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It was a night of summer. The woman stood with a very fine chemise on, made of such exceedingly slight, thin, gauzy material that I could plainly see through it her entire form, and the dark hair of her motte. — She was close to the window which had white muslin curtains touching the floor. “May I smoke,” said she. “Certainly.” She struck a match of some sort and lighted a cigarette — I was sitting a couple of yards from her, talking. Suddenly I saw flame at the bottom of the curtain and her chemise on fire. — With a rapidity and presence of mind which I scarcely gave myself credit for, I jumped up, crying “You're on fire — pull your chemise off.” — With one hand with a violent tug I tore down the curtain, with the other clutched her chemise and tore it off. She had started with terror at my cry, and my closing on her; then aware of her danger, shrieked and dropped her chemise. Within half a minute or less I had stamped out the flame. About two feet of the bottom of the muslin window curtain had been burnt, and nine inches of one edge of her chemise. The thin tindery stuff in another second would have been in flames up to her waist. I had saved her certainly pain and perhaps serious injury, for her back was to the curtains, and she would have been enveloped in flame before she had found it out.

Standing still start naked, terror struck for a few seconds looking at the dirty half blackened stuffs. She then turned round, put her arms round me, hugged me and kissed me passionately for a minute or two, saying, “My God — you've saved my life. — My God, I should have been burnt. — Ah! how good. Have you burnt your hand? — Ah, my God, you've saved my life.” — Kissing me at each word almost. “How did it happen? — My God, what good fortune and the door was locked. — We might both have been burnt.” With difficulty I got away from her embraces, so great was her gratitude. A moment after. “Ah! come — mon cheri — baisez-moi — fuck me — do — I want you so. — I'm dying for it — you've saved my life. — Ah! fuck me, fuck me.” She kissed me, closing on me again, thrust her tongue into my mouth, pulled out my prick for me, knelt, kissed it took it in her mouth like a luxury; again got up and holding my prick with one hand, with the other round my neck pulled me towards the bed. — “Ah my love, — my darling — fuck me — you've saved my life.”

I didn't need further incitement, but stripping myself mounted her. She never ceased her kisses when my body was joined to hers. “My love, my darling — fuck

— I'm spending — ah your prick — your spunk's in me.

— Ah — my — God — sperm — foutre.” Tongue caressing tongue in that sweet liquidity, reminding us of the liquifying of our genitals, stopped further utterance; and if ever a woman enjoyed a man she did, and so did I her.

Then for three or four hours, we worshiped Venus

— the revulsion after the terror seemed to have filled both her and me with lust, hers stimulated mine. — As fast as she could stiffen me by kiss and fingers and tongue, she did, and we fucked. She wouldn't let me go. “Ah! don't leave — make love again. — Wait for me — don't spend.” — Away she ran after one copulation with unwashed cunt, and I thought some necessity of nature had called her away. No. She had run to tell the other women in the house. Some came up in their voluptuous half nudity. — “Look, I was standing here, etc., etc., etc. and Monsieur did this, etc., etc., etc.” She narrated the occurrence over and over again to the women, and to the abbess, who came also up to see. The girls looked admiringly at me — I was a hero — and think some would have liked to have had me, for women love a bold man. — The idea of force enchants them. It is that which makes the soldiers the female conquerors. Fucked out, with tool dwindled to a bit of skin, I left. — Three days after I had her again. She was still as grateful and full of desire for me — and singularly enough I for her. “Spend. Ah God! I could spend with you for ever. And when I first saw you I didn't know what to think of you, thought you'd the clap or some ailment, so odd were you. — I wished you hadn't chosen me.” She told me all about the house, and the women, her real name, place of birth, and parents. “Oh don't spend in my mouth, tho I'll do anything you like — but fuck me — I like you to spend in me.” — The next day I left the city and never saw her afterwards. This incident was altogether due to throwing on the floor a lucifer, after she had lighted her cigarette.

A few weeks after I crossed the ocean, no matter where to. — If any one had before I left Europe told me I would touch another man's tool, I would have sworn that I would not. — But I did — curosity alone was the cause of it.

During the time I was the other side of the ocean (I must for reasons give not much account of my doings there, they were written but I have destroyed most of the narrative) was where there were many coloured people, and then this incident occurred.

I went to a gay house one day, and was with a white woman, when through talking I took a fancy for a black one. — A Negress was fetched for me, and a very finely formed creature she was. The hair of her cunt was thick, short, and closely curled, like the hair on a male Negro's head, but was shorter, and not quite so fuzzy perhaps. It was scrubby to the feel, there was plenty of it, and a couple of crabs would have made a nest there, where they could have reared a family, and defied anything but chemical solutions. Her clitoris and inner lips were smallish and of a very dark mulberry red, and the effect was ugly; but her prick hole was a lightish pink inside the lips, and like white women's in most respects. She spoke broken English.

The white woman was American. We fell to talking about black men, whose pricks I had heard were very big and long; and getting curious, I expressed a desire to see one and to see a Negro poke a Negress. The two women consulted for a minute, the Negress went away, and in half an hour brought back a Negro — a fine young man and well dressed. I had rather feared some bully, or a trick would be played on me, but the white woman assured me whilst the Negress was away that it was all right. That if he would come, which she wasn't sure of, he was quite a respectable man, and very fond of the black woman, who would fetch him. He would do anything to stroke her, but she didn't like him. At the request of the white I had ordered liquor of some sort, which they all drank when we were to-gether. I did not.

He came in evidently abashed, grinned and chuckled, and showed teeth like snow, but was a little hesitating about showing his doodle. I didn't even like to ask him, for I felt very nervous as usual. — The white woman pulled it out for him. It was limp, but big, and I think it must have hung down five inches or more in its quiescent state. After a time I laid hold of it, for I see no harm in that now. Why should not a man feel another prick, if the two agree? — Then it got a trifle smaller. The white woman helped to pull off his trowsers, and tucked up a shirt made of a linen with big stripes all over it, and I found he had a large ball bag. He stood jabbering and chuckling whilst the woman showed him off. Then the white woman felt it. The woman said, “I no fuckar Sar,” and shook his head. The black woman who was dressed then stripped and showed her cunt well, and the Negro's cock gave two or three sharp jerks and swelled up in a moment to double the length and size. But it stood our nearly straight from his belly instead of nearly up against it. Then he moved quickly towards the Negress and laid hold of her.

He began playing with the Negress' cunt. “Fuck this white lady,” said I. He grinned. — She would not let him, she declared. “Fuck your friend then, and get on the bed.” “No, no,” said she. “Yars, yars,” said he, pulling her. — I promised her more money to let him, which had the desired effect. Before commencing, she laid hold of his tool, shook it, and pulled the foreskin up and down, — said she, “Look, Sar, — look. — Nigger man hab dam big cock, Sar, — more big cock than white man cock, Sar.” Then she let him fuck her, and I was amused at seeing his big tool, moving in and out of her dark cunt like a piston, and I handled his dark balls whilst he fucked.