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Generally if alone with a woman I get some facts from her. “I wish I was Jack, I'd marry you.” — “Oh ain't yer a lying stiff,” said she laughing heartily. “Where's your next fair I'll come and sleep with you.” — “Oh ain't yer a chaffing, I must go.” — “No, give me a kiss.” — “Shan't, I must go.” — “Damned if I wouldn't give a sovereign to sleep with you,” I blurted out, ready almost to ravish her. — “No, none a that sir please” as I attempted a feel, after a kiss which she let me take. Then she gave me a sudden push — A very strong one — and laughing got out the door. — “Look,” said I, randy mad and puffing out my flaming stiff pego. — “Oh — ain't you one.” — She walked to the bar, but looked at my cunt rammer long, and laughed before she went. I felt sure I'd made her lewed.

Refreshed and meaning to have a look at the country, I paid and departed, winking at the girl, she smiling in return, in the way women do when gratified by lewed talk and sight of a stiff prick. — Every woman is really gratified by a man's desiring to fuck her, whether the desire be delicately implied, or quite coarsely ex-pressed. — “Good morning Miss,” said I most politely. “Good morning Sir,” and I passed out.

I strolled along a country road, flat fields with large ditches and big uncut hedges in each side, enclosing large spaces of naked arable land with occasional pasturage as far as I could see. At long distances apart, was a poor cottage or two together, at places here and there a shabby farm house or barn. Scarcely a laborer on the road and a cart visible about every five minutes. A duller district I have rarely seen, it was dullness itself. Not a breath of wind, made a rustle in tree or hedge, all was silent, mournful, yet the novelty pleased me, and on I strolled smoking, sometimes singing and stopping every now and then. At last I asked of a chance laborer the distance to * * * *.

A quick tramp and heavy footsteps in the distance struck my ear; footsteps as of some one walking much quicker than myself. Nearer and nearer they came and on turning round, there was the showman's daughter.

She smiled all over her face and so did I — “What you, Miss, where's Jack?” were my first words. — “Oh — he ain't turned up.” — “You'll have no bed-fellow — you'll be cold.” — “Shan't,” — she replied laughing. — “I'll sleep with you.” — “Will you now, ain't yer kind?” with a good humoured sneer. “Yes, and I'll give you a new dress.” — “Oh — lor — who'd a thought it?” and she laughed heartily, as I did. There was a joking, yet voluptuous twinkle in her eyes which made me feel sure she felt lewed. — “Yes and would give it to have you ten minutes alone.” — “Oh ain't yer generous.” — “Yes and I'll give you this for nothing,” pointing to my prick — at which she roared. “Don't walk so quick I shall lose that pretty face too soon.” — “I must catch em up.” — “You'll wear your boots out and it's going to rain. How I wish I were your boots.” — “My boots?” looking quite astonished. — “Yes, then I look up and see what I'm dying to see, let me.” — “Shan't, you beast” — and again she laughed, repeating “my boots — ha — ha — ha my — boots.” — Two or three minutes more baudy chaff, and I'd taken half a dozen kisses.

Chaffing on more broadly still had made her quim tingle, for she now chaffed delicately in return, as we walked slower along looking into each other's faces. — We heard a loud crack of a whip, and a male voice loudly encouraging a horse, the hedges were thick and high with their summer's growth and hindered our seeing. “They're a givin it hot,” said she. A field gate was near, we went to it, and saw an excavation in the field, into which apparently a cart had slid and partially the horse which a man was flogging to make it pull out and which with violent struggles it did. Standing close together there I put my arm round her waist, “Adun now,” — but she submitted to a dozen kisses and gave one in return. Then inflamed by hugging her plump form, I put my hand outside her clothes and tucked them against her cunt. “I've had it stiff ever since I saw you — let us.” — “Adun now I shan't” — but she didn't move from the gate. The man and cart had disappeared, the hedge hid us partially, and still I stood kissing, begging her to let me, she saying “I won't, you shan't” but not moving. — “I'll give you a couple of sovereigns.” I would have given her more for I was mad with lust. — To that she made no reply. — Gold, omnipotent Gold! !

Then as I always do, always did — I wonder if all men do — pulled out my prick and forced her hand to it. “There's some one's coming — hide it,” — said she scared. Sure enough there was the tramp of feet and soon a couple of farm laborers came by us, whilst we stood gazing over the gate, till they were lost in the distance.

