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She uncunted him and placed herself at the bedside propendly. He stood between her thighs and she put into her his prick. He needed no further education, for every male fucks naturally. His bum began to oscillate. — “Is her cunt nice?” — “Oh — yhes — lovely — ohoo.” — “Is your spunk coming?” — He didn't reply.

— “Aharr,” — and ramming as he sighed, all was over. He shut his eyes as he spent. She shut hers too, and jerked her buttocks rapidly, and both were quiet. — “You've spent too. — “Yes, I've taken his virginity,” said she laughing and triumphantly, when she'd recovered from the pleasure. I was standing feeling his balls from underneath, his pego still in her cunt as I spoke, nor did they seem inclined to uncouple. “Is fucking nice?” — “Oh yes.” “Would you like to do it again?”

— “Oh, yes sir.”

I'd seen all I'd intended, had resolved when the letch first seized me to do no more than see the lad fuck her, but as I saw the state of her quim — in which was as much sperm as many a full grown man could have shed

— my lust was roused. — “Lay still, I'll fuck you.” — “Let me wash.” — “No, as you are.” I fucked her and she spent with me, whilst he stood looking on feeling his prick.

We washed, and I washed the lad's tool, making him piddle first. The sherry — fiery stuff which nevertheless I'd drunk, — I suppose added to the state of rut I'd got into. Every sort of letch now arose in me, the difficulty was to know which to gratify. The lad's cock was a fair sized one, she and I handled it, he said he'd like to fuck her again. She frigged it till erect, he fucked her and I after him, then quickly I paid and de-parted, leaving him with her.

A week afterwards I called on her and tailed her. I had a long conversation about the lad who was not much over fifteen years of age, she was sure. She told me that she was also sure that he'd never fucked a woman before. She tried to get him to fuck her again when I'd left, but he couldn't. The idea of having taken his virginity pleased her mightily.

In the spring of the following year, the abbess one day said that she'd written to Black to meet us to make our lascivious trio, but she hadn't come, would we have another lady there just now, who was very young, but charming and “quite up to fun,” by which the abbess implied baudy to any extent. H. and I consulted, I asked if she'd gamahuche, and finding she would give that labial lingual pleasure both to H. and self, we had her.

In came she in chemise, a short girl not eighteen with the ndeddest hair I ever saw. I have had several of that color, but hers was exactly that of the brightest carrot, and the hair on her cunt the same. — Her split was one of those which are like a cut in an orange, a mere slit, it had scarcely a sign of the swell where the external lips are, and had but small inner lips and clitoris. The red crisp fringe from her motte descended diminishing in length, but a little way only down the sides of the split, which split shewed a pndetty coral line down the centre. The flesh of her thighs, belly and indeed her whole body was exceedingly white and soft, and the effect of the red centre line, carroty curly hair, and plump white flesh of the cunt sides was very pretty. For all that neither of us much liked her — we both together looked well at her quim, she gamahuched H. who afterwards frigged her, and then she minetted me without hesitation, and to please H. — who wished to see it done. — Afterwards I fucked the red haired gap. Then we sent her away and I tailed H. but we never had her afterwards. H. likes now to see me fucking a woman. The wench was only noticable on account of the peculiar redness of her hair, and the peculiar look of her cunt, quite a thing to recollect. H. had never seen a red haired quim before. I like to see her looking at another's quim.

We from time to time gratified our letches in the various ways already described and epitomized. The conversations we had at other times with Misses. R. and B. and occasionally with the abbess, were delightful. Both told us their experiences, and how, when, and where, pricks first penetrated their unscathed virgins' quims. The abbess told us of strange letches of her clients and of flagellation experiences. So here was nothing erotic that we did not know. Indeed there was little that we had to learn. Looking one clay at a print of two women and two men fucking altogether. “I should like so you to fuck a woman, whilst I am also flicked at your side,” said H. I agreed that it would be delicious. At other meetings on recurring to the subject, we resolved to have that amusement and that Black should be the other woman. “But who the other man?” The abbess consulted said she knew a gentle-man who could be one, but would be masked. — I didn't like that, nor did H., but towards the middle of the summer, H. met at a town two miles from her residence, a gentleman who years before when she was gay, had tailed her. She'd talked and walked with him, he got passionate for her, her quim she admitted got hot, and forgetting all, — and she risked much, — let him strum her. Then her lusts fully roused, she'd gone to him again. When she told me of this I cautioned her, besought her. — “Oh! He has such a fine prick,” said she laughing, as she drank a glass of champagne. Yet this woman really loved her own man, but as in years before let her passions conquer her. — At church every Sunday after this she felt she was not good enough to be there. Lust is omnipotent.

Then he worried her. She'd refused to let him have her again, unless he'd be one of the party of four (she said) . He, wild to possess her agreed, a day was named and Black informed. He was to be without a mask, I to wear one if I liked — for I didn't know what manner of man he might be, tho I'd no fear of a trap or trick on her part. — On the day H. was there with Black and this temporary sweetheart. I entered the room masked, we began with luncheon which I had taken, and champagne of very good quality which the abbess kept in stock — for none but gentlemen entered her house, — and when we'd finished two bottles we were all ready for any baudiness, our talk alone would have roused the prick of a dead man. Both the women had been sitting with chemises only on, we men without coats and waistcoats, for it was a hot day, the sun was shining, the sky clear, all was bright as day in that snug room, the scene of so much love making.

H. sat on her friend's knee (Fancy I shall name him), and pulled out his pego, which out of lingering modesty, at the unaccustomed exposure to another male I sup-pose, was not stiff, tho large and pendant. Black did the same to me, and my tool was in similar condition. — “Make his stiff,” said H. laughing, which in a minute the girl did, for the sight of H. with her chemise now up to her rump, feeling his pego whilst he fingered her crimson gap, would have stiffened me without the aid of Black's fingers. His was now stiff and in handsome state. — “Isn't it a fine one?” said H. proudly. — I'd guessed before that her old letch had made her give herself to the man — a big prick was her delight, her ideal of the male. — His was bigger every way than mine, was, indeed, a noble cunt stretcher. I longed to feel it, but mauvaise honte restrained me. H., who from many a conversation knew what I should like, said. “Feel it — here,” — giving it an inviting shake and looking baudily at me. Relieving mine from Black's fingers I went and felt it. — At once he grasped mine, and in silent delight we for a minute played with each other's ramrods. “Let me feel it too,” said Black who came close to us and completed the group. — I put one hand between her thighs and felt her hot gap — gap now longing for a stretching, thirsting for the male libation — whilst I handled his stiff rod and H. handled mine. Hands across — a salacious quartette.

Then all stripped to our skin, put the looking glasses so as to reflect us, and in varied groupings viewed our- selves. It was, “Do this.” — “Lay hold of his prick.' — “Let Black hold it as well.” — “Oh! You hurt my cunt.” — “Feel H.'s cunt, Black,” — etc. etc. Not minute were we in the same position, restless letches were in all of us, bums to bellies, prick crossing pricy we men placed them, both pricks stiff as horns. The women delighted, Black knelt down and took my prick in her mouth, her bum towards a glass, incited to that by H. Stooping I took his noble tool into mine, and so on, till stimulated by these lascivious preliminaries “Oh! — my God — fuck me,” said H. Going to the bed and pushing the glasses into position, she mounted it in a minute Black followed, and we men were by the bedside ready to cover them.