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“Have you been fucked?” said I to the little one. “Yes,” she replied laughing. — The elder repeated her invitation adding, — “We'll both be naked.” — “Five shillings?” — “All right, but you'll give her something if she's naked, and if you do her.” — “Certainly, five shillings for her.” — In a few minutes we were in a knocking shop till then unknown to me, a poor place, price of room three shillings, but there was a bed, good fire and gas light.

They were a poor, shabbily dressed couple, as I guessed they would be from their manners and voices, yet both had cleanish chemises and stockings. — Har-lots generally manage to have those clean however in-different the rest of their toggery may be. — The elder who said she was only nineteen, had a largish cleft, a furrow with an ugly bunch of nymphae at the upper end, but was stout and firm. Examining her belly, — “You've had a child.” — “Yes, two.” — “Living?” — “One, God bless it.” — “I'm sorry for it.” — “I ain't.” — Then I made the little one strip to her chemise. She was one of the smallest girls I've had, and thin, but fingering her really pretty little hairless slit, stiffened my pizzle, and she played with it knowingly enough. Then I gave them both gin which the elder had asked for, and the little pink slash pleased me more and more. — Not a sign of down even was on it.

I never know what letch will spring up in me when with women. Seeing the elder's poppy topped cunt I thought of “flat fucking” and asked her if she did it. It's strange that she didn't understand the word, or professed not, and when I explained. — “Oh! We call it — fucking Nanny,” — a term I never heard before or since, laughing heartily at my question and repeating “Flat fucking, ho — ho — flat fucking, is it? Dinah and I does it to keep ourselves warm sometimes, we sleep together, don't we Di?” — “Yes,” chuckled she, — “give me your handkerchief.” The little animal had a beastly cold in her head — I didn't believe her and made them show me how they did it. They'd no modesty about it and posed themselves without delay, the little one laid on the elder, open knowingly her little slit, and closed it on the bunch of crimson nymphae, and clitoris of the big one as far as I could see. The little hairless cleft indeed showed unusual signs of development of nymphae, like her sister's — for sister she was. — “Do you both have pleasure?” — “I do when I want it,” said she, putting herself on the bedside. I didn't keep them at their game, they separated their quims, and then I frigged the little one as she sat on my knee, till she said she should spend, — her sister looking on and feeling my cock.

“I'll fuck you,” said I to the big one. — “All right, I want it,” said she, putting herself on the besdide. I laid the little one beside her, making her hold her little pouting cunt lips apart, when a desire for her suddenly sprang up, poor, skinny little creature tho she was. — “I'll fuck her, is she all right?” — “Yes, she's all right, fuck me first.” — “No.” — “The gent wants to do me,” — cried the little one sharply. Fear of clap suddenly came over me, and feeling in my pocket I produced ten shillings in silver, telling them at the same time that it was theirs, but not to let me poke if they had their courses on. I always give women that opportunity for excuse. “Give it all me, I keeps her,” — said the elder anxiously and grabbing it. “We're all right, both of us, she ain't been tucked for a week, do me first and her after.” They had both sat up, I pushed them back again, and inserted my swollen pego in the little one. It was a tight fit but her cunt took it all up, and leisurely I fucked her, then stopped, contemplating my prick, moving in and out under that little belly and enclosed by the little puffy lips. — “Oh? Go on — I shall do it — don't — stop,” said the lass who was but thirteen, and began oscillating her buttocks vigorously, driving her cunt up to me, and I felt her avenue stiffening and gripping round my staff. The novelty of the sight and the delight at her randy impatience fetched me directly, out bubbled my sperm, as her little cunt gave out its slippery juices to mix with mine.

Her little cunt loosened as all cunts do after a spend, but the fuck had so pleased me I suppose, that my prick kept stiffish and well up her. She lay with eyes closed in full sensuous enjoyment of our copulation, looked as if she were asleep in the luscious annihilation of her spend, young as she was. I stood contemplating her, her sister lay silently looking on and twiddling her nymphae. At length, “Do you like fucking?” — “Rather,” said the little one, just like any full grown strumpet. — “She's got a hot little arse,” remarked her sister getting o$ the bed, and helping herself to more gin. — Still my prick lingered in the lubricious avenue, tho the delicate, voluptuous shrinking of the tip in the mucilage had begun. “How long have you been fucked?” — “A year, I think.” — “Yes, a year,” — said her sister. — “How much did you get for it?” — “Nothing, wuss luck, a bugaboo of a boy she knowed did it, and she let him like a bloody little fool,” — broke in the elder, rising. I saw that she was getting tight, for I'd sent for a bottle of gin and she was drinking it rapidly. “Don't drink so much, you'll get drunk.” — “It will keep out the cold and it's no good aleaving it.” — “You may take it away with you.” — “Oh thankee — shall we dress? — Won't yer fuck me first?”

Now that my pleasure was over their vulgarity of-fended me. — “No, I can't.” — “You can in a little if you try.” — “Do you want it?” — “Yes, it always make me when I sees Di fucked. I'm quite clean — do it.” — I can't bear to leave a cunt unfucked when at hand, there is a glamour about the red split at all times, but specially when my scrotum's tight and full, and tho I didn't now want it, her desire for it evoked voluptuous ideas. — Piddling and then washing my pego. — “I've no more money.” — “Never mind, fuck me.” — “It's not stiff. You must suck it then.” — “All right,” said she, kneeling down and caressing the tip. Just then came a knock at the door and a voice said, — “Shall you be long, Sir?” — “We ain't been long,” said the gamahucher angrily. — “I'll pay again,” I shouted. — “Don't do that, gie it to me, we ain't been long.” — But the brothel keeper had gone away. — “What a pity, she always tries on that game,” said the girl, again putting my pego in her mouth. The juvenile who was washing her little cunt, then came and began helping herself to gin. — “You shan't have any more, you'll be drunk,” said the eldest girl getting up and preventing her. — They squabbled, but she gave the little one half a glass and then resumed sucking my pego.

The little one laid on the bed again sufficiently near for me to see all, and I put my finger up her fresh washed quim. The elder at length by mouth and tongue roused my prick to stiffness, and saying, — “There,” with a smile, threw herself on the bedside with open thighs. But my erection was temporary, the look of her poppy topped quim didn't please me, and it sub-sided. The little one laughed thereat and the elder resumed her gamahuching, whilst again I sat on the chair. But another whim came, and taking the little one's bum on my naked thigh, I again began frigging her. “I'll make you spend, when did you frig yourself last?” — “Yesterday morning, Sir.” — “Did you?” — “She just did,” said the elder, helping herself to gin again. — “I'll break that bottle if you take any more,” and relinquishing the little love crack, I got up and put the bottle on the mantel piece. — She laughed, and saying, “Gin always serves me out quick,” squatted on the pot. I stooped and took the cataract on my hand — that stiffened me, she laughed when she saw it. — “Fuck me now,” said she, laying hold of my tool.

But I wouldn't, and resumed frigging the little one who took the masturbation in voluptuous silence, till her thighs twitched a little. “Tell me when you're coming.” — She made no reply for a while, then — “It's a comin' — now, aha — aha,” she sighed, almost in-audibly, and from the tremulous motion of her little bum and thighs, the general quivering, and then quietness of her whole cuntal region, I knew she'd spent, but said as for some reason I usually do when a woman's frigged herself. “You haven't spent.” “I'll swear she have,” said the elder who'd been watching us.