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She was handsomely clad in black silk, was plump and well made, and I lusted for her till I saw these protuberant flappers, when desire left me. Nevertheless I determined to fuck her, and by frigging got my pego stiff, then easily up her cunt. But immediately it shrunk out when looking down, I saw it surrounded by these large red excrescences. Trial after trial I made uselessly, then asked her to suck my prick. Into her mouth she took it without hesitation, remarking that she much liked sucking pricks. I was astounded, for she wasn't much over fifteen and had only been gay a month she said, but had all the unhesitating baudiness of a harlot forty years old, tho she complied with and did all in a girlish way.

Her big nymphae however quite upset me, and my pego refused to rise. I was sitting as she operated so tried another attitude, by laying on my back and she kneeling over me, gamahuching. But the nymphae looked that way uglier than ever, tho her nice little smooth buttocks looked most inviting. As I smoothed her bum and fingered her bum hole, my prick rose up all at once, and I said just as the whim struck me, and without thinking, without any idea of, or desire for her complying. “I'll give you another half sovereign to let me bugger you.” — “Very well,” — she replied at once, and nimbly got off me asking. “How will you do it?”

— “Have you ever been buggered?” said I astonished.

— “Not often, and you ought to give me a sovereign for that, for it hurts.” “Why do you do it then?” — “It's nice afterwards sometimes.” — I thought she must be joking or chaffing me, but she wasn't.

I hesitated, but was now under the dominion of a letch, was utterly unreflecting, and moreover was carried away now in a degree by curiosity which had arisen. I turned her towards me kneeling low and stood at her back. — “Wet it well with your spittle,” said she knowingly. I did, and my pego which has revolted before on similar occasions stood stiffly, and glided easily right up her. — “Ohooo — it hurts,” said she. At that my prick dwindled, and I withdrew with a feeling of disgust at myself and at her, which I really cannot describe. The doings of this girl seemed like a dream to me. I washed my pego and sat down, she after feeling her bum hole carefully did the same, and we talked, she with the seeming frankness of a child — without any sense of shame or modesty whatever — spoke about all erotic possibilities with the infinite knowledge of the oldest harlot.

What she told about herself was in its essence what is already written. — To suck, fuck, frig or bugger, she seemed to like being buggered, I gathered. — Then she told that a gentleman who'd kept her a year, had paid for rooms for her at * * * * but she had to keep herself now. Would I call at her rooms? I paid her and promised but without any such intention. — Then she piddled and in doing so let an easy sounding fart. — “Oh! That's your fault thro doing that to me.” — She seemed then a little ashamed, the only sign of shame I'd seen in her.

As I sat talking, I felt annoyed that I'd had no pleasure, tho a great experience of the erotic varieties, cap- abilities and possibilities in one so young. — “I'd like to spend,” said I. — “I'll make you but you don't like me.” — “Yes I do, gamahuche me.” — I laid down then on the bed, she again knelt over me with her pretty bum towards my face, and while I contemplated the round orifice which I'd entered so unexpectedly and left so quickly, and felt her smooth little backside, my sperm filled her mouth. At once she got off me, got rid of the libation, and her first words were, “You've plenty of spunk, I thought you'd none.” I never heard such a knowing girl before.

A week afterwards out of curiosity, as I fancied this girl must have had a strange history, I called on her. The woman who opened the door bawled out in a grumpy voice, “Miss * * *, here's a gentleman wants you.” — “She's up stairs,” said she to me. — “Come up,” said a voice. I went up and found her in well furnished rooms — I made her strip and' again examined that singular cunt, and at last fucked it to my own astonishment — tho why astonished I don't know. — The girl spent with me — saying directly her pleasure ceased, “Oh! I do like fucking so,” — in tone and manner as if said to herself or to another girl. Then she began to cry. Giving her a sovereign, “Oh, it's all right, but I wish you'd give me another, I owe rent and she'll turn me out she says next week if I don't pay, and I'm sure I can't. — A nice young man fucked me the other night and said he'd keep me and would come again yesterday, but he hasn't. — I don't think they like my cunt. Are those things very ugly? — the women say they are — what do you think? Do tell me — I don't get on, and I've lost my old friend. He said I was so young that I'd be sure to get lots of money with-out him, but I don't.”

I sent for wine to loosen her tongue, and said I'd give her another sovereign if she'd answer my questions. She said she would but shewed cunning in doing so. Some unusual things she told of if she didn't lie. — She'd been fucked at eleven years of age, first by a boy, then by the man who caught the boy doing it — at that she laughed. — A gentleman, “and an old one,” had kept her. — “How old?” — She supposed fifty. He'd kept her a year. “And I've done 'em all with him.” — I put frig, fuck, suck, bugger, to her successively. “Oh yes, often.” He'd given her mother much money and her mother knew. He had taken those lodgings and paid a month's rent, saying that she must keep herself now. She didn't know where he lived, and was frightened to go to her mother. I guess to gratify his every letch, and that he'd had every letch. — I was looking again at her ugly quim when a knock came at the door, she went out and returning, — “Oh, he's come, he said he'd keep me, I wish you'd go as quick as you can.” In three minutes I was out of the house and never saw the precocious little whore again.

Chapter XI

Disjecta membra continued. • A fair haired Dane. • A semi-hairless quim. • About harlots' lusts and pleasures. • The Misses P***l**s*n. • Agatha and Helen. • Masturbating predilections. • A frig in a summer house. • A frig in a grotto. • At a road-side inn. • A tipsy wife. • Lewed per saltum. • Fucking with hat on. • A scare. • Twice in twenty minutes. • Reflexions.

[No doubt this also was set aside for a chapter on cunts.] — Place Copenhagen. A plump, blue eyed, flaxen haired, short damzel, very handsome and met at a beer garden, to whose lodgings I went. She spoke a little English mixed with German, said an English-man had kept her some months and that she been yachting with him. She was solid, square built and twenty, had big breasts, big thighs and very big bum, her thighs and bum were those of an English woman's of thirty, but her sweet youthful face told that she was about the age she said.

There was in her what I have found in many Northern whores and Scotch whores; much modesty about shewing her cunt, which I cured by swearing in anger and telling her I hated humbug. — “Oh, yah. — God damn. — Yes,” — said she, laughing, and opening her thighs wide. She'd one of the fattest mottes and cunts I ever felt. It was more like a notch in some fat flesh than a crack with lips, altho a little swelling of lips there was. She had scarcely any hair on her mons and none lower down on the lips. That on her mons was crisp, curly, very short, very shiny, and slightly darker than the hair on her head, but was so thin that the white flesh showed through it. She'd not a sign of hair in her arm-pits.

Her cunt looked pretty from behind when kneeling. Not a sign of red was visible and her bum furrow was scarcely brown. When she widened her thighs apart, a little bit of red just shewed. The nymphae were little, and ran the whole length of the cunt and round it at the bumhole end. — I noticed all closely altho I only saw her twice, for her cunt was unusual. The mouth of the avenue was quite large, inside it was easy to my fingers, but so fat, pulpy and elastic, that it fitted my prick exquisitely. I fucked her twice, the first time with belly to belly, and then from behind her. There was something about her white buttocks which excited me to slap them when fucking behind her. Some women's excite me to do that, the greatest number don't, I only rub their buttocks.