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Of course as said all these amusements were not had on the same day, this is an epitome of what took place from time to time during this and a few years after. — Each day's amusement was noted down by me soon after, but are condensed here. Our meretricious tricks were nearly always played in the afternoon in broad daylight, beginning soon after luncheon, and in a room on which the sun shone brilliantly most of the day; often times on prick and cunt fell the warm sunbeams. The room was one where none could see or hear us, and where the amiable assistants got for us were mostly young and handsome, and who could bear any amount of light, any inspection of their secret charms, and who full of hot blood and the voluptuousness of youth, and stimulated by champagne, loved the baudy tricks and spent freely.

And to complete this catalogue of letches, and delights, — it occurred two years later when I findst dildoed H. — I had an umbrella with a smooth handle of peculiar shape, and H. was delighted to let me fuck he] with it till she spent.

Indeed most things that a man, and three women could do together we did. What was wanting to complete the variety was H. to gamahuche me, but she's neither do that, nor gamahuche the other women tho she'd frig them till they could spend no longer. — In after years once under pressure of circumstances H took my libation in her mouth, and once sucked me up to rigidity only.

Chapter V

A virgin youth with a harlot. • Questions in a cab. • A frisky triad at her lodgings. • A carroty cunted one. • A lescivious quartette at the abbess'. • Miscellaneous, meretricious, merrymakings. • An orgy.

Tho I no longer seize my opportunities, and do not see them indeed, letches at times spring up suddenly and I am led away by them — weak still.

In November of this year at ten o'clock one night I was going along a main thoroughfare, when just by a footway passage which led to another street, I saw a young and fairly well dressed woman, standing and threatening two lads who were following and chaffing her. — “Have you had it tonight, my dear?” said one, and so on. I stood amused, listening. She angrily said, — “I'll put a policeman on you.” — They laughed and chaffed more than ever. “Put the bobby up,” said the biggest, but the shorter one of the two slunk away. Suddenly — how like a flash of lightning — occurred to me that perhaps the lad was randy, had never had a woman, that his prick might be at that moment stiff. Then came my letch. — “He wants to have you,” said I to the woman whom I followed down the passage way, and who'd reached the door of a public house. “The little devil does I think,” said she laughing. “Give me a glass of wine.” — The lad stood still at the corner of the passage way, watching us apparently. She was I saw a good looking woman of about twenty, with flashing dark eyes. — Then, “I'll give you a sovereign to let him fuck you, and me see him.” — “Will you?” “All right if he'll come.” — “Try him.”

She turned back, the taller lad was still standing there, and beckoned him, whilst I stood by the public house. He approached her, but evidently feared a trap and stood at a distance. — “What are you frightened at? Come here.” At length he stood by her, and I went up to them. “I'm going home with this lady, and she shall show you her cunt if you like, did you ever see a cunt?” — “Not a woman's,” he replied saucily after a moment's hesitation. — “You shall hers and I'll pay her to let you.” — He seemed flabbergasted at the proposal, said, “No,” he must get home, but the invitation repeated, he at last consented, tho in a downcast manner, as if half scared, as if he wanted but was frightened.

Then asking him to wait, I bought with her in the public house two bottles of sherry, resolved to overcome his fear, if any. He was waiting and looking brighter, indeed had a broad grin on his face, which died away as we got into the first four wheeler, when he seemed anxious again. My brain was now seething with desires of all sorts.

She lived in a decent house at * * * *, and we were there in ten minutes, I talked baudy all the way, he was silent, seeming not to like much his position. He didn't know the woman he said but — “liked chaffing the gals.” — He was at '' as an errand boy. “I think I'd better go,” said he once when in the cab. — “What, not see my cunt?” said she. That quieted him. — In the rooms we plied him with the wine, but he seemed un- easy and I feared my letches which had been accumulating wouldn't be gratified; but he drank freely, and when she came in from the bed to the sitting room with a chemise only on, his eyes seemed ready to start out of his head, and he put both hands in his trowser pockets, rubbing them up and down there in an excited manner.

She began exciting him by tying up a garter, and showing one thigh plenteously. “Should you like to feel it?” — “Yes,” he replied to her, sheepishly and hesitatingly. “Show me your cock,” and she began to un-button his trowsers. “I don't want that,” and he half resisted like a coy girl, but in a minute she had it out and pulled the foreskin back. — It wasn't stiff. “Come and wash it.” — She pulled back the foreskin, and I saw it was in a state of randy efflorescence. She led him into the bedroom and performed the operation on it her-self. I followed looking on. His tool was now hanging out and he tried to hide it. — “Let me see it, I'm going to pay her to show us her cunt you know, if you don't you shan't” — and then he let me see it.

He'd only seen two girl's cunts without hair on them, and questioned monde closely, admitted one of them was his sister's cunt. “There — look.” Saying that she exposed her charms. Very pretty they were and made me stiffen. He looked closer and closer, and up stood his prick at once without his touching it. Human nature and instinct, I believe, would make the prick of any youth at puberty stiffen, even if he'd never heard of or seen a cunt before. — He put his hand to her cunt. “No, not a feel, I didn't promise that.” — “Oh do.” — “Let me feel your cock and she shall,” — said I. — “Oh do, let me feel her.” — The next moment he was fin- gering it, and I at the same time handling a fair sized tool, crimson tipped and burning. I brought him an-other glass of wine whilst he was fingering her quim, but he was so engrossed that he didn't take it, didn't notice it — was fascinated with the red gap, till she rose and pushed down her chemise, hiding her charms. I went on questioning him. No, he'd never fucked but he had frigged himself. He told everything unhesitatingly now, in the cab he'd shirked my inquisitiveness. — “Would you like to fuck her?” — “Yes, ain't she lovely?” — “She'll let you but you must take all your things off, must make yourself quite naked.” In a minute he had stripped off his dirty shabby clothing, and stood as naked as he was born, his cock standing up rigidly. — “Are you sure you've never fucked a woman?” — “No Sir, never.” — “You'll have a virgin, Mary,” said I. — “I've never had one yet,” said she laughing and squeezing his cock, and looking at it attentively.

Then she asked him if he'd ever fucked. He swore that he hadn't. — “Come to the bed,” said she hastily, for the idea of having the virginity of the lad made her lewed — as she told me afterwards. — She stripped off her chemise and got on to the bed. — “Come on.” On he got, she closed her thighs, then he laying there hesitated. “Why don't you fuck me?” — “How can I?” — “There,” — and she opened her thighs wide. — He turned on to and tried to get up her she helping him. He fumbled. “Not there, that's not the hole.” — “Where then, that's it, ain't it?” — “No.” — It was, but she wanted to worry him. — Up he got and his prick got flabby. — She frigged it stiff, and he began opening and looking at the lips of her groove. — “It's there ain't it?” said he anxiously. — “No, lower down, there” pointing. — “Why, your cock is not stiff.” — Again she frigged it, and again he turned on to her, she guided his tool, and the next second he was up her. — “No, let him fuck you at the side of the bed.” I said — for I couldn't see his face, and like to see the face of a man when he's fucking, and that of a woman when she spends.