress but I won't need it till the party. I guess what I need right now is school clothes."

She picked out a cashmere sweater and a matching skirt for thirty five lashes. I wanted her to take more for what I had in mind. "I'll make an exception and let you pick out a blouse so you will have another change. She thanked me profusely and picked out a blouse worth another ten lashes. I told her she would need underwear so she picked out a bra and panties for eight more.

"Fifty three lashes are a lot since they will all be on your front. Maybe you would like Lance to fuck you while you are getting them to take your mind off it."

She seemed stunned but not at the thought of taking all the lashes on the front.

"Oh no! I just couldn't. Mama said no-one would ever marry me if I wasn't a virgin."

Lance was incredulous. "You have got to be kidding. Let me see." She gulped when he stuck his finger in her pussy and felt around. "If she is a virgin she was born without a hymen. I have fucked virgins and I know what a cherry is."

"Oh that must have happened when they searched me. I remember it hurt and there was a little blood."

Lance looked at me and said, "What the hell is she talking about?"

I filled him in on the shoplifting bit and he laughed.

"I'll be damned. No wonder they don't have trouble getting security guards at those shit wages. Any way since you don't have a hymen no-one is ever going to believe you are virgin so we might as well fuck."

"I guess you are right. Your 'thing' is so big. Will it hurt me?"

"No baby you are going to love it. You just have to get it good and wet with your spit so I will be nice and slick to slide in."

While she was licking and sucking on his dick I tied rope to the headboard and put a pillow on the footboard of my bed. Then I told Lance to get her off his dick before he came before he even got in her.

When her ass was on the pillow and her wrists were tied to the headboard to stretch her out Lance began to fuck her. I waited till she was excited enough to wrap her legs around his ass and then began to whip her. When I had covered her breasts and stomach with welts I told Lance to lean back and began to bring the end of the switch as close to her clit as I could. She was grinding furiously then she screamed and passed out still owing me four lashes.

I was so horny I pulled Lance away from her. Since his dick was softening I pulled his head in my pussy to lick and suck until I came so hard I almost passed out with her.

She was still out of it when we recovered enough to look at her. Lance looked worried. "Jesus. Is she going to be alright?

"Sure, listen to her moan. She is coming out of it already."

"You are really getting good with that switch. You were only missing my dick by about an inch. If you had hit it I would be whipping your clit for an hour."

"Bullshit. you could only hit it the same amount of times I hit your dick. We had better get some salve on her some of those welts are bleeding."

We were on the second application when she looked at us and said weakly, "Oh wow! I thought I had died."

"Hey I am sorry I hit you so hard. I didn't mean to have the pain so bad you would pass out."

"It wasn't the pain it was the orgasms. I didn't even feel the switch. I felt like I was exploding inside! You can whip me all you want with anything as long as you will fuck me."

"Well you had better rest for awhile."

We kissed her and tucked her into bed. In a few minutes she was asleep.

We were pretty beat too so we made drinks and flopped on the couch to watch the new bondage video Lance had received in the mail. Generally it was pretty lame. Neither one of us were turned on just by tying girls up in odd positions and the whips were really phoney. They barely turned the skin pink even after several lashes. There were a few scenes that had possibilities if real.

We both liked it when he had a girl get on her knees and told her to beg him to whip her. We also liked the part where they had her hanging upside down sucking his dick while another girl whipped her pussy by bringing the lash between her wide-spread legs from behind her. Even with that phoney whip the girl jumped when the end hit her clit.

The bit I liked the best was when he had her sit on a block covered with tacks then lean back and hold her outer labia apart while he whipped the inner labia and her clit. The tacks were obviously made of rubber because you could see them bend when she moved her ass around and he was just tapping her clit but With real tacks and with harder lashes it would be great. Especially since she had to help. Lance was most turned on by the end when the guy asked the girl if she loved him enough to do anything for him. when she said she would he lit two cigarettes and held them in front of her nipples then told her to put her arms around his shoulders and kiss him. She did a pretty good acting job. She screamed in his mouth while she pushed her breasts into his hands.