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We alighted, and she followed me to a house. They were not up, and I stood ringing with this slightly clad, poor looking woman besides me. Luckily the door soon opened and a bedroom soon held us, but it had now got quite a dark London morning. The gas was shut off from the main and there was no fire. Almost in the dark we were left whilst a woman went to turn on the gas, and standing by the bed, after a struggle and, “Don't let the woman see.” I ran my hand round a splendid backside and again fingered a clitoris, then put my pego in her hand which I felt she handled lust-fully. Light got, “Shall I light a fire?” “Yes, in the next room, and tell us when it's ready.” Off went my coat, off went her bonnet, pushing her on to her back without any resistance from her, I threw up her clothes, saw massive thighs, big white bum and belly, a well-haired cunt, and in a second my prick had struck its end. She felt its warmth and stretch, its plunge and friction, and instantly sighed much with voluptuous soft sighs. On we fucked till I paused — I often do now in my pleasure. “Oh — go on.” Her cunt clipped for she was randy to her bum hole. — “Do you want fucking?” “Oho — yes — go on.” She sighed impatiently and her ivory backside wriggled. “Say fuck me.” “I won't — ah — aher — ah — Fuck me — aha — aher — Don't stop.” — A woman saying that often brings on my discharge, and now both sighed our pleasure as my spunk inundated her. — Then soon I stood holding her thighs quietly, keeping my prick in her. How beautiful she looked to me — what a lovely cunt it felt. — “Is it true you've not been fucked for three weeks?” — “Quite true, longer, and I wouldn't have done it now but for him.” “You wanted it.” “I did, just when I saw you, I began to feel queer.” She laughed. My instincts were true.

Knock — knock. — “I've lighted a fire, sir.” Down went her petticoats, I hid my prick, and to the adjoining room we went. — “The room's quite warm, sir, a gent and a lady's been a sleeping there last night.” — “I'll fuck you again.” “You must be quick then but give me my money. It's a bit of luck,” said she, as I gave her two sovereigns. “Let me see your cunt.” She didn't seem to like that but allowed it, and the promise of ten shillings did more, she let me strip off a not too clean chemise, and stood naked, as fine a woman as I've ever embraced. — “You're not thin tho you're in such poverty.” “No, my father and mother feeds me well, but they won't do nothing for him, and I've pawned nearly everything to get him things, and I works hard too. — I think I'll turn a gay the money's easy got.” — And a lot more she said as I laid besides and frigged her, till again her bum wriggled, and she said on a sudden. — “Show me your thing, you've seen mine.” — She was getting lewed, demoralized, it certainly was not sham. — I showed it her, she seemed pleased, lewed, and felt it restlessly and long. She'd a lovely cunt, one fully dark-haired, but not a hair was near her arsehole. Her flesh was white, her form all that could be wanted, and whilst I looked and admired her, — “Oh, let's get into bed it's so cold, but I must go soon.” She much wanted fucking. Into a bed in which perhaps a couple had been fucking all night we got. We never looked at the sheets and we both had our boots on. — “Oh ain't it nice and warm?” said she. Then we kissed lewedly, her hand sought my prick, my finger her clitoris, and under its gentle titillation soon she sighed, — “Oh! do me.” 'Let me frig you and I'll fuck you afterwards.” She acquiesced, opened her thighs, I frigged gently. “Oho

— quicker.” — Her belly heaved, her rump, jogged Iuickly with tremulous fucking motion, that irresistable )scillation when the spend is coming — and she spent.

— “There, you've made me, let me now go,” and she let go my pego.

But now, my lust roused by the play of my finger on the slit which was moistened with its juices, my pego stood full stiff and ruby-tipped again. I threw down the clothes and shewed it her triumphant, and barely was her pleasure over than I got between her thighs and -overed her, and lay with prick buried deep in the lubricious avenue. Tho stiff I restrained myself and lay within her, talking of fucking, ever and anon moving my prick gently, now this way now that way, searching her cunt with it to keep it rigid — for I was in no hurry.. “Your cunt's quite soft with spendings. — Does my prick feel nice. — Do you like it pushed hard up?” and so on. — “Aha — yes, you'll make me do it again soon, aha — aha — yes — yes, it's nice — oh, go on, do it.” — She held me to her like a vice, raising her thighs to engulf my prick, to get all up her, and let her cunt rise to my thrusts. Then clutching her solid buttocks, luickly I rammed my pego up and down, till my sperm filled her as she spent, and then we lay in soft repose.

— “What's the time? if I don't get there by twelve o'clock I can't see him.” “It's not ten I'm sure.” “But I must go to my brother's first.” — I held her fast, my prick still in its warm lodging and asked more questions. — “Who — where — what for — when?”

— all about him and their name, their occupation. But she was as close as an oyster. — “I believe Bob's in prison.” “Ho! — he ain't — get along — oh do.” — Backwards she drew her bum, my prick slipped out of her buttery cunt, she jumped out of bed and put on her chemise. My remark seemed to upset her, for she kept looking at me in a queer manner.

“You've not washed your cunt.” “Ah, no.” She washed it and in a great hurry dressed. “You've been gay.” — “Me? never.” “Why is Bob so far off?” “I won't tell, it's no business of yours. — No — I won't tell you where I live, no nor my name. — No, I won't meet you again — Oh, I did say just now I'd turn gay but I didn't mean it — of course I didn't.” — “You wanted fucking.” — “So would you if you hadn't had it for three weeks.” “You frig yourself.” — “Why in course I does, who wouldn't? — Oh, leave me alone.”

— I felt her cunt and thrust my finger up it, and made her feel my prick. — “Bob's in prison.” She stared for a minute. “He isn't.” — “He is.” — “He isn't.” — I persisted and she got angry so I dropped the subject Whilst feeling her quim for the last time — she was then dressed and standing up — again I said, “He's in prison.” — “He's in a hospital.” — “Well, but in a prison.” — “Well, it isn't any business of yours if he is, and he's no right to be.” — “Then he is in prison.” — “He isn't now I won't answer any more.” — “Kiss me.”

— She did. — “Feel my prick.” — “Show it us then.” I produced it, she felt it eagerly all over, pulled the prepuce back, burst out laughing and went down stairs saying, “The door isn't locked, is it?” — Next instant she disappeared. I got to shooting after luncheon, and told a thundering lie as the reason for missing the train.

I've not made up my mind about this woman's status. Had she ever been a harlot, or simply fucked on the sly, as so many of the lower classes have been before marriage? Was she living with a man or married? That the man she was going to see was in prison I am sure. — Was it money which got her, or was it lust? — She admitted that when I accosted her she wanted fucking, her struggles when I wanted to feel her cunt were not like a harlot's, nor was her talk. — It must have been money, and want of fucking together which made her yield to me. — She was a fully grown splendid woman, with white solid flesh, had an arm as big as a man's but feminine in shape, with much dark hair in her armpits. — She'd unusually thick, wide black eye-brows, and her eyes were dark and very soft in expression. — I never had a woman who enjoyed her fucking more. She said she was twenty-four, — I wrote all about her early the next morning before I went out shooting. Gold offered to women when their cunts tingle will get most of them.

[The following no doubt was reserved for a chapter on cunts.] — Met last night a little girl whom I guessed fifteen, as she was. I took her to a baudy house, put her naked, and found she'd an extraordinary development of nymphae. She'd scarcely any hair on her crack, and the nymphae hung out from the lips nearly the entire length of them, quite an inch and a half, — I never saw such a cunt before, tho I've seen some large developments of nymphae, and notably in a harlot named Betsy with prominent eyes. This was long ago.