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“No, it's no good your awritin' me and I reads badly, and praps they'll get hold on it, tho they can't read.” But she agreed to meet me again and I wrote down time and place. — “I'll put on a bonnet next time, but I can't put on my best things, they'll want to know why and I'd like to come earlier.” So it all came about, I met her that day week and she was cleaner, had better boots and white stockings. She was a fine model from head to foot, such solidity of flesh, so satiny, and tho she said she never took a bath in her life, she was as sweet as a nut. I fucked, then gamahuched her, giving her her first pleasure that way. “No,” no tongue had touched her clitoris before, she said. Then I fucked her again and she went off with two sovereigns again, all I'd promised. She earned at work sometimes eighteen pence a day, sometimes not that sum. When with her father he gave her nothing of her earnings. “But he keeps me.”

She told me much more about herself, but evidently not all, how she sometimes went out with a barrow, and after work was done into the streets to talk with her friends. Her “young man” had said, “that if he caught me with another chap he'd smash both our bloody noses, and now he's after another gal.” — “What if he knew I'd fucked you?” — “Dunn — but he can't know. — Shiners ain't got at barrows are they?” — She said that the two shiners promised had made her come with me. — “You'd make plenty if you liked.” — She knew what I meant — looked long at me and shook her head. — “I ain't agoin' at that game — no thankee — not if I knows it. He'll marry me I think now if father let his — if he won't I'll run away agin. — Yes, I'll come here with you agin if you like, but I can't have a letter if you knowed where I lives even.”

A splendid strapping, healthy creature she was, many rich would give anything for such an offspring. — A bit fit for a Prince's prick, and what a lovely cunt! Yet a coster spent in it first, and will yet take his pleasure in it.

I had her once more. She quickly got at my tool and played with it as if lewed to her bum hole. — It was deliciously exciting to see her at my prick. — She grinned and admitted her young man had had her in the interval. — “No, only once — shan't tell you where. — Give me? — nothing he didn't — he never gived me nothing — never he didn't, but he says he'll marry me” — her very words. — My letch was over, her coarseness annoyed me, and I saw her no more.

[Will she marry? her sexual enjoyment was immense, her delight in handling my pego and even in showing me her naked beauties at our third meeting was delicious. Lasciviousness had set in, the delight of the secret meetings with a gentleman gave her un-disguised pleasure and she'd have let me fuck her to any extent. When I told her I could name no time to meet her again, but would some day be at the market where she talked with friends when the day's work was done, her countenance fell, and she became dull. — Did the sovereigns make her turn harlot? Or fucking and sovereigns together — or did she become a virtuous coster's wife? — And she also was fucked when sixteen, all her class are, they will be fucked. — Ladies must only frig themselves till they are married, — until five and twenty often. What a loss of pleasure! ]

Chapter IX

Foggy nights' street-amusements. • Cunts hairy and hairless felt. • Amusements in the house afterwards. • Little Di thirteen with sister Sarah twenty. • Flat fucking, alias “fucking Nanny.” • Homage to little Di's sexual orifice. • A buxom landlady. • My friend's lodgings. • Cunt struck and cock struck. • Conversational incitements. • Opportunity on the drawing room floor. Dogs fucking. • We fucking. • Enceinte. • A travelling procuress. • The milliner's shop. • Her work women. • On the first floor front with Sophy. • Price and place arranged. • A preliminary grope. • Differences with the mil-liner. • Fifty pounds for a virgin. • An assignation not kept.

In the autumn I was at a health resort. Stopping there was an elderly friend, who for quietness had lodgings almost in the suburbs. He'd been a long time there, said the house was exceedingly comfortable, and belonged to a widow who had a little girl. She said she was not a lodging house keeper, tho for a few months in the season she let the ground floor, getting a little extra money which was useful for the education of her girl. It seemed to my friend that there was truth in what she said, as for the first floor — which she didn't use much — she asked such a price, that no one would take it. He had told her so. She'd replied that it didn't matter, for she could do very well without it. The house was her own, was newly and well furnished, she had every appearance of having means, and she'd been there two years. There was something nevertheless mysterious about her. His age and habits rendered him above suspicion of amatory affairs.

