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I had stiffened. “Look what your dear little legs have done” — and out I pulled my cock. “Oh sir, oh do put the other boot on, let me put it on myself.” — They are all alike.

She took no heed of my prick, her sole desire was to get the boots quickly on — I gave it her, sitting back on my heels on the floor, and contemplating as she tugged and tugged it on and then buttoned it shewing to her knees heedlessly now in her vanity.

She asked her mistress when both were on to see them. Sarah said they looked charming. — The girl having now got them on, would only lift her clothes to her knees — said Sarah — “Do what you promised — he must see above the stockings.” — Pulling out the garters, I said, “I'll give you these.” — How the girl's eyes glistened. “And let me see higher, I shall feel your little thighs whilst I clasp these pretty garters round them, or I won't give them you.”

She sat down, never seemed to notice my prick, which I still kept out to affect her imagination and satisfy my own lust,. It was so delightful to keep my prick under the eyes of the pretty young creature. — She eyed only the garters. — “Let him,” said Sarah — I dropped on my knees, pushed up the petticoats, undid an old garter and clasped the new one round her thigh; then suddenly seizing both legs, I pulled her forward, hoisted high up her legs as she fell back, and pushing my head under her clothes, my nose came on to her motte, and the moisture of her cunt was on my lips. — I kissed and kissed it and slipped my hands up under her bum, she cried out loudly, Sarah laughing. “Oh, Doctor, you shouldn't unless she lets you.” It was a comedy.

“I have kissed her cunt, and will give her a silk dress to let me look at it as I do at yours.” — “Give me a silk dress and you may fuck mine for a month,” said Sarah. She had still only one garter on. “Let me put on the other.” She looked at it sulkily. “I shan't — there.”

I dangled it before her eyes chaffing her. “It's a dear little cunt, is the hair the colour of your head, tell me? There's hair on it, isn't there. Tell me.” — She silent, kept looking at the garter. The play and chaff was exquisitely voluptuous to me.

Again approaching her she ran close to Sarah. “Oh don't — don't let him, aunt.” — “I'm not your aunt, don't call me so again, if you do again I'll” — and there she stopped, and immediately changed to a coaxing tone. “Let him, what's the use of one garter.” But she would not, so I gave the other garter to Sarah. “Show us your cunt, Sarah, and let's fuck it.” Up went Sarah's clothes, and after a little dalliance we went into the bed room and I fucked her. — The door again was left ajar to let the girl peep, and she did. Then I gave Liz the other garter.

“You shall walk out in the boots,” said I when I was back in the sitting room, my lust appeased. — I sent her out for ale, but could not get her to drink any. — he had forgiven what I had done. It was amusing to see her every now and then looking down at her feet. She no longer resisted kisses, but show her legs and stockings again she would not. Sarah at times lifted the girl's clothes and shewed them to me. — “You are getting on fast,” said Sarah, when I had sent the girl out again for soda water. “I can see she likes your kissing. I wish you'd had her, for those girls in the rooms below are always about the stairs, and I think listening” —(alluding to a family which had taken rooms below hers). “I shall complain to the landlord, he always objected to lodgers with more than one child.”

Next night I could not go there. Sarah met me in the street. The silk dress the girl had spoken about, but never about the conditions. — Sarah reminded her. “He really did mean he would give it me, didn't he?” “Yes, but he was to look at your cunt.” “I can't — can I?” —it came to at last. “You can, nobody will know, I don't see harm.” “But would he give me a dress for that?” An hour afterwards, — “Black silk isn't pretty is it, I am in black,” — “I wear black,” said Sarah, “you needn't, no one here knows you.” The girl was already demoralized — the conversation heard, the sights seen would have upset any virgin. Then night and day was a woman with all her harlot's cunning, whetting the girl's appetite for sexual pleasure, stimulating her lust and vanity, and showing her how she could get voluptuous enjoyments and fine dress to-gether, without work — many women like doing this to young ones, I know.

I saw some pretty cheap silks, and bought a dress, black with little yellow dots on it — I saw Scotch ale stores written up, so bought two big bottles of strong sweet Scotch ale. Putting all into a handbag, at night I went there, told Sarah, who advised trying the effect that night, that the dress would do it. Lizzie had been so talked to about the folly of refusing such a simple thing as shewing her cunt that the girl had laughed herself at last at her weakness. Yet she had not said she would consent.

Sarah's behaviour, I noticed, was so different from that to the two other girls she had got me. She half bullied those — this one she led on, so that she asked Sarah what she should do; and Sarah, always at first telling her to do as she liked, ended by advising her to submit.

Instead of giving the girl the change this night I put it into my pocket, and she looked disappointed. — Sarah left the room and I took Lizzie in my arms as I sat on a chair. — “Don't, Sir, doan't,” said she, but now quietly, and she took kisses kindly. — “How do you like your boots.” “Oh very much.” “Let me see them, sit on my knee.” — She did, I lifted at first the clothes a little, then higher, then up went my hand to her garter. — “No doan't, sir.” — But I pulled her closer to me, and pushing the hand up on to her naked bum, held her quite close to me by it.

“Oh doan't — oh Missus.” “Don't make a noise, love, let me feel your dear little bum, now. There, it won't hurt and I'll give half a crown. I won't move my hand, I won't try to feel your cunt.”

She wriggled, but I kept my hand on her bum —a smooth, firm, plump one. “Here's the money — but you shan't have it if you don't stand still.” — She quieted. “You're very rude, Sir.” My hand kept roving over the deliciously smooth flesh — I could scarcely prevent myself from slipping it round to her motte, but had given my word so did not. — “Here's Missus coming, let me go.” “Let me see your sweet little cunt, there is a darling — and I will give you a silk dress.” “Oh no, oh let me go.”

Sarah kept out of the room, knowing that just then I should get on better by myself. I told Liz to call her. “She says she won't be long, but she must do some-thing to a dress to night,” said the girl returning.

Then I reminded her I had seen her legs, had kissed her cunt, that she had seen my cock — I pulled it out and went up to her trying to make her feel it. Saying, “I can't bear this,” she bolted to her mistress' room, I after her.

“Lizzie's been feeling my prick,” said I. “Oh, Sir — I ain't.” Sarah laughed. “Why didn't you?” and coming to me and catching hold of my tool, Sarah gave it a shake. “I like the feel of it, but don't feel it, if you don't like. — Doctor, can't you get girls enough to feel your prick.” “Oh plenty, but I long to have Lizzie's little hand round it.”

“I have some Scotch ale for Liz,” said Sarah. “Isn't it kind of him to think of you.” — The girl smiled, the ale was delicious, she liked it and soon had drunk a tumbler full. We all had some. Another bottle was opened — another tumbler, the girl gulped down a third glass. “No thankee, Sir — it's oop in my head, and with moore I'll be mopsy,” — nothing induced her. “Ohno, I'm getting wusser.” The ale had done much, had made her laugh and excitable, but how far it acted on her cunt and lust, I don't know. After kissing, pinching her bum, and looking at her garters which she now allowed, Sarah winking, brought in the lamp, lighted two candles, and then, “I have a silk dress for you.” Her hands and arms flew out as she said, “No, oh,” and when I produced it she clapped her hands and danced with joy. — “For me — for me? Hoh.”