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reading, 253–254

writing to, 254

analog outputs, on Arduino, 255

analogRead command, 253

analogWrite command, 253

and (&&) operator, 257

antibiotics, 14

antiseptic, 14

App class, 146

apt-get package management software, 87

Arduino flash distractor, 158–169

constructing, 161–166

materials for, 160

software for, 166–168

using, 168–169

Arduino FM radio frequency hopper, 188–196

constructing, 189–194

materials for, 189

software for, 194–196

using, 196

Arduino IDE. See also Arduino programming

installing, 245–247

installing sketches, 248–249

serial monitor window, 247

setting serial port, 247–248

specifying type of board, 247

uploading sketches, 247–248

Arduino microcontroller board, 18

Arduino Uno, 243–244

assembling screwshield, 259–261

ATMega328 microcontroller integrated circuit (IC), 245

connection sockets, 244

DC power jack, 245

ICSP (InCircuit Serial Programming) header, 244

input and output pins, 244, 245

LEDs of, 244, 247, 260

measuring DC current drawn by, 239–240

overview, 243–245

projects using. See Arduino flash distractor; Arduino FM radio frequency hopper; Arduino Morse code beacon; Arduino movement and sound distractor; battery monitor; Bluetooth, wireless Raspberry Pi control center using; door sensor; haptic communicator; PIR (passive infrared) detector; quiet fire alarm; Raspberry Pi control center; temperature alarm

resources for learning more about, 261

restarting, 244

Arduino Morse code beacon, 196–207

constructing, 198–201

materials for, 197–198

software for, 201–205

using, 205–207

Arduino movement and sound distractor, 169–180

constructing, 171–177

materials for, 170

software for, 177–179

using, 180

Arduino programming, 249–259. See also Arduino IDE

configuring digital inputs, 251–252

configuring digital outputs, 251

creating variables and constants, 250

grouping code into functions, 257–259

making logical comparisons, 256–257

reading analog inputs, 253–254

repeating code in control loops, 254–256

setting two conditions with if/else, 256

stabilizing digital inputs with pull-up resistors, 252–253

structure of sketches, 249–250

writing to analog outputs, 254

ARDX Experimenters Kit for Arduino, 224

armor, 13

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 100

ATMega328 microcontroller integrated circuit (IC), 245

Auto power off, on multimeters, 242

axes, 11, 12


backlight, on multimeters, 242

backpacks, 14

barbecue grills, 11

barrel jack adapter, 160, 169

baseball bat, 11, 12

batteries, 24–25. See also battery monitor; car batteries

charging, 25–26

inserting in devices, 23

life of, 20

rechargeable, 25

single-use, 25

battery monitor, 53–61

constructing, 55–57

materials for, 54–55

software for, 57–61

using, 61

beep function, 179

bicycle generator, 34–43

constructing, 35–43

materials for, 35

using, 43

blink function, 258

Blink sketch

loop function in, 249, 250

setup function in, 249, 250

uploading, 247–248

“blobby” solder joints, 234–235

blood, infection from, 13

Bluetooth, wireless Raspberry Pi control center using, 149–156

constructing, 150–154

materials for, 150

software for, 154–156

using, 156

Bluetooth dongles, 149

Bluetooth HC-06 modules, 149–154

Blum, Jeremy, 249, 261

boats, 10

bombs, 12

Booleans, 59

brick-and-mortar suppliers, 16–17, 222

Buzzer mode, of multimeters, 241


in Arduino movement and sound distractor project, 170

in battery monitor project, 54, 56–57

in quiet fire alarm project, 123–125

buzzerVolume constant, 218

buzzMinDuration constant, 218, 220

byte data array, 218


Cambridge Silicon Radio (CSR) device, 149

camera_res constraint, 92–93


as flash distractors, 158–169

constructing, 161–166

materials for, 160

software for, 166–168

using, 168–169

for surveillance 87–96

construction, 89–95

materials for, 88–89

using, 95–96

Capacitance setting, on multimeters, 242

capacitor of flash modules, discharging, 163

car batteries. See also batteries

benefits of, 25

caution using, 47

monitoring, 47–48

powering devices from, 46–49

AC inverters, 49–50

cigarette lighter sockets, 46–48

USB power, 48–49

projects using. See battery monitor; bicycle generator; LED lighting; solar recharger; trip wire alarm

protecting from damage, 47

cars, parts from, 15–16

char arrays, 202

charge controllers. See solar recharger

charging batteries, 25–26

check_for_movement function, 93, 95

checkDoor function, 116

checkForBuzz function, 219, 220

checkPIR function, 77

checkSmoke function, 130

checkTemp function, 135–136

Chromium browser, 86–87

cigarette lighter sockets, 46–48

cigarette lighter–to–barrel jack adapter, 169

clothing, 12–13

comments, in Arduino sketches, 250

communication. See Arduino FM radio frequency hopper; Arduino Morse code beacon; haptic communicator; Raspberry Pi radio transmitter beacon

computer monitors. See monitors, computer

computers, laptop. See laptop computers

connection sockets, Arduino microcontroller board, 244

connectors, 223

const keyword, 250

constants, creating, 250

construction of projects. See project construction

Continuity mode, of multimeters, 241

continuity testing, 241–242

control center for base. See Raspberry Pi control center

control_center_ usb.py file, 145

control loops, repeating code in, 254–256

control.py program, 145, 156

cooking, power consumption of, 21

count variable, 95, 195, 196

crontab utility, 187

CSR (Cambridge Silicon Radio) device, 149

curly brackets ({ }), 250

current. See also AC (alternating current); DC (direct current)

range of, on multimeters, 242

vs. voltage, 22


D+ (field connection), on alternators, 39

DC (direct current), 22–23

adapters for converting AC to, 24

inverters for converting to AC, 24, 49

measuring, 239–240

measuring voltage, 238–239

DC power jack, Arduino microcontroller board, 245

delay function, 168, 251

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 99, 100, 102

diff_image image, 94

digital inputs

configuring, 251–252

stabilizing using pull-up resistors, 252–253

digital outputs, configuring, 251

digitalWrite function, 251, 257–259

direct current. See DC (direct current)

displayBar function, 61

displayVoltage function, 60

disposable cameras. See Arduino flash distractor

distance parameter, 93

door lock. See remote door lock

door sensor, 112–117

constructing, 114–115

materials for, 113–114

software for, 115–116

using, 117

double equal sign (==), 252

double slash (//), 250

drive belts, 26. See also bicycle generator

dry joints, 231

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), 99, 100, 102


EEPROM memory, 201, 203