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“Yes, if you let me feel and see your cunt.” Her face fell, looking at the silk all the while. “I told you the doctor always did what he said — don't cry, you needn't if you don't like,” said Sarah.

The girl with eyes fixed on the silk, rubbed a dirty rim round her eyes into which tears came. “I wish you would give me the silk, you might look at my cunt, and fuck it for a month.” “Let's look at yours then.” — Sarah flung herself back on the bed, pulled up her clothes, and opened wide her thighs. —The girl laughed now at that exhibition, she'd been shocked three nights before.

“That's what I want you to do, my little darling, if you won't, I'll give the silk to some one else.” — I began to fold it up, it had been spread over the bed, and then to put it into my bag.

“Don't take it away,” said Sarah. “Liz would look beautiful in it — perhaps she'll let you. — Don't you lose it.” And she went close to the girl, who made an impatient gesture but never spoke. She whispered something to her — but the girl still stood mute, reflecting.

“Doctor — go and have a smoke, but leave it here — it is so beautiful — I am sure she won't lose such a chance, it must be worth five pounds.” “It's worth more, but I must go soon” — and I went into the sitting room and lighted a cigar. But soon Sarah called me, she had persuaded her, had made her wash her cunt, and put on a clean chemise. “She will let you,” said she. The girl was standing with her back to the bed —the candles and lamp were on the wash-hand stand fronting her, her eyes were downcast. I put my hand up her clothes, and felt the slightest quantity of hair on her motte. “Lie back, darling, open your legs.” I lifted her up and pushed her backwards on the bed. — “Oh don't — I won't if you go, aunt — stay with me,” said the girl to Sarah who was leaving the room.

Sarah sat by the side of her on the bed. “Lay down then — there —so — there.” — The girl fell back again unresisting.

I threw up her chemise, pulled wide apart her thighs. Sarah had undressed, placed one arm over her, laying by her side on the bed in her chemise, exhorting her. “Let him. — How I wish I was going to have that dress.” Wincing but yielding the girl lay quiet — I pushed up one thigh and held it so. Cunt, belly, and bum came well into view. — My lips kissed every part. Rapturously my fingers distended the little red division till it looked almost as broad as it was long — I knelt holding the candle. Again and again I opened and let the lips close, in such a state of voluptuous excitement that I could scarcely believe my eyes. There was an unmistakable virginity, set in as pretty a plump, smooth, frame of fleshy white and pink and indications of a coming fringe as ever man set eyes on.

I moved away a few feet putting down the candle. “Has he done,” said she. — “Be quiet,” said Sarah, who winked and nodded at me. — I went as I often do at such sights backwards and forwards — now seeing it near, now from afar, until I thought I'd ravish her. Sarah guessed my intentions, my eye meant mischief, and shook her head. She was frightened of a noise and the family below. “Those girls are there,” said she hurriedly and anxiously. So I dropped on my knees, again stretched open the little lips, kissing and inhaling the aroma of the pretty coral orifice. Then covering it with my mouth I began gamahuching.

She had laid quite quiet and perhaps lewedly gratified, listening to my praises and exclamations of de-light when pulling her little cunt about, but as my tongue titillated it — “Oh! what's he adoin' of.” — She moved. “Lie still, he's not hurting you,” said Sarah, putting her arm closer over her, and keeping one leg apart from the other. “Oh, he's alickin' it — doan't — it's dirty — OHO — ahar.” “It will soon be nice, Liz — lay quiet dear,” said Sarah. — Lizzie's last “Aha” had the sigh of pleasure mingling with it. Now she laid tranquil whilst in libidinous delight my tongue roved rapidly over the lovely little split. — Can I make her spend? One cunt was not enough. Whilst with my head between the young thighs, I could just see Sarah's thighs and dark haired motte (for she had lifted her chemise) and that her middle finger was between them. In an instant, passing my left hand over Lizzie's right leg which Sarah held, I buried my fingers in Sarah's cunt, and went on gamahuching Lizzie. Sarah was frigging herself gently, the spectacle had roused her lust.

