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Just then was a noise in the street, boys shouting. “What's that?” said she. Both went to the front, and saw a group of boys round a couple of dogs who were fucking. She turned away at once, her eyes met mine caressingly. “Let us do what the dogs are doing.” — “Oh! Sir!” But her eyes were lustful, the sight of copulation had further stirred lust already in her. “Will you go down now?” — “No, let me look at the bedroom again.” Next minute by the side of the bed I pulled out my stiff standard. “Dear Mrs. * * *, let me, I'm dying for you.” — “Oh don't now, for God's sake — don't” — as I stooped and got my hands on to her thighs. — “Oh! Now don't.” — But my fingers were within the lips of a fat cunt, crisp and thick was the hairy ornament around it. I titillated it. — “No — I won't — no, pray don't.” — I caught her hand, placed it round my pego, and clasping her to me kissed her rapturously.

She was getting leweder, again I stooped to get my hands up her clothes, she stooped to prevent me — something cracked. “There, I've broken my stay bone.” That diverted her for a second, I pushed her bum against the bed, pulled up her clothes, and again sought the notch. — Lust had vanquished her, her thighs separated, and saying, “No — no — no,” my prick entered her cunt, and standing with her bum against the bed I fucked her. Clasping her handsome big buttocks our tongues met, rapidly moved up and down my prick, out shot my spunk, and a deluge came from her hot quim as in the raptures of the crisis we spent together, flooding each other's organs with mingled spendings.

Enervated, dissolving with pleasure, half dead with voluptuous delight, we remained joined, our tongues still meeting, till suddenly she pushed me off. “Oh! Let me go, I shall be with child.” Out of the room she rushed, my prick flopping down, our spendings had al-most drowned my balls, so copious had it been. In a minute or two she returned. — “Oh, you wicked man, what have you made me do? — I felt I don't know what — I feared you when I first saw you.” — “Never mind my dear, it won't be our last pleasure.” — “It will, tho,” said she quite seriously. — But I was right. — My friend didn't return for a long time, she sat with me in the quiet way a couple do after fucking, expressing her regrets and fears, saying, “Hush — hush,” to the baudy talk which I indulged in. — Such talk is delicious with a fresh woman who's not a strumpet — and I talked till my prick stiffened, I praised her buttocks, her cunt, her fucking, and all she had, produced my rigid prick again, she felt it under my promise that I'd then leave off and go — promise I'd not the slightest intention of keeping. — In a minute I was frigging that fat and well haired quim again, whilst still she handled my pego. “No dear, on the bed this time.” In a minute cock and cunt were one, and the Divine function of fucking went on. — “Increase and multiply” is the law, the Divine command, and that means fucking, therefore is fucking Divine.

Her cunt she speedily again washed, but my prick and balls retained our amatory oozings, for she'd only time to push the bed into shape, and we to get to my friend's room, before he rang the bell. She opened the door. — “Your friend, Sir, has just come,” said she loudly. — “How d'ye do — I thought I should just catch you,” said I to him. Directly after that the servant re-turned. I'd been there an hour and half altogether, and seduction and two fucks were done in ninety minutes. We were both randy when we met, and hence my luck, it could not have been achieved otherwise, and then the luck help of those dogs sticking rump to rump. Beast tho they were, it stimulated our lust. — Quite in my youth, I recollect my first love Charlotte and I saw two dogs doing it, and almost directly afterwards we fucked.

I called next day, my friend was out, the servant opened the door, the little girl shewed herself on the stairs. — “Are you going for a walk, my little darling?” — “Bye and bye with Mamma, when M*** has had his luncheon.” — “Tell your mamma I'll wait a bit.” — Servant and child disappeared, and soon after in came the lady. — “Let us.” — “No — no more, never — never.” — Much persuasion. — “Let me only feel it.” — She refused but I did. Oh! that feel of a cunt, what effect it has at once on me — my tool was stiff, was shown. — “I can't, I mustn't, I won't — how can we now?” “We can against the wall.” — She was a woman of good height, fucking her upright was not un-easy. — “Promise me then you'll not do it in me.” — I promised, yet left my spunk at the very bottom of her cunt again. We'd fucked against the wall, it's some years since I've done so.

Then for some weeks I had her at intervals. She arranged from time to time to get servant and child out, I knew when my friend would be out, and he never suspected anything. She met me in London, and we spent half days in bed together naked. She owned to the age I'd guessed her. — I'd spent outside her cunt two or three times, but her courses came on, she was not enceinte, and henceforth fearlessly we fucked. She was a superb tall woman, had a very hairy motte, but her cunt full lipped and grown outside was as tight as a woman's of twenty — her thighs and buttocks were superb, her flesh white, her sexual pleasure great in my embraces. I gave her an address to write to, my real name and address she knew. We met again and her first words were. — “You've got me with child, my courses have stopped, I knew you'd do it, what shall I do?”

This was unfortunate news, but the difficulty was got over. She would never meet me again unless I solemnly promised not to spend in her.

That was a loss of pleasure, for the discharge of sperm in the cunt, when the cunt is at its tightest grip, is the sublimest moment of existence, and withdrawing neither suited her voluptuous tastes nor mine. We ceased meeting, indeed at eighty miles apart it was al-most impossible, and correspondence then dropped. Years after she was still in the same house, and used to ask after me of my old friend, who went there yearly. — One day he wrote me she was going to marry. — She had sworn by all that was holy that she'd never had a man but her husband and myself. If it hadn't been for seeing the dogs fucking perhaps I never should have had her; but who knows? She'd had three children, her belly shown signs, the little girl only was alive. In the opinion of my friend and myself she'd lived with a man who had given her the house and an annuity. — Well off for her class she certainly was, and very well behaved and much of a lady. I'm sure she'd never been harlot.

Foggy weather is propitious to amatory caprices. Harlots tell me that they usually do good business during the state of atmosphere, especially those who are regular nymphs of the pave, and who don't mind exercise in the open air. Timid men then get bold and speak to women when they otherwise would not. That is my own experience also, and recollect going along a main street on one such night, accosting nearly every one in petticoats, and felt six or eight cunts within an hour at a shilling a feel, felt till I hadn't any silver left and perforce left off thus amusing myself.

On a foggy night, a fairly sized female and a young girl whose treble laugh I heard before I saw them, approached. — “My dear, I'll give you a shilling to feel your cunt.” — “All right,” said she, going close to the wall to be as much as possible out of the traffic, tho there was scarcely any one about, it being latish. I fingered the hairy notch and round her thighs and bum which felt solid and asked her age. “Nineteen, why don't you have me? There's a house close by, I think I can find it.” — I declined. — “Feel her cunt, she's no hair on it,” said the doxy. Next minute I had one finger on a soft smooth little split. — All had not occupied five minutes, people passed, took no notice of us, in fact didn't see us, and hurried along to get home excepting the Paphians, and those who like myself were amusing themselves in verifying the sex of those in petticoats.