Janie was even more stoic than Shirley. She just gritted her teeth and compressed her lips when they went into her nipples. Her only comment was, "Gee. I wish I had sharpened them better."

When I did her pussy she did not even try to keep her ass off the tacks.

I felt the need for a strong drink so I sent Shirley upstairs for a bottle of whisky. She didn't think to bring glasses so we just passed the bottle around to take slugs out of it to chase with beer till I felt brave enough to put my ass over the block. I held it up for quite awhile while Janie ate my pussy and Shirley ran her tongue around and in my ass hole but finally I was beating my ass into the block while I orgasmd till I nearly made hamburger out of it.

Shirley was right. The tacks did make it ache so we massaged each others butts with salve till the ache went away and then fell into the king-size bed together to cuddle until we went to sleep.

I couldn't get over how powerful my orgasms had been when I was beating my ass against the tacks and when I actually became afraid Lew and Bob were going to kill me. I wanted to get that feeling again.

Shirley and Janie's vaginas became infected from the cuts I had inflicted on them with the whip and the rusty wire. It was not a big deal. With my knowledge of medicine and antibiotics from the veterinarian supply I had them completely cured in a few days. I used this to convince them I should be punished since my cunt had not been cut by Lew or Bob.

We had never used the tack table because I had insisted we use carpet tack which were longer and thicker than thumb-tacks. Lance accidentally fell against and pushed his hand into it which had caused a lot of blood. He bought some sponge rubber thick enough to put on top of the tacks which barely let the points come through to stick me when I sat on it.

As far as I was concerned that made it useless and I was pissed since my arrangement to lower someone onto the table to be stuck just above the knees to just below the neck was ingenious.

We found drive chain and gear pulleys to match at a farm store and then two geared down variable speed motors to turn the gears so we could slowly raise or lower someone who was tied to the bars at each end. Even with the sponge rubber on top he was able to pull my arms and legs down to the floor hard enough to leave tiny punctures on my whole front while he hit my back, butt, and upper legs with a paddle. I remembered straining to pull my body down deeper into the tacks. He would never do it again since there was some blood and he was afraid I would get infected.

I decided to eliminate that possibility. I ripped off the sponge rubber and poured bleach over the whole table to disinfect the tacks. Then I laid on my stomach on the floor while they stretched me out as tight as they could by pulling the chains attached to my wrist and ankle cuffs as hard as they could and then hooking the links of the chain to the bar.

When they had me hanging from the bars while they moved the table back under me my back was bowed with my stomach at the bottom of the curve so when they lowered me inch by inch I felt the tacks entering the skin on my stomach first then my breasts and then my mons pubis. Finally my thighs were pulled tight to the table and my arms were pulled down till my breasts flattened against the table. I was in orgasm before they even started paddling me but they kept getting stronger and stronger until I fainted.

When I came to the girls were crying while slathering salve on the front of my body. I could feel their fingers touch every one of the hundreds of punctures. I flinched when Shirley touched my clitoris which evidentally had also been stuck.

Janie cried, "Oooh Heather. We are so sorry. You never screamed so we did not know how bad you were being hurt till Shirley noticed some blood dripping from the table."

"Don't feel bad Janie. I told you guys to do it. I just didn't know it would be that bad either. Didn't I scream? I swear I thought I was."

"No. You just moaned and squirmed. Oh Heather, You are so brave! I know I deserve it but please don't do that to me."

"I won't as long as you are good. Now just leave me alone. I am very tired and need some sleep."

They ran upstairs. I really was tired but I managed to get off one more time by pinching my punctured clit and nipples before I went to sleep."

The girls must have been checking on me because when I opened my eyes Shirley was standing by the bed holding a tray with a glass of whiskey and a bottle of beer. I took a shot of the whisky and drank the beer thirstily. Shirley moved to the foot of the bed to stand next to Janie and I noticed through my bleary eyes that they were wearing panties and bras. "Why are you wearing clothes?"

"We made them for you by threading cockleburs together with string. I know it is nothing next to the tacks but there is pain all the time and more when we move. See?"

They moved up to the side of the bed so I could have a closer look and slowly made a full turn. they hade made four inch circles for their nipples and a V for their crotches. Both were held tightly against them by strings going around their backs and up the cracks of their butts. I had Shirley lean over the bed while I pulled out the top of her burr g-string. The skin below it was very red with tiny scratches.

Janie said, "You could spank us with the strap while we are wearing them if you like."

I was too tired to want to do that at that time. So I told them that it was enough just to wear them for me. I had Shirley make us some BLT sandwiches while Janie got on her hands and knees above me so she could tongue my pussy while I pulled and loosened the strings to her G-string.

After eating I had another inspiration. I had remembered seeing some gilt paint. I used it to spray their bras and g- strings.

"That is great! You look like go-go dancers. Dance for me."

Evidentally Shirley had been working with Janie. They were both really good. It was a kick to watch them work up to an orgasm while they danced with the burrs digging into them. They ended up with Shirley on her back and Janie on top grinding their breasts and crotches into each other.

After that I let them take off the outfits and just wait on me and lick on my ass and pussy for the rest of the night.

The next day Lance flew in so I had them dance for them then he gave them a wimpy spanking for being "naughty" then butt fucked both of them. He asked me to walk out to his car with him.

"Heather I am bored with these bimboes. They are just too easy. It isn't even fun to whip them since they like it. Why don't we just drop them off in Seattle or Portland and look for somebody new."

"Are you crazy! They have no idea how to make it in the streets. They would probably starve or get picked up and tell the cops their sad story about how we abandoned them."

"Well they are all yours, Heather. I found a bashful virgin I was able to fuck and get to parade around naked. That is more fun to me because it is more of a challenge."

"Yeah, well you aren't likely to find virgins over fifteen. If they get pissed off. You may be looking at statutory rape charges."

"No chance. These girls would not admit to being fucked if they had to talk with their mouth full of dick! I am careful to convince them they are better off without me."

I had Lance fly us to Portland to do some shopping and to get a decent dinner. He said that since the girls danced so well we should enter them in an amateur nude dancing contest. They won first and second place easily. They came back to our table flushed and happy and were even more proud when the manager of the dive came over and offered them a job saying they could make three hundred dollars a night easy from table dancing tips.

Lance was obviously disappointed when they turned him down.