Again I showed it and she modestly shame-facedly felt it but saying, — “I shan't,” — I'd just got my hand between her thighs, when, “Don't, there's a carriage coming.” She was right, and again my machine was hidden. — An open carriage with ladies in it rolled past, the only genteel vehicle I'd seen. Again I kissed, again pulled out my tool. “If you don't let me I shall spend” — “I won't — we can't here — I shan't.” “We can — only let me feel it nicely darling.” Next minute my fingers were on her clitoris. “No — oho — no, we'll be caught — some one will be a comin by.” — I was frigging her hard, my prick standing out and throbbing, she dying to be fucked.

Sure now of having her, certain that her cunt was thirsting for my spunk, quickly I stepped out into the long straight road and not a soul could be seen. Back instantly. “No one's about.” — “I won't there” — but I pushed her gently without resistance, for she wanted a fuck — with her back against the gatepost, where the ground was higher than in the centre of the gateway. She was shortish, the hedge grown uncut round the post hid us well — and in a minute my prick was up her. She was young, strong and lewed, my ballocks were full, and in three or four minutes her cunt had all I could give. We revelled in the conjunction long after-wards, I holding her round her solid naked buttocks, she tightening me to her by my waist after she'd spent. We went on kissing, my cock still lingering in her, till she, “There's a man coming.” — We both listened, prick and cunt still joined. — “I think it's Jack — it is.

— Oh, don't let him see you.” — Out came my prick, down dropped her petticoats, she went into the road and walked on, I got over the gate and hid behind the hedge, my prick hanging out. I didn't want a scene.

A man passed by with quickish heavy footsteps, then over the gate I got and peeping round the hedge saw him ahead of her, and she squatting and piddling near the ditch. — It wasn't Jack. I joined her. — “I was in a stew,” said she. — “You've washed your cunt.” — “I ain't got no water.” — “You've piddled, let's feel,” — she wouldn't let me. — On we walked talking baudily as I could, delighted in doing so, she listening, at times laughing, for nearly an hour, till in the long distance I saw houses and smoke. — “That's where Dad stops.”

— “Let's do it again.” — “We can't now,” — said she, looking at me as if she wished we could. More people

— all farm people seemingly passed and now appeared to look at us more curiously. It's not often that a gentle-man and a sturdy showman's woman are seen walking together along a high road. But I had no tall silk hat on, a hat which declares class more than any other part of a man's habiliments.

We dawdled, I pressed her to fuck. She feared, said it was impossible, and we turned to another field gate. In the field it opened onto there was pasturages and cows about tho not in that field. A little way back by a hedge in the field was a wooden shed half open but with a gate, a rough place looking as if built for sheep by laborers, not by carpenters. Thinking it might suit our amatory wants, I got over the gate — for this gate also was locked — and opened the gate of the shed which was fastened by a rough latch. In it was a grindstone and a huge roller. An inner gate shewed straw. I opened that and out rushed a calf nearly knocking me over, which limped far away, for it was lame and quickly went towards a hedge where were cows in a field beyond. It startled me as I opened the door. Seeing that we could fuck there unobserved, I stepped out and beckoned her. With the agility of a boy she climbed the gate, shewing her plump legs and dirty petticoats, and in a minute was in the shed. Fearing the animal had soiled its bed, I threw down some clean straw which was in a corner in the entrance division, she laid down at once quite ready, and I threw up her petticoats — the only thing she objected to and wouldn't have but saw fat thighs, a little light hair on a fat motte, and the ever adorable split in her belly. Then I pulled open her legs. — “Now don't do that.” — I insisted and felt her cunt still soft and lubricated with my spendm, and next minute we were fucking, I with the pleasure which novelty and a pretty young randy cunt gives me. — “Listen,” said she stopping my thrusts and nearly uncunting me. But there was no one, we had left the doors open purposely — I was just spending. “Be quick, I'm so frightened.” — “Do you want it?” — “Yes, be quick, I'll do it soon” — and in another minute her cunt stood (as some French women say) gave grind and suction to my prick, out throbbed its mucilage, and her cunt gripping exuded its juices. Two minutes after she was back over the gate, and after having closed the shed door I followed her. — “Don't let us go to * * * * together,” said she. — “Dad's there.” — “All right, here are two sovereigns.” She looked at them wistfully, then angrily, — “I know what yer thinks me but I ain't.” — “I know that but take it.” — “Thank you,” — taking it she spat on it. — “How old are you?”