She opened the door to me when I called one day. My friend was out, I waited for him, and to my sur-prise, I found her a woman of not perhaps more than seven and thirty, stoutish, well grown, with bright dark eyes and handsome face. I got into conversation with her, which at first she seemed disinclined to.

We chatted about my friend. — “Yes, a nice quiet man,” she said, if he were not she shouldn't keep him. It was said in an independent sort of way. Then, that really she needn't let the rooms, but the extra money was useful to better educate her girl. We chatted on, bit by bit I elicited that her husband had been dead four years. Her buxom fresh look stirred my lust, I had thought of her hidden charms, and with those delicate but warm suggestions, which come naturally, when voluptuous feelings run thro me, I asked why she didn't marry again, how she must miss a bedfollow, did she cuddle the pillow and so on, all tending to raise thoughts of and make her want fucking. She laughed, colored up, looked at me softly and asked questions about myself. I answered in words to imply that I was fond of women, and knew what sexual trouble a fine woman like her must have, who'd been by death deprived of her bed-fellow.

In such chance meetings when desire springs up, much depends upon the sexual state in which the man and woman may be. If both are at the moment hot, if the body is ready with its amorous fluids, each suggestive question and answer adds to the heat of cunt and ballocks. Both of us were, I think, much needing amorous delights that day. Just then my friend came in and stopped a pleasant conversation, she left and we talked about her. He said she was a lady, and further on, — “Ah, women are a mystery in sexual matters, thou-sands I'm convinced do without a male for years when left widows, whilst we wouldn't, couldn't wait a week.” — His profession — from which he'd retired — made him somewhat of an authority on such a subject.

I took a fancy to the landlady, my old friend had taken a fancy to the girl — a sweet one resembling her mother who next time brought her into my friend's room at his request. The girl, who was really beautiful, my friend treated paternally, the landlady with courtesy, keeping her nevertheless well at a distance. I looked next time at her and she at me, and a voluptuous thrill ran thro my pego as I thought of her hidden beauties. She colored up and looked fully in my eyes. I have always thought that lust is communicable between man and woman, by look or by touch, and believed she also had a voluptuous thrill. Did she see in my eyes lust for her, or did she magnetically infuse her lust into me, by her eyes?

Without previous intention, soon after I called at a time when my friend was out. She opened the door and remarked that her servant had gone out with her little girl, and she was just then without another servant. I walked into his room to wait, she remarking that I might have to wait long. Lust crept thro me then rap-idly as I eyed her, and with instinct saw chance of possessing her. I began the former conversation, how hard to be left without a bedfellow, did she cuddle the bolster? And so on. She must make the best of it for she was left comfortably off, she replied. But I kept to the loss of a bedfellow, gradually she laughed, her answers got vague, she seemed fidgety. “Take me for a lover.” — “Oh — law — what would your friend say if he heard you?” — Then I chaffed her, and soon after, — “I'll take your first floor.” — “Would you like to see them?” — “Yes.” — We went there, she preceding me. “What a sweet little foot I see you have.” — “Oh, have I?” In the room I chaffed a little more suggestively, for my prick stiffened as I saw the bed. “Oh that bed, I'll take the rooms” — I'd no idea of doing so — “but shall go up and sleep with you.” — “Oh! I then shan't let them to you,” — she replied laughing. — “I must have a kiss then.” — She made a faint resistance but she was gratified, and I kissed her again and again. — “Meet me this evening.” — “Ah, no, impossible.” — I caught her round the waist, pulled her belly to mine, wriggled it there, and kissed her. — “Oh don't, my servant may come in.” — “I'm dying for you,” said I, and much more, my lust growing stronger, my recklessness increasing. “Let me go.” — “I won't,” and I jogged my belly against hers. — “Now do.” — Kiss me then.” — “There.” — She kissed me and I let her go — her face was scarlet, her eyes humid, and instinct said to me: “She's ready for fucking.”