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She let go my prick, looked at me with wildly voluptuous eyes, then at her hand, then looked round to see if any one was near. — I'm sure from her look and manner that she was dying to be fucked, and had I been in condition perhaps might have attempted it, but my prick was shrinking. — She looked at it again, I wiped her fingers with my handkerchief, she let me do it not seeming to know what she was about, till, — “Oh — I'm so miserable — for God sake — never tell any one. — Will you now? — you brought me here for this — didn't you?” — I swore I'd never tell, and rap-idly and without another word we walked to the Hall. — “Where's my aunt?” — “Gone out in the carriage Sir, a few minutes ago.” — “Oh!” said Agatha, “I'm so sorry, tell her will you?” I shook hands with that hand which had had my sperm in it, and off she went. I told Aunt at dinner that we'd arrived just as she got out of sight. — “It's a pity, I'd have driven her home,” was all she replied.

Agatha never again gave me a chance of being alone even to speak with her, and I was mostly in London. — One night Fred and I, smoking in my chambers, our conversation fell on these girls, and little by little we disclosed to each other. He'd kissed them both and had tried to feel Helen unsuccessfully. — “Yet she wants fucking so.” — Agatha he'd also tried, and then I told him she'd frigged me. — “And so she did me at * * * * *,” said he, laughing and slapping his thigh. — Agatha had f rigged us both — I wonder how many other men she'd frigged.

When after my frigging we met the girls Agatha always looked enquiringly and seemed uncomfortable. Two or three years afterwards the family left the neighbourhood. I was then a poor man and rarely went to my aunt's, and Fred was abroad. [The episode occurred when I was about twenty-five, and the narrative was at one time nearly burnt.]

I had an acquaintance named * * * ** * *, who had a lovely creature for wife, blue eyed, very light chestnut hair, plump as a partridge and about twenty-six or -seven years old. She had given way to drinking, some said owing to domestic annoyance, but that has nothing to do with the episode.

In summer with six or eight men who had driven down to * * * * about country business I was to dine, and joined them later at a small, simple, yet well known country inn about fourteen miles off. When I got there all were in the garden reading, smoking, and awaiting dinner. — One of them who also knew the couple said to me, laughing, “There's Mrs. * * * * * * * here tight as peep. She's been out driving with her brother and his wife, they've gone to **** and are coming back to dine.” There the conversation ended and I thought no more about the matter. Our party had washed after their long drive, I had not, went in and up stairs expecting as usual to find a chambermaid to show me a bedroom to wash in. [It was a small inn and before the days of lavatories.] Not seeing the chambermaid, and after calling out and no one answering, I opened a bedroom door, and there Mrs. * * * * * * * to my astonishment stood, having just risen from a night commode in which she had piddled, with her petticoats in front held up in a bunch showing both legs to above her garters, whilst in her rear her clothes were dragging having dropped and caught in the mahogany commode. No way abashed, — “Look here, oh, pull it away — do — how d'ye do — Oh, oh,” said she, tugging and still keeping her clothes up in front, swaying a little and chuckling in a tipsy way.

Her face was flushed, and I saw at once that she was tight and had been lying on the bed. A rush of lust came, my prick rose stiff at the sight of the beautiful pair of legs, and instinct told me I could have her — I should have revolted at any intention had I reflected, but a standing prick has no conscience. I thought of nothing but how to fuck her, those lovely legs, those laced petticoats upset me, and in less time than it takes to write two lines of this narrative, I'd closed the door and was assisting to free her clothes.

“Have you seen Jack?” (her brother) stammered she, chuckling. — “Oh — don't do that — let me — lie down,” she mumbled, for as I disengaged her clothes with one hand, I passed my other up between a pair of fat soft thighs to her cunt, and well between its lips. — I was as wet as a mop. — “Oh don't you — oh now. — Ho — ho Jack's coming — Oh don't.” — “Let us do it.” — “He — he — he,” — she chuckled. — “No — oho.” — 'Let me fuck you.” — “Oh don't — now. — He he — he — leave it alone,” and she sat down on the bed edge for a minute, letting me finger her quim without hindrance, and then fell back. As she fell I threw up her clothes to her navel. She chuckled still as if it was a good joke. — “I'll fuck you.” — “Oh no, you mustn't,” and she raised herself partly up. My stiff prick was then out. “Ho — ho — ho,” said she, laying hold of it, and fell back again chuckling tipsily. Before the words were out of her mouth my prick was buried up to its balls in her cunt — a lovely looking notch — and she was lying with eyes closed enjoying the plugging. I lifted her thighs then, and fucked with the joy of a full ballocks, immediately sympathetic, reciprocal movements of her cunt and buttocks began. — She was hot there. — “Ah! Fuck,” I sighed. “Yhes, fuck — I'm acom' — ahar,” she murmured, opening her eyes wide and staring at me for an instant, then closing them she jerked well up her bum and spent, as I filled her cunt with my sperm. I was full that day and the fuck was a short one.

I'd scarcely spent when came a knock at the door. — it wasn't locked. — My God, we are caught, thought I, then withdrew my prick giving her a violent shake of her thighs to rouse her, just as a louder second knock came and a female voice, “Shall I bring you a cup of tea Mam?” — The fuck and the fun had a little sobered her, she looked at me as I stood by the door gesticulating — my prick still out. — “Wharte,” — she said in a drunken mumble. — “Shall I bring you some tea?” — I shook my head. — “Noo,” she mumbled — I heard foot steps retreating, bolted the door, and wiped my face, down which perspiration was trickling. She began feeling her head as if to arrange her hair. — “Oh, what have we done? Jack will be back.” — She stared at me, and I at her, for in truth I was also bewildered, all had taken place in six or seven minutes, and it seemed a dream — and then the risk! — Without another word I helped her up, and she sat with legs uncovered to her garters on the bed side, smiling tipsily.

As I got composed, a violent desire for her again came on and I sat by her. “Oh! What have you made me do?” “I've fucked you, let me again.” — “Oh, it's dreadful” she mumbled, yet she chuckled, and as I put her hand on my prick, she laughed a tipsy laugh again and greedily felt it. “Oh don't — no” — as my fingers felt her gluey quim and frigged it. She must have had a thirsty cunt, for she soon gripped my prick, and felt my titillation. — “Let's fuck dear?” — “Oh, no. Jack's coming back. — Oh, no — no.” — but as she said “No,” she turned her lips lovingly to mine, as if she couldn't help it. — She was under the dominion of lust, and yielding, scarcely knowing what she did, grasping my prick still which stiffened proudly, as I pushed her gently back. — “No — no — no,” — she chuckled as she fell into the same position. I threw up her clothes, she at once opened her thighs wide to receive me, spunk was all over them and ran from her cunt as my prick went up it and I had one of the most delicious fucks, tho this also was soon over, fear of being caught and of losing my early stiffness, of missing the chance of spending in that divine quim made me hurry, I rammed quickly and hard as a steam engine, encouraging her and my-self by baudy words till I sunk in Elysium on her belly, whilst the squeeze and oscillation of her cunt and bum came on at the same moment. Anxiety to get away for both out sakes, made me withdraw my prick still yielding up its balmy liquid. I made her then lay along the bed, and she instantly went off to sleep. I opened the door and got off un-observed. I'd never taken off my hat even when fucking, and must have done her twice in a quarter of an hour. When I rejoined my friends, “How hot you are,” said one. I gave some mendacious reason for it.