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I rushed and locked it, and returning fell upon my knees again. She dndopped her clothes, saying, “Come to the bedroom.” — But my letch was strong on me, I was enamoured now of gamahuching, the scent of her sweet, fresh washed cunt had roused that letch and I pushed her back, threw up her clothes to her motte, and again gently pulled her towards me by her haunches. Her bum came to the sofa's edge, her thighs widened apart expectant of her pleasure, not a word more she uttered as I pushed both hands under the lovely white columns till I held her cool ivory buttocks. Then my tongue found her clitoris and played with it. Then I fell back for a hasty glance at the rosy split, pulled aside the fat, soft, silky edged lips to see the inner treasure, then greedily again my mouth closed on its face and my tongue caressed the little red button, the seat of pleasure in this amourous game. How delicious felt the smooth red opening as my tongue ran over it! Then settling on the rosy bud it played again. She felt the luscious tickle directly. — “Aher — aher,” she sighed quite softly. Delicious are the murmurs of a beauty as sexual pleasure gains on her with voluptuous thrills, and her cunt stiffening tightens for a spend, and the soft exudation comes from its surface, ready to mingle with the mans' sperm, as it throbs from him in fucking.

Suddenly with that singular desire to have all the pleasures at once, I longed to fuck her and stopped, but restrained myself knowing that soon my prick would be in her. — All was silence as my tongue worked nimbly, till “Aher. Haa.” — I drew back to look at the lovely opened cleft. — “Ohoo — don't stop,” she murmured. On I went licking, grasping her buttocks now more fully as she heaved them up to help my placing them, my tongue raced on yielding its saliva, moistening her slit from motte to bum hole — gentle sighs, soft murmurs come, those and the plash of my tongue on her wet pulpy vulva alone disturb the silence, her clitoris stiffened, I felt it stiffen unmistakably. — Some women's do. She put both hands upon my head pulling it to her, as if my mouth was not close enough to her cunt, her thighs began to tremble, her cunt heaved up against my mouth. “Aherr —aha — aher — darling — aher.” She had spent.

With moustache dripping, I looked at her moistened notch now shedding its juices, as she lay with eyes closed and thighs apart. Then standing up and pulling out my throbbing procreant tool, “Let me fuck darling.” Bending I closed on her, my prick was within an inch of its goal, when she closed her thighs, pushed me away and got up smiling at my erection. — “No — wait, you devil — you know how to gamahuche,” — and kissing me laid hold of my cunt stopper giving it a gentle squeeze “Oh — oh — it's stiff.” — But she refused my entry, we sipped the cool champagne and talked, and my doodle shrunk somewhat, what as it does at times when delayed in doing in its work.

About sexual pleasures ran our talk and I astonished her. She said I was “A baudy profligate.” — We were kissing quietly, she handling my flaming pego, I her lubricious gap. What blissful moments those, how little said — how low the tone! Then I roused her lust, she lapsed into silence with the voluptuous currents in her blood my fingers generated. “Let's fuck or I shall spend.” Silently she arose at once and we went to the bedroom. There filled with desire for each other, in a minute I stripped to my shirt, she to chemise, and poured out water in a basin. — “No dear don't wash your cunt.” — “Oh fie — I must, its wet.” — “No, no, I like your spunk in it.” — “Oh fie.” — I pulled her up ere she could splash the orifice — “I like it wet.” — “Oh fie” — Then on the bed, mad for each other's pleasure giver, for the entrancing junction of the two, — for the fuck — up went my shirt to neck, up went her chemise above two lovely globes, and up her cunt I rushed my prick. — “Oh not so hard.” — And we were one and lay entranced in the lovely junction of our genitals. I put my finger down to feel the soft lips of her notch enclosing gently my pego, then in her soft and glowing lubricious sheath up and down moved my prick.

— “Aher — love — fuck,” — I murmured. — “Yhes, fuck me darling,” she replied. The blissful moment came, I felt the contractions of her cunt, the jerks of her ivory buttocks, then belly to belly, wriggling my prick with short thrusts as if my balls would roll into her cunt, my love shaft penetrate to her womb, out throbbed thick, boiling spunk in torrents into her, and with tongues touching, salivas flowing, midst kisses and loving murmurs, grasping each other arses, we dozed off into the Elysium of humanity.

Awakening soon, my prick had barely left the sweet embrace of her sex, when pearly drops of spunk were trickling down between her thighs, hanging to the soft auburn curls. She lay languidly permitting all, till I thrust a finger up the red avenue into the emollient glutinous outcome of our pleasures. — “Aha, you -beast,” said she rising. Then on the porcelain she squatted, and baudy still, I told her I loved both the sound and the attitude, put my hand down and caught an amber stream. Then we purified our genitals, and fresh, and gay, and loving more than ever, went back to champagne. Then soon again back to the bed, where tranquil now I looked at her secret charms. How pleased she seemed to let me.

She had a lovely brown head of hair, and her eyes were of an unusually deep blue — I had thought them dark brown when first I noticed her — and with the loveliest long eyelashes, smallish nose, and good teeth tho in a large mouth, completed one of the sweetest, yet boldish faces. But as I found in the delights of love, that boldness changed to the softest, most voluptuous expression. She was one of those who looked heavenly when being fucked.

She was tallish and inclining to be stout, the curves and contours from hips to feet were lovely, her bum of perfect shape and beauty, her breasts large and slightly pendant. Taking her all in all she was perfect. Well might the public have thronged to see her. Her cunt was overshadowed by a splendid soft curly bush of lightish chestnut on a full plump motte, from which opened one of the prettiest, full lipped pouting clefts reddening inwards to almost a ruby one line, and delicately fringed with hair which stopped short of its lower end, her bumhole was hairless. The nymphae were small and delicate, the clitoris longish and easily seen, and all was of handsome and of deepest coral tint.

She had a skin of that surprising whiteness which is rarely found excepting among red haired women. It smelt fresh and sweet like almonds. In the exciting inspection I now noticed this, and at once began again kissing her thighs, up to her central charm, and as I opened the lovely notch and fingered it the aroma rose into my nostrils and I longed to gamahuche her. — My love of licking a woman increases largely, and is now one of the greatest pleasures of my life. — “What a delicious smell your cunt has. Let me lick the lovely cleft again.” Her thighs widened apart, she yielded with expectant pleasure, my mouth close on her gap, my tongue gained her clitoris and moved till her thighs quivered with pleasure, and then I stopped. — “Oh — go on.”

But another letch came on. “I'll lay and gamahuche you.” — Mounting the bed she made way for me. — I turned her on her side, laid my head against one thigh and lifting the other up — how quietly she aided me — inserted my tongue, titillated then stopped again to tease her, then asked her to take my pego into her pretty mouth. — “Ah, no I won't.” On I went gamahuching and again stopped. — “Oho — go on — you'll drive me mad, I was just coming.” — “Take the tip in your mouth then.” — Blazing with sensual passion she moved her head and took it. — I felt the cunt like feel on its tip as she clasped me to her by my buttocks. Again my mouth closed on her luscious gap licking her clitoris nimbly, spasmodic twitchings of her bum and cunt came on, she sighed, she murmured. “Oho — quicker.” — A shudder of her belly, a pressure of hend cunt to my mouth, a cry of pleasure and the deed was done.