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“Give me a kiss and here's half a crown.” “I shan't.” “Don't — and putting the money in my pocket I turned to Sarah and talked. — Then laying hold of the girl suddenly, I snatched kiss after kiss whilst she struggled. — “There, I have had my kisses for nothing,” said I. The girl smoothed her hair, and her face was scarlet, but she didn't seem so much offended. A kiss from a gentleman is always gratifying to that class. “Here is the half crown.” She never looked at me, but advised by Sarah and holding out her hand, she took it.

I turned to Sarah. We were then both facing the girl who had sat down and was working — (the other little servants had always been kept working). “How is your cunt, Sarah, black as ever?” and I put my hand up her clothes. “Let's feel it, Sally.”

Lizzie looked up — then with a start stood up. “Oh my oh! — aunt!” said she, and sat down again. Sarah took no notice of her. “All right, my cunt's as tight as ever, Doctor. Hoh, look there, — look —your prick will come through your trowsers.” I felt Sarah's quim, and whilst my hand was moving over her belly, she unbuttoned my trowsers and pulled out my prick. “Oh isn't it stiff, what's made you so lewed all in a minute?”

“Thinking of Lizzie's cunt, I suppose. I've been longing to put my prick up her from the minute I saw her.” “Oh Doctor you are a man.” Lizzie, whose head had bent more and more closely over her work, but whose eyes I could see had been glancing at my doodle and my doings, dropped her work and went out of the room.

“We have scared her, we are going too fast.” She went after her, told the girl not to mind, it was my way, and the way of many men. — Soon back she came to the room with Sarah.

I sent her out for liquor, and gave her the change. — I am an old stager — money will open every female's legs. — She wouldn't drink. Then I sent her out for wine which she said she had never heard of. Tasting it, she spat it out. As she got the change a second time, she looked at Sarah and hesitated. “It's for you, the Doctor is always kind.” The girl smiled sweetly as she took it and thanked me.

I wondered at the length of time the girl had been gone. — Sarah said she had changed her public house. Other girls had gone to one close by, which was also known to her former charwoman, so she thought it safer to send Lizzie to the adjoining street, and had that morning shewn her the way. I was now dying for the girl. — “Unless I first see her cunt I won't pay virgin price.” “Have patience for a day or two, and give her clothes. — She is like the rest of the girls mad for fine dress. — If she sees what we do, it will break her in, but we mustn't go too fast, tho I want the money bad enough God knows.” — For some time past I had thought Mr. F*** (her man) and Sarah were not one, so put the question. — Sarah angrily told me to mind my own business. “He's more likely to take than to give me money now, but that's my affair.”

There was no chance of the lass yet, so thought I'd have Sarah, asked her to the big sofa, laid her down there, and chaffing baudily pulled her clothes up above her knees. — There sat the girl working, and glancing every moment at us. — Sarah told her to pour out a glass of wine and bring it to me. Whilst doing so, I pulled Sarah's petticoats up to her navel, she had disposed her limbs so as to show her cunt off to advantage, but in a sham modest manner. — “Oh! no Doc-tor, I can't before Lizzie,” and she made a movement of putting her clothes down.

“Oh my, Surr, doan't,” said the girl springing for-wards and trying to pull the clothes down. She spoke in a country dialect. “Oi — moi — Surr, doan't — it's a shame, it be.”

I pulled them up again. Sarah never succeeded nor intended to succeed in hiding her cunt. I pulled out my prick saying I'd fuck her. The girl desisted, saying, “Oh moi, — well Surr — Surely — Oh! well” —looking alternately at Sarah's belly and at my prick. “I can't before Liz, for she will be wanting it done to her — come to the bed.” I walked to her bedroom leaving Sarah in the sitting room.

She did not come directly so I called to her. She came, then began to strip, and whispered, “I have told her if she never saw a man poke a woman to come to the door and peep at us.” The door was left ajar — two candles she put on a wash stand so as to show a strong light. When stripped, Sarah placed her-self so as to expose her cunt. — I felt it, titillated it, opened it, and held the light to it. She felt my prick, kissed it, fondled it, and put it into her mouth. I put her on the top of me, and she put my prick up her cunt. There was her backside and my balls beneath it, with-in five feet of a pair of candles, and a pair of young eyes were a few feet off. — We put ourselves into other baudy attitudes and at length fucked (I on the top), with noisy demonstrations of pleasure. It added to my pleasure to know the lass was looking, and believe it did to Sarah's. [I have since more fully experienced with a lady the increased voluptuousness of knowing we were looked at during our embraces.]

“She's seen — I saw the door move,” said Sarah. “If she doesn't frig herself tonight, she has not got a clitoris or a spend in her.” “I bet you'll frig her, Sally.” “I mean.” “You like doing it I know.” “I like teaching a young one, some one must.”

We went back to the parlour. There the girl sat demurely but nervously at work. Before, she had looked me full in the eyes, but now when I spoke she coloured up, looked down, and seemed in a state of confusion. — There was a guilty consciousness about her, a concupiscent modesty which charmed — her confusion de-lighted me — I admired her face more than ever as she blushed, and as I thought that her little eyes had been within a few feet of my prick, when fucking Sarah, I could have pulled her on to the sofa and ravished her there and then; so much did I desire her.

I recollected that nearly all the young girls I have had liked shrub; so she fetched some, tasted it, and spit that out — I asked what she liked, named fifty liquors and among them cider. Yes, she liked cider. That piss making liquor I knew wouldn't answer. What was it she drank for dinner. “Beer sometimes sir, but mostly I drinks water.” “Did she like beer.” “No.” “You don't like anything.” “Yes I do sir, I likes good ale.” — Ale — I thought little or no chance of making her mussy on that. “Do you like it bitter.” “No Surr, likes it sweet, what they sells in bottles, I had some on my birthday.”

Sarah and I talked again, and then the girl bent over her work more closely, — “Let's look at your legs again, Sally.” She was now sitting in the easy chair. Without a word, she pulled up her clothes to her knees. “You want another pair of silks,” and I slipped my hand higher up. — The girl from time to time was glancing at us, but in a nervous, agitated manner. I saw that she couldn't sit still, whereas she had been so calm at first. — Was her little cunt heated?

I went to her, “You have got four shillings — give me a kiss and I'll give you another.” “No.” “Let him,” said Sarah. “Get money when you can, that's my motto.” Tho she slightly resisted me I took half a dozen. — “That's right,” said Sarah.

“How much have you got now.” The girl took the money out of her pocket, counted it, and smiling said, “Five shillings.” — She had a lovely smile as she told me and then looked into her open hand admiringly at the money. “Did you ever have so much at once before?” “Never.” “What shall you do with it?” She looked at Sarah, then at me, then at the money. — “I think I shall buy a pair of gloves.” We both laughed at that, and she looked annoyed. “Why gloves?” “Cause I ain't never had a pair.” I knew a girl who had exactly the same desire, but don't recollect if I have told about her or not.

I told her to pour me out a glass of wine, and when she was close by Sarah, I asked, “Has she got nice fat legs?” — “Oh so nice, she is nicely made.” “Let's see, and I'll give her a nice pair of new boots.” “There's a bit of luck,” said Sarah — I laid hold of the girl and began gently to raise her clothes. “Don't be a fool, let him, and he will give you a pair of boots.” The girl resisted, but I could see half way up her legs. “Yes I will, and a nice pair, if she lets me see her legs now, and put the boots on when she has them.”