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Now it was very clear and frankly avowed by H., that our meetings were the delight of her life, that tho happy at home they were friendless nearly, and she looked forward to meeting me with the greatest pleasure, not only to tell me all, but to indulge with me in reminiscences, and have baudy afternoons with other women. “And it's your fault, you've told me more than all the men and women together whom I've known.” — But there were hindrances. Sometimes two or three weeks intervened between our meetings at the abbess'; tho each meeting brought some baudy novelty.

When next we met we had little Black and not Miss R. for our companion, and Black and I together gave H. her complete dose of pleasure. Two fucks, a frig, and three or four gamahuches, some by me, some by Black, seemed the quantum which she called a jolly baudy afternoon. All were pleased, for B. loved gamahuching H., and being gamahuched by me, and tho so young, willingly sucked my pego to its liquid culmination. — H. still refusing to do that, or to touch B.'s quim with her tongue. — What with conversation about fucking in general — of the erotic caprices of men, of money gained and spent, sexual incitements, etc. etc. — in which conversations the abbess joined now at times — we passed most voluptuous afternoons or evenings. — But the cost was heavy — for the abbess' house was quiet and expensive, and champagne and a second gay lady added much to the sum total of the expenses of meeting H.

The abbess was the most kindly woman of her class I ever knew and superior to her business, her house the nicest and quietest.

Chapter III

On the Thames Embankment. • A woman's letch. • Lilian the actress. • Invitation to dinner. • Invitation to fucking. • Eight hours' amusements.

On a sunshining day in August that year at about 2:30 p.m. I was passing a theatre near to the Thames and loitered to read the programme, scarcely any people were about. On the footway stood a tallish, dark eyed and exceedingly handsome woman, well dressed and looking about four and twenty, talking to a short, shabby old woman, the sort of woman who is frequently the friend and aid of high class harlots and actresses, oftentimes indeed their relatives. I was very fit that day, was dressed gaily, had had a good luncheon, womankind looked lovely in my eyes, but I'd no intention of seeking their acquaintance in the flesh, tho my pego was a little on the swell for I'd fucked no one recently, and had had no novelty since my return to England.

Few people were in London. Many frail ladies who could not afford to leave were in town, their lovers were absent, and their cunts missed the stretch and libations which they loved. People at hotels were having luncheon. Struck with the lady I looked at her with admiration. She fixed her eyes on mine, turning her head towards me as I approached, and turning her head round directly I had passed to look after me. I did the same, and looking half over my shoulder our eyes again met. I turned my head away courteously, but a voluptuous tingle went thro me as I thought of her cunt, — which of course I thought of.

I slackened my pace involuntarily. I had no object beyond seeing her beauty, and walked on a little, and then looking at some object as an excuse turned half round to look at her. She was still looking after me; beckoned with a toss of her head, and the old woman went off. Instinctively and without thought I returned, and in a second we were close together. “What are you staring at me for, do you know me?” said she with a smile. — “No — because you are so lovely.” — She laughed, I laughed, and there was a minute's silence. — She seemingly was waiting for me to make advances, but as I didn't said hesitatingly, “Come home and dine with me.” Awakened fully to the position, not wishing any more liaisons, thinking that a fiver if not a tenner would be expected, and I knew not what else, and having neither money or time. “Sorry I can't I've just had luncheon.” — “So have I, but I said dine,” — and her face I fancied looked livingly at me.

I was “flummoxed” by this very clear invitation to fucking, and as I have always been frank with women, and saw that this would be an entertainment beyond my means, recovered my reason which was failing under her fascination, and the carnal ideas and curiosities springing up, and making my pego thicken and elongate with voluptuous thrills. I told her I was sorry, was neither young nor rich. “So mustn't tho I longed for you the instant I saw you, — besides you'd be tired of me soon.” “Then you can go,” — she laughing re-plied. — “But I haven't two sovereigns in my pocket.”

— “Well, keep them there — come” — looking in her smiling face, thoughts of her cunt came, my cock erected itself. “Is it far?” — “Only at * * * * *, come, I'm very lonely.”

A crowd of thoughts rushed thro my brain. Desire for her — was it a trap — was she married — o kept. — Suppose I am caught — has she a letch for me? — If so I can't fuck as much as she'll want; these jumbled in my head making me irresolute. — “Are you an ac-tress?” — “You're curious.” — “Married?” — “No.”

— “Have you a friend?” — “You're very curious.” Saying that she half turned away. Then desire for her rushed through my brain and body — I should lose her.

— “Very well.” — She laughed. A growler passed us, into it we got, and in doing so again I said “I'm a poor man.” — “So you said.” The cab drove off, then I kissed her and she me. — “You are so lovely.” — “Do you think so” Then the conversation stopped, I wondering how the affair would end. Soon after we were at her house.

A pertish-mannered damzel opened the door. The dining room was handsomely furnished on the ground floor, where for a minute the lady left me. The first floor to which I soon mounted was handsomer, and I saw thro a door ajar a bedroom, thro which peeped my lady saying “I'm only changing my dress.” — Her name she'd told me in the cab, I promised not to reveal it and shall call her Lilian, tho neither word nor letter even phonetically resemble her true name.

In five minutes she appeared in a charming summer's dress. Then I saw that she was older than I'd thought, was perhaps seven and twenty. The servant brought in champagne, ice, and fruit. She drank thirstily, I but cautiously, for I'd drunk well at luncheon. I'd not taken the slightest liberty beyond kissing her when in the cab, now I closed to her on the sofa, extolling her beauty, saying I'd been struck with it on the instant I saw her and again I kissed. “Why did you go away then?” — “I reflected.” — “On what?” — “I didn't know what to do, what exactly you meant, then my cock suddenly stiffened, and I wondered what sort of cunt you had, and stopped,” — I replied, bursting out into lustful phrases. She fell back on the sofa screaming with laughter. — “You are a baudy devil, I thought you were.” — Then we kissed, again, for the ice was broken and I hugged her to me. “Now I shall find out what it's like.” As I spoke my fingers went up her clothes and between the lips of hend quim. She only closed her thighs as most women do when taken unawares — excepting thorough-paced whores.

Resisting slightly — a mere sham — laughing all the time and calling me a baudy devil, I got her clothes — now only a chemise and the frock — up to her thighs, saw the triangular brown thicket, and bending kissed near to it, putting my furthest hand round a deliciously soft, cool haunch. She kept her thighs closed. — “Can't you wait? Till we have a glass more wine?” — But I now on the ram, slid down upon my knees, buried my nose and mouth, on thighs and belly, and hands pushed round her haunches pulled her towards me. Slowly her bum came to the sofa's edge. Suddenly I forced her thighs apart, my mouth went down between them as with a final rapid pull they opened, leaving her sweet slit ready to my lips which covered the soft surface, and as they touched it out shot my tongue searching for her spot of pleasure. Laughing, saying, “Now don't — I don't like that. — Oh don't — you beast — oho — lock the door then,” came at last as the gamahuche already began to tease her, for she was lewed I knew.