The passion ran its course and maddening lustful wishes chased each other through my brain. — I strove to follow each erotic inspiration. To gamahuche Liz. — Frig Sarah. — Fuck Liz —Frig myself. — Fuck Sarah — Suck her cunt. Each desire came in its turn — I wanted to do them all at once- but each before I could gratify it was chased away by another. — On I went licking Liz, holding her bum and left thigh with my right hand, my left hand fingers now buried deep up Sarah's cunt. Liz sighed, her backside slightly moved. She will spend, the little darling. On I sucked and licked and sucked — I got up to frig myself, fell on my knees again, fascinated with the look of the two cunts and gamahuched on, and felt Sarah's cunt. — All was silent. The sound of my tongue slopping and slipping over Liz's cunt alone was audible. The little darling's bum moved restlessly, then like lightning my tongue moved over her clitoris. A twist of her thighs, a slight shiver of belly, a slight heave up of backside, soft, al-most inaudible murmurs of pleasure told me her pleasure was coming. Sarah, slightly rising and looking at me, said, “She's spending.” “Ahar — o, har — no, arhar,” murmured Liz almost inaudibly, her belly shivered, her left thigh closed gently on me for an instant. “Aha — ahar” — a flush of salt moisture met my tongue. The sweet little lass had spent.

I rose up instantly. She lay with eyes closed, one leg now hanging down, the other held by Sarah — the pretty cunt was covered with moisture and slightly open, showing the coral gash. My prick was bursting. — Opening the lips more with my left hand, with my right I frigged myself, the tip almost touching her cunt. There lay Sarah frigging herself and staring at me. — “Hold open her cunt.” — Sarah put her fingers on Lizzie's cunt lips, frigging herself at the same time. — Then quickly out gushed my sperm on to Lizzie's vulva. The opaque masses, and the thinnish transparent gum covered it and Sarah's fingers as well; and I dropped on a chair close at hand, and looked at the luscious pic- ture before me, still twiddling my prick gently and voluptuously, bringing out the last drops of sperm from it.

Whilst so, Sarah's fingers had covered Lizzie's cunt, both of whose legs now hung down. — She frigged the girl with her left hand and her own cunt with her right hand. — “Ahar — my God — spunk — spunk,” she cried as her thighs for a moment quivered a little, and then dropped down lifelessly. — We two had frigged ourselves. Lizzie had spent under my gamahuching. — All were voluptuously satisfied and tranquil, silent as the grave.

Liz had spent — my spunk had jetted on to her little vulva — Sarah had finished her frig — all had spent nearly simultaneously. Now all three were in voluptuous repose. Motionless, excepting Sarah's fingers which still played gently on Lizzie's cunt, both the women's eyes were closed, both their legs hanging down, side by side.

As I contemplated them lying there, thighs and bellies naked, cunts showing, a violent letch for Sarah suddenly sprang up — I rose. “I'll fuck you, Sarah.” “No,” said she opening her eyes. But I pressed my belly against hers, hoisted up her thighs, and rubbed my half limp tool against her cunt. “No, no,” said she hanging. — But my prick had risen somewhat, stimulated by the lascivious frolics — I lunged it — it swelled — it stiffened — and before it had quite risen, I hit the mark, squeezed it in, and buried it to its roots in her cunt. — “No, no, not before the girl,” said she. I sup-pose it was a sham, but I'd got her tight, her thighs high up, my prick stiff in her. “Oh aunt,” said Liz getting off the bed and standing, her eyes fixed on Sarah's belly. Sarah said no more but abandoned her- self to me. — Ah! long long hard strokes I gave, but keeping tight hold of her, Sarah's cunt soon heated by my thrusts helped me, and in ecstatic pleasure we finished our fuck, Lizzie silent and looking on. An unexpected deliciously voluptuous termination. What an unpremeditated, sudden letch, how many of my lewed delights have sprung suddenly upon me — and what complete sensuous gratification such sudden letches gives me.