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— “Just turned seventeen,” she'd said it before. — “How long has Jack fucked you?” — She colored up.

— “Just a year ago on my birthday.” “He won't marry you.” — “Yes he will at Christmas, and I hope you ain't filled me.” After our first coupling she let me say anything baudy, and I revelled in it but she wasn't a bit baudy herself. — I would feel her cunt again. — “Don't, my thighs are wet.” — Then she started off alone.

I loitered till she was well out of sight, then started on to the village where were the show vans, and Dad smoking a pipe outside a public house. He stared at me, as I sat myself besides him after ordering a glass of ale. Then I entered into conversation with him about shows and fairs. — “Was you the gent at ****?” asked he. — I said I was, he took some ale with me, and for three quarters of an hour told me the habits of his class. I saw Kit go in and out of a show dwelling, and into the public house, and once on an opportunity winked at her, which she returned with a half smile. Finally the vans with all of them went off. Kit walked by the side of the second and nodded to me as she left. I wondered if she'd washed her cunt, whether my sperm had been absorbed into her, whether I'd filled her. — A most delicous day I'd spent. I'd walked seven miles, felt hungry, got some very tough beef at the public house, felt pleased with my morning's work, then thought of getting back. The landlord said there was a trap, but a man looking a compound of potboy, groom, and coachman, said that it couldn't go. — “As I'm to take Mrs. * * * * to station.”

The fly — old, dusty, and discovered, was to call at some gentleman's house — I hadn't seen such a house on the road I'd walked — to a station on a branch line. Time was no object to me, so said I go by it as far as he could take me, and did at three o'clock. — “Go along that lane past the mill, turn to your right and straight on is your station, Sir,” said coachman as I got out of the fly. Following his direction I was soon away from the high road, and in a cart road lane went leisurely along, smoking, thinking much of the hard rumped, tight cunted lass I'd fucked, till my prick stood again, and I lapsed into a state of general lewedness.

I've often proved the truth of the adage. “It never rains but it pours.” — After a longish walk between fields I saw sheds and out buildings, and then a larger sort of shed. — The mist had gone, sky got cloudy, and rain to sprinkle, and having no umbrella I entered the shed, and the first thing I saw was a lad not I should say sixteen years old, white as if from a flour mill — which was the case — sitting on the ground, half reclining against a heap of matting, and frigging himself.

I was staggered and could only look. He, so soon as he saw me began hiding his pego. My erotic tastes then (spite of my two pudendal amusements) — blazed up again.

It is singular that now the sight of a stiff prick stif- fens mine, and reckless of consequences, not indeed thinking of them, I said at once with a strong letch, “Go on, I'll give you five shillings to see you frig your-self.” — “I beg yer pardon Sir,” said he sheepishly, and rose up. — “Don't be a fool, I'll give you five shillings,” and took out a handful of silver. — He looked at it and grinned. — I talked on desirous of seeing his pego, of seeing him frig himself, erotic wishes flashed thro my brain rapidly, I encouraged him baudily, the money tempted him. Monosyllabic replies now came from him. — “Yes.” — “No.” — “What are you here for?” — “D'ye know mastend * * * of the mill?” Then after satisfying himself that I was a strangend. — “Gie us the cash first,” said he saucily. — “No, not till I've seen you.” — “Yer won't tell will yer?” — “No.” — “Look out and tell as if any one be nigh, and ye'll gie it us won't yer?” — There was no chance of any one being nigh, for now it poured in torrents and thundered, but I looked out. Whilst my back was turned he produced his prick and began frigging. Then I wanted to do the work. — “There, let me, and you shall have this,” and I showed him a half sovereign. — “Take it.” — He did. I fancied he might cheat me but he didn't — I took hold of his prick and frigged it, talking to him all the time about cunts. — Yes, he'd fucked two or three. — “But I cairn't allus get at em.” — Then — “Oho — aha — its a comin' ” — and out shot surprising jets of thick and thin cunt soothing lubrication. I frigged on till his prick dwindled, wondering at his boyish strength. He seemed delighted with the operation. To my questions, “Yes — I does it now and agin. It's a half day they've given me today — they are short of water. I said I'd wait here till another chap came.” Then as quickly as pos- sible I left him, wondering at my temerity, walked rapidly thro the rain to the station, arrived wet, but glad to catch the train.

Now fond brevity sake I epitomize the narrative of my doings with H*** during this year and years after. At intervals we met and indulged in every lascivious ca-price. I had taken home from *** a fine dildo which squirted liquids, and which it amused her to be fucked with. Then I fucked her with it, licking her clitoris whilst I did it to her. Then Miss Black licked her clitoris whilst the dildo was working up H. — Then with the dildo strapped on to her, H. dildoed Black. Then she dildoed Black whilst I fucked her from behind. Then I fucked the pretty little black cunted lass whilst she gamahuched H. — Another time I dildoed H. whilst laying on her back, and B. licked her clitoris, and at the same time and unknown to B., — for H. objected to any woman knowing that I played with her bum hole — put my middle finger up that tight anal orifice, and H. spent in ecstasies during the dildo fucking, finger buggering, and cunt licking. I could feel whilst up her bum the dildo moving up and down in her cunt, and H. grew a little fond of that double insertion. — We kept it to ourselves, tho often talking about it when alone, with her never failing remark, “Ain't we beasts?” and my reply, “No, beasts don't do that.”

After that she dildoed R. who was fattish and big arsed. — H.'s taste was for fat women to gamahuche her. — Then she frigged R., whilst standing in the rear I fucked the fat arsed one. Then we had R. and B. to-gether, and I gamahuched H. whilst she frigged both women who lay one on each side of her. Then the two quiet strumpets — they were not street walkers — gam- ahuched each other whilst I fucked H. All these pranks were reflected in large cheval glasses, so that we could see every posture. At intervals of rest we drank champagne, eat cakes and sandwiches. Every woman as she pissed I made to mount the bed, and squat over a basin, whilst I kneeling on the floor in front of her, contemplated the amber jet from the crimson gash. How we laughed one day when B. let a little fart when piddling, and how annoyed she was, how modest, how she blushed — harlot tho she was — but it's a fact.

I now gamahuched H. as much as she liked it done to her: the broad lick of her sweet vulva, the plunge of my tongue up the soft avenue was delicious to me, but her great pleasure was in frigging another woman whilst I was titillating her clitoris with my tongue. Then I had a whim which she didn't like but to which I made her yield. I laid on my back on the bed naked, H. naked knelt over me, a knee on each side of my head, her cunt on my mouth so that I could lick her clitoris easily, whilst I grasped her satiny buttocks. Then one of the women — either R. or B. — gamahuched me and took my libation into her mouth. In the glasses H. could see all this. I with mouth on her cunt, and head enclosed by her lovely thighs could not. I could tell always when H. was about to spend, by the trembling movements of her thighs, and shiver of her belly and bum, and her cry. “Oh — I'm coming — suck his prick — spend dear — aha — spunk.” — She used these licientious ejaculations always now. She'd spend twice before I did once for I'd usually fucked her once before, and was longer in coming than she with her lustful capabilities. Indeed this double minetting was usually the termination of the day's amusements, when all three had been fucked, frigged, or gamahuched.