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The girl was handsome, young and attractive, fresh cunt always is, and she evidently was not quite a professional harlot. — My cock erected itself when I thought about her next morning, and in the evening I went to the rendez-vous, but neither of them came, which strangely enough vexed me.

[I sought the place no more, having plenty of other fish to try then, but out of curiosity went there about fifteen months after. — The house was empty and to let.]

Chapter X

Disjecta membra. • Negress di Medicis. • Black and white pictures. • “You don't fuck much.” • Eight o'clock in the morning. • Two women talking in a street. • One taken and one left. • A train missed. • A cunt hit. • Three weeks without fucking. • A prisoner's wife or mistress? • An experienced har-lot of fifteen. • An ugly cunt. • Frig, fuck, bugger, and suck, seriatim. • Her erotic experiences and curious history.

At a lapunar at the extreme south of France I saw the women for selection. It was in the middle of he day and soon after luncheon — I never could account for my sudden lechtes and had one now. After seeing the ladies of the establishment dishevelled and al-most in nightgown attire, I fancied none of them. — “Is there no lady who speaks English?” “Yes, I speak leetle.” — It was so little that I couldn't understand a word she said, in fact her English consisted in: “Ma conte — fuckee one — preek — my loove — and damn.” — “Have you a Negress here?” — The mistress, or undermistress, replied in French. — “Ah no, but in five minutes I fetch one, and you shall be content, well con-tent.” I waited for the darkie.

What made me desire a Negress I cannot imagine, I had not before thought of having one, and when I re-quested one even had no desire for a black woman. Long ago I had said to myself “I shall never have a Negress again.” My curiosity about a darkie's cunt and a darkie's fucking was satisfied. — The thought, the wish, the demand for one came instantaneously, and whilst yesterday waiting and further reflecting, I wondered at myself. — Having to wait long, so long I was about to order in the female group again, for selection, when well and handsomely dressed in lady's clothes, in came a Negress.

I accosted her, she replied in French, and soon after said, “I leetale speek me Ingles.” Indeed she spoke more than a “leetal Ingles.” She spoke a good deal. “Shall I street it quite.” “Yes” — and she did excepting white silk stockings, natty boots, and yellow garters with large bows, which she carefully adjusted as if she thought they added immensely to her beauty.

There a black woman, who said she was twenty-two and who didn't look more, stood before -me, as perfect in form as the Venus di Medicis, but a little taller, in-deed I may say fatter and taller. — She was quite black, but there was what may be termed an undertone in her skin which relieved the black, and made her look as if made in white marble and colored afterwards. Her eyes were European in expression tho very dark, she had the prognathous jaw of her race (of the Soudan she said), large mouth and fullish lips, between which shewed a set of teeth whiter than ivory, and so regularly beautiful that they might have served for an advertizing dentist's glass case; and somehow the prognathous jaw — ugly in itself to us Europeans — was hidden and forgotten in a certain contour of head and face, and I ceased to notice this racial feature.

For the first time in my life I think, my prick erected itself at a Negress. — I may have been so with them before, but if at this minute I recollect rightly, my prick needed a deal of coaxing before it entered their cunts. I am told there are many tribes and immense varieties of face and form in the Negro race. — Then I posed her this way, that way, and saw that in every way she was perfectly beautiful in form, excepting in having longish heels and large feet.

Then between the crisp little curls of the full lips, which enclosed and formed the cleft wherein her sexuality lay hidden — and which indeed are the outward and visible sign of her sex — my middle finger entered, and when I had frigged a little modest clitoris much longer than she liked — wanting this child of the tropics to spend with me, wanting her to enjoy me — and when her big lips met mine, and tongue sought tongue with soft delicious play, she gently smoothed my prick with a soft hand, and I her cunt till both our buttocks twitched and writhed with incipient pleasure. — Then she impatiently — “Mais cheri, mettez le — fookee me donc.” — I pushed my prick to the full depths of a lovely cunt, and fucked her, contemplating in the big glasses my white flesh interlacing with her black, she smoothing and praising my white skin, I her smooth black buttocks which I clasped. — Smooth and hard as ivory tho black — and then she sighed with me, her legs moved up, closed over mine, and with rapid thrusts and heaves, we fucked till the paradise of human sensation overwhelmed us, midst my gushes of sperm and her lubricious spendings. The quietude of voluptuous fatigue then came over us, and we lay in each other's arms till I recovered from my sexual faintness, then wondered at the intense enjoyment I had had in this Negress' embrace, and laid thinking of it by her side in silence.

But not so she. She turned to me and kissed me coaxingly. — Asked if she pleased me. “Lookee then, you have much foutre, I like fat foutre of Englishman, you call it sponk — ah, oui,” she said. Again silent and with seeming satisfaction she put her fingers on to her cunt to feel its fullness and its overflow. — Encouraged by her, I put my finger there and felt that we had mingled love's fluids copiously. Then still without washing she lay and chatted glibly, volunteering news about her-self tho I'd not asked for it. “My farder and mudder lif with Monsieur * * * at Caire. — A Frenchman — my farder do de cook, my mudder wash de famielee.” — She was Nubian, and of some tribe the name of which I forget. — “My farder and brudder hab three scars cross en cheek, dat true tribe mark.” All this was said in broken English mixed with French, but much better French than English. I got up and washed as she did, and as her ample dark thighs and bum closed on the basin and she splashed the water up her red crack, I liked the look of her and liked her pleasures, yet was still astonished at myself for my delight in fucking the Mackie. — Is there any reason for this liking which often times arises between man and woman when they copulate? — “You don't fuck much,” said she, “you sponk so fat.” — I told her that I had fucked as much as I could, but had been unavoidably chaste — absurd words — for some days.

Then as I began to put on my drawers, — “Fookee more, come,” said she laying down on the bed again, widening her thighs and pointing to her cunt. I accepted her invitation, on we went talking about herself till we drifted into talk of fucking, and desire came to see her naked from head to foot. Off went her boots and stockings, naked as I was born I made myself, then laid upon her with our limbs interlacing. One attitude after another did we put ourselves in, I enjoying the contrasts of our colors, black thighs enclosing white haunches, white arms and hands clasping black buttocks, black breasts squeezed out by my white chest. The excitement was to me intense, seemed to be so to her as well as to me, tho to her it could have been no novelty.

Then I put her over myself and saw in the glass above her plump black back and buttocks covering me, whilst my white thighs lay between hers. And now stiff again stood out a white and red-tipped randy rod against her bum furrow. Then in sixty-nine attitude we lay side-ways, my head between her thighs, shewing in the looking glass peeping out of the surrounding blackness. And — “Aha,” Darkie had taken my pego in her mouth and was enjoying it, “Lickee me conte cheri.” — Lewed as I was, pleased as I was with her, I couldn't do that, could not lick that Negress' cunt, but took my head from between her thighs, my prick from out her mouth. Then both impatient for the divine junction of our genitals, in went my prick and again we fucked most bliss-fully and long, again her cunt gave up abundant libation as my prick quitted it.