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The girl's resistance grew less, tho she kept struggling and saying, “No, — oh my — I can't,” and so on. — But Sarah pulled her on to her lap, and with one arm round her slender waist lifted the clothes with the other. — There were the nice little legs exposed, between the legs of Sarah equally exposed. — How could the girl resist, when her mistress' clothes were nearly up to her belly?

The girl's legs were proportionally fatter than her body — many country girls are so thro walking. — I admired them and smoothed her limbs down, praising them, and saying that I should like to see them in bet-ter stockings. She flattered, now stood quite still. She gartered below knee. Winking at Sarah, suddenly I put one hand higher up, and my fingers just on to her cunt. — She got clear off and burst into tears. — How delicious was that feel of her cunt, altho on the outside only, and but for a second. The first feel of a fresh girl is exquisite in its novelty, and what luscious thoughts she has afterwards about it.

Sarah angrily. — “It's too bad, doctor, why you have only seen her tonight — I am quite jealous.” She caressed the girl. “I can't help it, look here” — and out makes me so, I'd give her a silk dress to look at her cunt as I look at yours, and other things as well if she'd let me fuck her.” “Hish! Hish!” said Sarah in a wide, looking at my prick and at me. Her ears seemed to move as I repeated my offer. Then she went untold out of the room.

“Don't go further tonight,” said Sarah. I supposed she was right and did not, but the little devil had fetched my lust up awfully — so I laid Sarah then and there down on the sofa, and whilst I was fucking, Lizzie opened the door, but quickly retired and held the door ajar and peeped, so Sarah told me.

I gave Sarah money to buy the boots. It was under-stood that I was to put them on — Lizzie showed me down stairs. Sarah gave us injunctions to be quiet, for there were strange lodgers below. She held a candle over the banisters when the door was opened. — “Give me your hand,” said I in a whisper, “and here's an-other shilling.” “Now your hand again.” She gave it, and I put it on to my prick which was not stiff. “Oh sir,” she cried and pulled it away. Then into the street I went laughing. — The girl knew it was my prick, she had touched it altho she could not see it. I had made rapid progress.

Next day, Sarah told me she had questioned her about the money and the girl counted it. — She would buy two pairs of gloves. Then the boots and stockings. She wished it was the day to go to buy them. “Mind he is to put them on.” “Does he mean that? Then he'll see my legs.” “He saw every thing last night. Didn't he?” “Oh! my, yes.” “And he put his fingers on your cunt, didn't he?” “Oh, my, yes.” Said Lizzie after a while, “But I won't let him put on the garters.” “Then he won't give them you.” “But they will be of no use to him.” “He will burn them sooner than let you have them.” “Then I must, I suppose.” “Of course, ain't you lucky to get them? I never knew such luck — he seems to take quite a fancy to you, he'll give you other things if you don't make a fuss; let him do what he likes if you get money.”

Thinking of Sarah's doings, said Liz, — “Do you often do like that” (fucking). “Nearly every night.” “You don't seem to mind it.” “I love it, and no girl knows what pleasure is till a prick has been up her cunt — did you see his prick, Liz.” “Oh, yes — don't it hurt?” “Never, you can't tell what pleasure is till you try. Soon you'll fuck, Lizzie.” — All this Sarah marrated to me with very much gratification, evidently she liked teaching the young ones.

Then I got out of Sarah with a little hesitation that she'd felt Lizzie's cunt, but I never knew until later that she had done more; that she had cuddled her, just to show her how men got on to women — had put her on the top, and had had a game of flat fucking, to Sarah's delight no doubt, but of the pleasure that Lizzie had helped her to, the girl was profoundly ignorant, even when she told me about it at a later day.

After having talked over all the girl had seen and heard, Lizzie said, “Did you hear what he said about a dress.” “No,” said Sarah altho she had. “What?” “He said he'd give me a dress.” “Oh, so he did.” “Did he mean it?” “He always does what he says.” — Sarah was soon going to sleep when the girl re-marked, “He said a silk dress, that costs a lot of money. Do you think he meant that?” “Oh, certainly, but did he not say you must let him do something?” “Yes.” “What?” The girl was silent. “What?” “Let him look at my thing — Ah! he's dirty.” “All men like to look at girls' things — you let him.” — “That I won't.” “Just as you like, did you see him look at mine?” “Oh my, yes.” “Do you like silk?” “Oh my, yes, it's so shiny. I used to stand outside the church and look at the ladies, and knew I would never have silk.” “You can if you don't make a fuss about shewing your cunt.”

At day light the girl awakened Sarah, and her first words were, “Are the shops open early, when will you take me to buy the boots?” “Not for hours, besides unless you promise me to let him put them on, it's of no use buying them, I can't offend him” — and Sarah went to sleep again.

Later on — “Shall you buy the boots before break-fast?” “Of course not. Shall you let him?” “You don't seem to think it any harm?” “Harm! you must be a fool.” “Well, I will if you'll be in the room.” “He mayn't like it.” The boots and stockings were bought.

The girl's freshness had stirred my lust to its depths. —The gift of boots and stockings was I knew a sure beginning. I have done the same a dozen times with women successfully. A poor girl can't refuse them even with my conditions. — Then their legs once shown and handled, the second feeling and handling seems nothing — I knew well also the use of handsome garters — I began my baudy acquaintance with several girls by the aid of garters. I now bought a blazing red silk pair with large gilt buckles. — “She'll let you, but if she cries leave off, she is awfully timid, and anxious to get the dress, but her fears unsettle her. — The silk dress is the fetch, she'd like it without showing you her cunt, but it will settle her, she'll shew it.”

The girl came in. Sarah again pulled up her own clothes to her garters, and then to her cunt, pulled up her stockings and tied her garters as an example. Then turning to Lizzie, I said, “Where are your stockings and boots? I'll put them on.” The girl coloured up and hesitated. “Fetch them,” said Sarah. The girl brought them, they were in a bundle. A kiss she resisted but little, another and another kiss followed. Sarah remarked, “You make me quite jealous, Doc-tor.” — “Let me put them on.” Lizzie looked at me, then at Sarah, then sat down on the sofa and tucking her clothes between her legs, began to pull off her clumping boots.

I brought the lamp near, and helped to pull off her boots and old darned blue stockings. Her feet were washed and white, and I kissed and praised them. — Her garters were tied low down. I pushed on the new stocking, till at her knee, there she resisted. — “No, sir, oh no — I ties my garters there, always below my knees” — (many poor girls do.) “How can a pretty leg look well, with garters there.” “I won't let you higher.” “Well you don't make a fool of me again,” and with a sudden pull, I drew the stocking clean off her leg, and put it on the table. “If you don't let me I'll burn them.”

Tears rose to her eyes. She looked at Sarah, but Sarah said not a word. — “Let me garter then higher.” Again I began putting on the stocking, and this time half way up her thighs. Then, I put on the old garter and gave a kiss on her naked thigh. Then the same with the other leg.

I put on the boot, and hugged the neat little leg, knelt in front of her, pushing the boot on so to speak, and with such force that she fell back on the sofa, and I had a glimpse up her thighs — one leg was complete. “Let me see that leg now. — No higher, I must see well above the garter.” How handsome the little leg now looked compared with it in clod hoppers and woollen stockings. At each succeeding act, the girl in her de-light let me do more. She giggled with vanity. — There was the other boot. “Oh make haste,” said she (it was the Louise of my youth over again, excepting that Louise was half groggy and twenty years old, this one sober and fifteen — but how alike in vanity).