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electronics modules, 222

leads and connectors, 223

other hardware, 225

Raspberry Pi and related parts, 223

resistor color codes, 225–226

tools, 224

passive infrared detector. See PIR (passive infrared) detector

PCB (printed circuit board), soldering, 234–235

pedal generator. See bicycle generator

period constant, 195

pharmacies, 14

photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, 26. See also solar recharger

piezo buzzers, 54, 56–57

in Arduino movement and sound distractor project, 171–174

self-drive, 124

pifm software, 186

pin header, 170

pinMode command, 251, 253

PIR (passive infrared) detector, 72–79

constructing, 74–76

materials for, 73–74

scavenged PIR sensors, 77–79

software for, 76–77

using, 77

pirPIN constant, 76–77

pits, for trapping zombies, 12

PixelArray, 94

plastic boxes, for protecting communicators, 210

polycrystalline silicon solar panels, 26

portable FM radio, power consumption of, 21

positive charging terminal (–), on alternators, 39

postapocalypse survival 101, 9–15

dressing to kill, 12–13

food and fuel, 11

home, 9–10

preparedness, 14

staying healthy, 13

teaming up, 14–15

water, 10–11

zombie killing, 11–12


consumption of from everyday items, 21

vs. energy, 20–21

required, computing, 23

printed circuit board (PCB), soldering, 234–235

Program Area, Arduino IDE, 247

programming. See Arduino programming

Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches (Monk), 58, 249, 261

Programming the Raspberry Pi: Getting Started with Python (Monk), 91

project construction, 17–18

electronic modules, 17–18

mechanical construction, 17

soldering, 17

Project_04_ Battery_monitor sketch, 217

Project_06_PIR_Alarm sketch, 76

Project_10_Door_Sensor sketch, 115

Project_11_Smoke_Alarm sketch, 129

Project_12_Temperature sketch, 135

Project_13_Control_Center_USB sketch, 143, 144

Project_15_Flasher sketch, 166

Project_16_Sounder_Test sketch, 173, 177

Project_18_Scanner sketch, 194

Project_19_Morse_Beacon sketch, 201

Project_20_Haptic_Communicator sketch, 217

projects. See parts; project construction; specific projects by name

Protoshield PCB, 213–217

pull-up resistors, stabilizing digital inputs using, 252–253

pulseLength constant, 195

pulse width modulation (PWM), 255

PV (photovoltaic) solar panels, 26. See also solar recharger

PWM (pulse width modulation), 255

pygame module, 92

Python programming language, 91


quiet fire alarm, 120–131

constructing, 122–129

materials for, 121

software for, 129–131

using, 131


radiation danger, 124

radio frequency (RF) remote module, 105, 106, 111–112

radio transmitters. See Raspberry Pi radio transmitter beacon

Raspberry Pi control center, 140–149

constructing, 141–142

materials for, 141

software for, 142–148

Arduino sketch, 143–145

communicating with Arduino, 147

keeping updated, 147–148

Raspberry Pi program, 145–146

status labels, 146–147

threshold values, 146

using, 148–149

wireless version, using Bluetooth, 149–156

constructing, 150–154

materials for, 150

software for, 154–156

using, 156

Raspberry Pi radio transmitter beacon, 182–187

constructing, 184

legality of, 183

materials for, 182–183

recording a message, 185–186

running automatically, 187

software for, 184–185

using, 185–187

Raspberry Pi single-board computer, 18

downloading all programs used in book, 145

parts for, 223

projects using. See Raspberry Pi control center; Raspberry Pi radio transmitter beacon

using for surveillance. See also USB webcam; wireless surveillance system

installing Raspbian, 86–87

materials for, 84

powering system, 85

Raspberry Pi system, explained, 83

Raspberry Squid accessory, 89–90, 94

Raspbian operating system, 86–87

raw variable, 254

read_arduino method, 147–148

readTemp function, 136

readVoltage function, 60

rechargeable batteries, 25

reed switch, in door sensor project, 112–114, 117

relay output, PIR sensors, 78–79

relay shield, 160

remote door lock, 105–112

constructing, 106–110

materials for, 106

wireless, 111–112

repeating code, in control loops, 254–256

reportStatus function, 144, 145

resetPin constant, 195

Resident Evil (film), 7

resistance, measuring, 240–241


color codes for, 225–226

identifying, 57

using as voltage divider, 55

resources, for learning Arduino, 261

Return of the Living Dead (film), 6

RF (radio frequency) remote module, 105, 106, 111–112

RGB LEDs, 94

rifles, 12

root mean square (RMS), 23

RPi.GPIO library, 92

RXD pin, 150


samurai sword, 12

SC1088 integrated circuit, 189–192

scanPin constant, 195

scenario rehearsal, 14

screen command, 206

screwshields, 54, 56

in Arduino Morse code beacon project, 199

assembling, 259–261

in door sensor project, 113, 114

in PIR zombie detector project, 75–76

self-drive piezo, 124

sendBuzz function, 219

sendMode function, 219–220

sensors, PIR, 77–79

detecting zombies with, 74

serial monitor window, Arduino IDE, 247

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), 217

serial port, setting in Arduino IDE, 247–248

Servo arm object, 177–178

servo motor, 170, 175–176

setup function, 258

in Arduino flash distractor project, 167

in Arduino FM radio frequency hopper project, 195

in Arduino Morse code beacon project, 202

in Arduino movement and sound distractor project, 178

main discussion, 249, 250

in silent haptic communication with Arduino project, 218–219

Shaun of the Dead (film), 7

shields, Arduino, 54

showers, electric, power consumption of, 21

silent communication. See haptic communicator

single-use batteries, 25

sketches, Arduino, 245

installing, 248–249

opening, 247

saving, 247

structure of, 249–250

uploading, 247–248

skills, 227–242

joining wires by twisting, 228–230

multimeter use, 237–242

bells and whistles, 242

continuity testing, 241–242

measuring DC current, 239–240

measuring DC voltage, 238–239

measuring resistance, 240–241

soldering basics, 230–235

joining wires with solder, 231–233

soldering PCB, 234–235

using heatshrink, 235–237

stripping wires, 227–228

slow zombies, 6–7

smartphones, using with wireless surveillance system project, 98

smoke detector. See quiet fire alarm

smokePin constant, 130

snips (wire cutters), 231

SOC (state of charge), 54

solar recharger, 26–34

charge controllers, 26–27

constructing, 28–33

materials for, 27–28

solar panels, 26

using, 32–33

solder, 231


in Arduino Morse code beacon project, 199

in Arduino movement and sound distractor project, 172

basics of, 230–235

“blobby” solder joints, 234–235

insulating soldered connections, 232

joining wires by, 230, 231–233