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electricity generation, 19–43. See also batteries

with bicycle, 34–43

constructing, 35–43

materials for, 35

using, 43

power vs. energy, 20–21

via solar power, 26–34

charge controllers, 26–27

constructing, 28–33

materials for, 27–28

solar panels, 26

using, 32–33

types of electricity, 21–24

electricity use, 45–61

battery monitor, 53–61

constructing, 55–57

materials for, 54–55

software for, 57–61

using, 61

LED lighting, 49–53

constructing, 50–52

materials for, 50

using, 52–53

powering devices from car battery, 46–49

AC inverters, 49–50

cigarette lighter sockets, 46–48

USB power, 48–49

electric room heater, power consumption of, 21

electric shower, power consumption of, 21

electromechanical door latch. See remote door lock

electronic components, 224–225

electronic modules, 17–18, 222

else command, 256

energy, vs. power, 20–21

environmental monitoring. See quiet fire alarm

Exploring Arduino (Blum), 261

explosives, 12


f constant, 177

farming, 11

field connection (D+), on alternators, 39

fighting zombies, 11–13

File menu, Arduino IDE, 247

flags, in Arduino movement and sound distractor, 175

flashCircle function, 167–168

flashDotOrDash function, 205

flashguns. See Arduino flash distractor

flashMessage function, 204

flashPins constant integer array, 166–167

flashSequence function, 204, 205

float constant, 135

floating inputs, 252

floats, 58

FM (frequency modulation), 186

FM radio, power consumption of, 21


bartering for, 34

during zombie apocalypse, 11

power consumption of cooking, 21

for command, 254

for loop, 258

frequency measurement, on multimeters, 242

frequency modulation (FM), 186

Fry’s Electronics, 222

fuel, 11

functions, grouping code into, 257–259

fuses, 41

connecting (in LED lighting project), 51–52

using with car batteries, 47


gapBetweenRepeats constant, 202

general purpose input and output (GPIO) connector, 83, 90


bicycle generator project, 34–43

gasoline, 43

GitHub, 92

glasses, 14

GND pin, 150, 151

go bags, 14

GPIO (general purpose input and output) connector, 83, 90

GPIO pin identification template, 90

grenades, 12

grills, 11

group survival, 14–15

grouping code into functions, 257–259

guns, 11, 12


hair dryer, power consumption of, 21

handguns, 12

haptic communicator, 209–220

constructing, 212–217

materials for, 211–212

software for, 217–220

using, 220

hci0 interface, 155

health, 13–14

heat detectors. See PIR (passive infrared) detector

heating, 11, 21

heatshrink, 132, 235–237

Hell of the Living Dead (film), 7

HFE range, on multimeters, 242

high impedance, 190

high-voltage AC, 23–24

home, security level of, 9–10

horn. See trip wire alarm

hospitals, 14

hunting knifes, 12


ICSP (InCircuit Serial Programming) header, 244

if command, 219, 252, 256

ifconfig command, 100

Imperial College Robotics Society, 184

incendiary bombs, 12

InCircuit Serial Programming (ICSP) header, 244

input and output pins, Arduino microcontroller board, 244–245


Arduino IDE, 245–247

Arduino sketches, 248–249


soldered connection, 232

wires, using heatshrink, 235–237

int variable, 250

inverters, for converting DC to AC, 24, 49

IP addresses, 100–102

iron bars, 12


joining wires

by soldering, 230, 231–233

by twisting, 228–230

Joule, James, 20

joules, 20


k constant, 59

killing, of zombies, 11–13

knifes, 12, 14


lamps, in Arduino Morse code beacon project, 200–201

LAN (local area network), 99

laptop computers

advantages of Raspberry Pi over, 82

lithium batteries for, 24, 25

power consumption of, 21, 82

lastFlashTime variable, 204

LCD display shields, 54

lead-acid batteries. See car batteries

lead-free solder, 231

leads, 223

“Learn Arduino” series, 261

LED light bulb, power consumption of, 21

LED lighting, 49–53

constructing, 50–52

materials for, 50

using, 52–53

led variable, 250

ledPin constant, 202

LEDs, of Arduino microcontroller board, 244, 247, 260

LiPo (lithium polymer) batteries, 24, 25

LiquidCrystal library, 58

listenMode function, 219, 220

lithium polymer (LiPo) batteries, 24, 25

local area network (LAN), 99

locks. See remote door lock

logical comparisons, 256–257

logical operators, 257

loop function, 252, 258

in Arduino flash distractor project, 167

in Arduino FM radio frequency hopper project, 195

in Arduino Morse code beacon project, 203

main discussion, 249, 250

in haptic communicator project, 219

low-voltage DC, 22–23

lsusb command, 91

Lundin, Cody, 10


mA (milliamps), 22

MAC address, 155

magnetic field, alternators and, 36

magnets, in door sensor project, 113, 116, 117

makeNoise function, 178, 179

Maplin Electronics, 222

maxMessageLen constant, 202

maxServoAngle constant, 177

maxTemp constant, 136


DC current, 239–240

DC voltage, 238–239

resistance, 240–241

mechanical construction, 17

message character array, 203

message variable, 202

metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs), 199

micro SD card, for Raspberry Pi, 86


identifying terminals of, 68

obtaining, 66–67

projects using. See trip wire alarm

microwave, obtaining microswitch from, 66–67

milliamps (mA), 22

mine shafts, 12

minServoAngle constant, 177

MirfHardwareSpiDriver library, 217

Mirf library, 217

Molotov cocktails, 12

monitor.py program, 91, 95

monitors, computer

power consumption of, 21, 83

used with USB webcam project, 83, 86

monocrystalline silicon solar panels, 26

Morse code, 196–207, 210

MOSFETs (metal oxide semiconductor fild effect transistors), 199

multimeters, 237–242

bells and whistles, 242

continuity testing, 241–242

measuring DC current, 239–240

measuring DC voltage, 238–239

measuring resistance, 240–241

MUTE notifiation, 60

Mythbusters, “Zombie Special” episode of, 11


NASA’s standards for wire splicing, 230

negative charging terminal (–), on alternators, 39

Night of the Living Dead (film), 6

NOOBS (New Out Of the Box Software) installer, Raspberry Pi, 86

NRF24 radio module, 213, 214

numStations, 196


old_image variable, 93

or (||) operator, 257

overallDelay constant, 167


parts, 15–17, 221–226

brick-and-mortar suppliers, 16–17, 222

from cars, 15–16

electronic components, 224–225