Boy did we want! I started out easy on her breasts while he started at her thighs. Every time we passed each other we increased the speed of our whips until her body was red from mid- thigh to her neck. I knew the gradual increase would excite her and it did. She began to pant and her body tremored as her nipples lengthened and I could see moisture forming around her vagina. We began to get creative. I concentrated on making the tip hit one nipple after another while Lance began bringing his belt up between her legs to make her cuntlips squirm on contact. We must have given her fifty lashes when she began to cry, "I'm sorry I won't do it anymore! Please stop."

We did the forgiveness bit up brown. We kissed and hugged her then lovingly put on salve to stop the heat and pain telling her all the time what a brave girl she was and how she had paid for all her sins.

Lance was not quite through. When she stood up he said." You aren't embarrassed any more about being nude are you?"

"No not really. I guess it is because I feel proud you think I am pretty."

"Not just pretty, you are beautiful. Come over to me."

When she was very close to him he reached out and began to fondle her breasts and tweak her nipples. "See how nice it is to be nude. Doesn't this feel nice?"

"Oh yes." she said shakily

"And your cunny is so soft and pretty since we shaved it. Feel it and see how nice it is." He was stroking her cunt as he said this. I got a chuckle out of him using her childish word for her twat. She stroked it and said, Oh yes it does feel soft and smooth. Do you really think it is pretty?" I was getting a little sick of her begging for compliments but he went along with it. "It is beautiful. God would not have made it so pretty if he wanted it hidden." I thought that was a nice touch having God's approval. She said "Yes, you must be right. God didn't put clothes on us. People did."

I grinned at the thought that God must have hated her pussy considering all the hair we had to take off of it.

She was happy and smiling when I took off my clothes and led her down to the pool. We slipped into the pool while Lance went to make us some more drinks. After she had gushed for awhile about how beautiful our pool was and how great the water felt she said in a low voice, "Heather... Don't tell anyone but at first the whipping was very exciting. It was a good thing you guys started hitting harder or I might have had another orgasm." Yeah right! I couldn't wait to tell Lance what she said.

She went on quietly, "Do you think Lance will take off his clothes? I have never seen a nude boy. Will it embarrass him if I look at his thing?"

I had to laugh out loud at that.I said between chuckles. "No I don't think he will mind. He is pretty proud of his 'thing'."

I could tell she was disappointed when Lance came in with a tray of drinks with a towel around his waist. After he put the tray down he whipped off the towel and dived into the water before she could see anything. He swam a couple of laps and then went to the shallow end to wipe the water out of his eyes. His dick was still under water so I yelled, "Hey Lance. Shirley wants to see your 'thing.' Is it okay?"

Shirley blushed, "Oh Heather! You are embarrassing me!" I noticed she made good time through the water though when Lance answered, "Sure! Come over close Shirley. It is pretty small."

When she was close in front of him he pulled himself out of the pool to sit on the edge with his dick right at her eye level.

She giggled and said, "It is kind of cute. It isn't like animal things at all is it?"

"Well maybe like a donkey."

I choked with laughter. "Yeah right Lance! Just like a donkey."

They ignored me so I went over closer to them in time to hear Lance say, "You can touch it if you want."

"Oh it is so soft and smooth." then a minute later she pulled back her hand saying, "It is growing! What is happening?"

I could not believe this! "My god that is natural. Blood is being pumped into it because you are getting him excited. Haven't you had any sex ed or talked about boys with other girls?"

"No. Mom had me excused from sex ed. She said I would get wrong ideas and I avoid that slutty talk."

"Well it is time you learned. Just keep stroking it and watch."

"Oh it is growing and getting hard. Look, veins are standing out on it. Does it hurt you Lance?"

"Your hands are causing a lot of friction. Why don't you use your mouth?"

"Oh no, you pee out of it."

"It is not a wick damnit! The pee just comes out of the little hole in the end. You won't taste any pee. Just do it."

She obeyed Lance's demand but when he got close to climax he jerked on the back of her head which made her gag and jerk away. I knew Lance was getting frustrated so I said, "Here let me show you."

I caught all his cum in my throat and mouth so Shirley was confused.

"What happened? Did you bite him? He made an awful face as if he was in pain."

"No he just climaxed like you did. Watch his dick now. She stared fascinated as it softened and shrunk."

I thought I would do Lance a favor and said, "Whenever his dick gets hard like that someone has to suck it or put it in their vagina or it will begin to hurt him terribly."

"Really? Will it fit in my little vagina?"

"Of course it will! Vagina's stretch. Don't you know babies come out of them?"

"Yes but Mom said it hurt terribly to have me."

"Well Lance has a lot of growing to do to get his dick as big as a baby's head but to be on the safe side you should offer to put it in your vagina as soon as it gets hard before it gets too big."

I had a hard time keeping from laughing when her eyes got big and she said, "Oh I see what you mean. I'll watch it and offer to suck it or put it in my vagina before it grows too much."

I couldn't help giggling as I thought of her imagining seeing Lance's dick growing like a balloon.

She got suspicious at my giggle and said, "Why are you giggling."

I told her that I got tickled whenever I thought about how great it felt to have a dick inside me. She bought it and sneaked a look at Lance's soft dick.

I brought over the drink tray and we drank a couple while Lance was recovering. Then he chugged the rest of his drink and jumped into the water and lifted Shirley by the waist to sit her on the edge of the pool. He grinned at her and said, "That works on girls too." He stuck his tongue in her pussy and she jumped as if she had been shocked with a cattle prod then slowly laid back on the floor and spread her legs. I had never seen a girl get off so fast before. She was almost as quick as some of the boys I had fucked. In just a few moments she was tugging on his head and panting like a freight train. She finally did her funny "Yips!" slumped and let go of his head. Lance and I watched curiously as her breathing slowed and her legs slowly came back together.

Suddenly she began to cry. "Oh I had another orgasm. Do I have to be punished again?"

I looked at Lance hopefully but he said, "I don't think so. I think the whipping you had would be enough for two orgasms."

I swear she was disappointed and later on I was sure of it. She was really enjoying her new found sexuality. It seemed every time I looked at her she was either fondling her pussy or a nipple. Lance put on some slow music and started dancing with her. It was easy to see rubbing her nipples against his chest and her pussy against his dick was really turning her on. I was watching closely to see if she would drop the innocent act and ask him to fuck her or go down on her. Lance went to the stereo to change tapes and I watched her out of the corner of my eye to see her deliberately drop her glass on the floor.

She immediately cried, "Oh I am so clumsy. I spilled my drink I may have ruined your floor. I should be spanked!" She had spilled the drink on our hardwood floor which would be easy to clean up and I was sure she knew it. I jumped in before Lance could let her off again.