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All had washed pricks and cunts at the beginning and all were ready for the luscious games. — “No, at the side,” said H. changing her mind. There she got, and Black laid by her side. Both opened wide their thighs H. lay with her handsome central furrow, of deeper crimson tint now than years ago, wider spread and fuller now are the curls around it, shining like satin was the surface of the pretty gap. Black's pretty youthful black haired slit shone like coral, showing its tiny nymphae as she lay with finger on her clitoris, put there in her impatient randiness to give incipient pleas ure, and make we men more lewed. — “I'll fuck you dear H.” “No, Fancy shall fuck me, you fuck B.” — The biggest prick and the novelty fetched her. I threw myself upon my knees, and licked all over the smooth and pulpy surface of her sweet scented cunt, whilst Fancy seeing my initiative, licked the other's little randy split. — “Oh — Fuck — fuck” — cried H. im patiently. Rising I clutched her thighs and drove m3 glowing prick right up her cunt. “You shan't fuck me with that mask on,” cried she, and ere I could prevent it uncunted me and drew my mask from off my face. “Let Fancy fuck me first.” — Reckless now, glad to be rid of the mask which heated my face, I let it lie where it fell, and turning round again I felt his noble shaft, just as he approached the eager slit of H. Then I went to B. and drove my pego up her. The next second his balls were against H.'s bum, his shaft engulphed, and mine up B.'s little cunt.

This with loud and baudy talk, then all was quiet. Pleasures too great were ours now for utterances, as pricks and cunts were joined, and we fucked close to-gether, side by side, the women's thighs touching, the glass sideways showing us all. Each could see all — the women's legs held up, the men's arses oscillating with the up and down, and in and out movements of their pricks, in the warm moist quims. Putting one hand out I felt his buttocks. — H. tried to put her hand on to B.'s motte. — “Oh! Look at us fucking,” — cried she. She loves the spectacle of naked copulation, and we never fuck in this house without fixing our eye upon the glasses, where we see our every movement.

She sighed “Ahaa,” — her belly heaved — B.'s ivory plump buttocks reciprocated my thrusts, she pushed her legs up higher as she felt my prick's friction. — Rapidly both women's arses now jogged and heaved, as our pricks rammed harder, faster, and wriggled in the cuntal depths. “Aherr — spunk — fuck,” — cried H. — She loves the baudy cries. “Fuck.” — “Are you spending, Black?” — “Aha — yes — spunk,” — cried B. sympathetically. — “My spunk's spending in your cunt dear.” — “Aher.” — “Yhes — fuck,” and in a Babel of lascivious cries, bodies heaving, arses joggin short jogs, cunts wriggling and gripping, bellies ar thighs shuddering with the luscious pleasure, out she our spunk. Then bending over our women, with gentlest movements squeezing our pricks into the cunt gorged to overflowing with the soft mucus, in soothing baths of our blended spendings lay our pricks welte-ing, all of us quiet, exhausted, dying away after the delirium of the crisis, dissolving in the lingering, bliss ful, soothing voluptuousness of our sexual pleasure, of livious of all but the blessed conjunction of prick and cunt.

Such bliss can't last forever. — With senses returning we men stood erect, pricks still in cunts, but dwindling in the lubricious emulsion of our making. We take still holding up the women's legs, who lay with hum] eyes, glad to retain the pleasure giving implements t them. “Has he spent much H.?” — “Lots, I'm full, it running out of my cunt,” said H. — for I thought of he first. — “Let me see.” — “You shan't you beast,” — laughing. — “Don't let her legs close Fancy, — keep your thighs apart B.” — Fancy entered into the fun and withdrew his dripping pego as mine quitted B.'s glutious gap. I closed on H., and saw fat sperm rolling from her heated quim — opaque and thin together. — He'd spent fully, I had deluged B.'s little tight vulva H. opened wider still her thighs for my inspection. I had left the women, having, it seemed, no taste for the glorious sight, and began washing his tool.

H. who knew my letch and had her own, tho saying “Beast,” remained quiescent, expectant. — She kite the sight would stimulate my lust, and I felt her love lubricious gap with one hand, and with the other B mucilaginous vulva. How smooth and large cunts feel after their spend, and the male libations are in them. — I plunged for a second my fingers up both cunts, I paddled in the sperm and my prick stiffened, pulsated with desire. Old letches came on me, I put my prick up H. But when half entered, shaking her head silently she pushed me off and winked, looking across at him, with his rump towards us was still washing I under-stood, she didn't wish him to see that. Soon after he did.

Then all washed. The women squatting, H. beginning to piddle after ablution. I put my hand and caught the amber stream, at which he laughed. — Naked then all sat down, the abbess brought more champagne, and said it was a pretty sight to see us naked. As we drank, H. with one hand was feeling his prick as they sat together on the sofa. Black sitting on my thigh was feeling mine. — Isn't his a fine prick?” said H. It had swollen again. The abbess felt it, chuckled and said. “Ain't it a beauty?” Then after feeling mine and patting H.'s haunches. — “Hasn't she a nice bum? — two pricks standing. — Oh! What a pretty sight,” and then she left the room.

We put on chemises and shirts, for hot as it was, in our climate long continued nudity often causes chilliness. Talk of prick and cunt and fucking them went on, and of but little else, every now and then feeling our pricks and cunts quite indiscriminately, he mine, I his, lifting shirts and chemise at times to gratify our eyes, H. now feeling his and mine at the same time, H. lolling baudily on a sofa with him, B. and I lolling upon the bed.

More champagne and more pissing. I held his tool to see the watery spout. Then we placed the women against the bedside with bums towards us, to compare the beauty of their notches, then slapping their buttocks with our pricks, pulling the hairy lips apart, tickling the stripes with tongues, and other lascivious whims and fancies, our passions were soon roused. H. said, “Let's fuck,” — before we men were ready. — I knew the lot of spending she could give, the fucking she needed when in rut as she was today — the day long anticipated and prepared for. — Again all stripped and went to the soul stirring, delicious, sexual embrace. The embrace when man and woman are angels to each other, tho the power of fucking is the gift of every animal in creation, is the function of a beast. But how Divine the pleasure in body and mind when doing it.

“I won't fuck yet I'll gamahuche,” — said I, wishing to husband my sperm. H. ready, opened her thighs, and my tongue tickled her till she went off shrieking in her voluptuous delirium. She was frigging B. with one hand, holding Fancy's prick — which now again stood nobly — with the other. — H. and I suggested all, he seemed passive but ready. — “Gamahuche me,” said she to him directly I had given her pleasure. Down he knelt and licked her vulva which she'd only wiped. She didn't disguise her pleasure, gave way to it with all its delirium of movements and words. “Oh — God go on — ahrr — feel his prick — is it stiff?” I felt his rigid staff with lascivious delight. — “Stiff as a poker.” “Ahaa, — I can see you — aha — frig it.” — I did. — “Aha, I shall spend — don't make him — spend. — Aha — spunk — fuck,” — and again her cunt gave out its pearly juices whilst violently she frigged Black who lay on the bed next her with head turned towards, and watching her raptures. Up he got with moistened lips, and without a word plunged his big pego up her, she nothing loath. I watched them for a while, then looked beneath his ballocks which was ample in size, well wrinkled, then took it in my hand and squeezed it gently. A shudder of delight passed through him. “I'm feeling his balls. — Suck my prick, Black dear.” — “I want to frig her,” said H. — “No, come.” — B. came and stooping took the red tip of my pego into her mouth, and tongued and licked and played with it, whilst I held his balls, looking at H.'s face. And he fucked on till her heavenly smile came. Then he groaned lightly and again filled her vulva with his sperm.