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I was some times that year abroad, and not being much by myself was fairly chaste. — Yet I amused myself occasionally with Paphians, who lodged in flocks in the licensed temples of Venus — I had at times for inspection six or eight of these venal fuck-stresses on the same night. I have done this before in earlier years when on the continent, as I think I have told, tho possibly that part of my manuscript may have burnt with others relating similar fugitive adventures. There were one or two amusing episodes that summer. One with a very big, splendid, fat creature of Jewish type of face, and another with one who but for me might have been killed.

I was in the month of *** at B***s**s, a well known town to me, and where as told I have had many amorous frolics. — At dusk I went to the lapunar, No. * in * * * * * Street. — It was the hour when the women are just got up and dressed for the evening, and before much fucking had begun. — I went at that hour purposely. — “The price of the house is * * * * * francs,” said I. “No,” said the abbess of the unchaste nunnery. “It is * * * *” and she named exactly double the tariff of the charmers, for she saw I was a foreigner. I rose to go, denying it. “You've been here before?” asked she, seeing that she might lose custom. “Yes, many times.” “Tres bien donc, restez.”

Then I told her I meant to inspect the charms of many, have two at a time to see their hidden beauties but not to fuck; that the ladies would have only the tariff, excepting she who received my final adoration, and who would have her douceur; that none need come unless they liked that arrangement. The abbess went out, rang a bell, and soon I heard the rustle of silks and the soft shuffle of feet. Opening the door, I heard the abbess saying something about my being “drфle” and the women laughing. — Then in trooped a dozen. “Have you told the ladies?” “Yes, Sir.” “Come with me then,” and I selected two who pleased me.

We left the room together. “Montez, mes cheres.” On they went. “Pull your clothes up above your rumps as you mount, and go not too fast.” — A pair of naked, broad backsides went up in front of me, whilst I following, looked at their handsome limbs, peeping for the shadow of the hairy valley between their thighs. The girls laughing.

Soon in the bed room I had the ladies naked on the bed, thighs apart, clefts opening. I felt and kissed their flesh all over. — This one had much hair, that one less. — One was hairy to her buttocks, the other smooth and almost hairless to her anus. One cunt with small clitoris, the other with a protuberant. — “Ah! ma chere, vous aimez les femmes.” “He — Hee — He — mais oui, pourquoi pas.” Finishing with them. “Au revoir — send me up that tall blonde, and the girl with the biggest clitoris in the house.” Away they went, saying I was “un drфle” and directly after the two women whom I had commanded appeared. — “Non, non, monsieur, not in that room, that is Miss * * * * room, you must come into ours. — She may get engaged and want her room.” Into the room of the tall blonde I went, saw a fair haired cunt, and by its side a dark haired cunt, out of which jutted a clitoris as big as a well sucked nipple, one of the largest I ever saw, with flags falling down from it till hidden by the outer lips. — “You fuck women with that, ma belle.” “Jamais, jamais donc — I love men not women.” “Why not? — if you like women, all is fair and proper in love. — That is my motto.” — But she persisted in her love for men alone.

Then I had the troupe of Paphians sent up to me for further selection, and had another couple, and then another. — Said I, “Jeanette, she with the large clitoris, rubs cunts with you doesn't she? — Tell, and I'll have a bottle of champagne. You stop and I'll fuck you.” I sent the other away. I was wrought up with the sight and the smell of so much cunt and female loveliness, and had selected my Venus. “Stop the night with me.” “How much?” She told me the tariff, and saying I would stop, champagne was brought and a cake. My Venus began at once to enjoy herself, I drank but little, she much. I sat seeing her eat and drink; and stiffing my lust, amused myself by watching and studying so to speak the woman. — More and more I can do that now. I like to sit looking at them, hearing them, encouraging them to talk on, scarcely speaking myself, but thinking and contrasting them mentally with other women I have had.

Two thirds of the bottle had gone, when my Venus, unasked, suddenly rose, and pulling her chemise half w 'v up her thighs began to dance a Spanish dance. — “I— La — La — Lala — La-lala — Lala” — sang she. “I can dance — look.” “Pull your chemise higher up and show your motte.” “Non — non — that will spoil it.” Dropping her chemise she sat herself on my knee, put one arm round my neck and kissed me, with the other took my pego out of my trowsers. “Aha — it's stiff — let's fuck.” “You've been fucked before?” “Not since yesterday — fuck me — but I shall piss.” “No, wait” — I held the basin for the operation, watching the lips open, the stream issue, and then on to the bed with her. I had well nigh forgotten the big clitoris till feeling hers. — “Jeanette has a large clitoris, she rubs cunts with the women, doesn't she.” A laugh. “Yes.” “Sometimes with you?” “With us all, we have all had her for a caprice.” “She likes then women?” “She likes all — men and women. — She's been buggered and fucked at the same moment by two men — she is proud of it.” “Une vraie cochonne.” “There are three women who like her — I'm not one, but we all have done it with her.” — My lass was screwed.

The wine and talk, and perhaps a fancy for the man who had seen eight other women's cunts and had selected hers for fucking or perhaps a sudden sting of lust, a recurrence of her daily desires (for gay women have lewed moments, enjoy fucking as much as other women. With them a spend daily is a necessity, and I believe they always spend once daily if not twice), now made her grasp, and squeeze, and frig my prick, kissing me lustfully all the time. — The next minute I was between her thighs, the hair of our mottes entwin- ing, my prick moving in and out and probing her cunt to its utmost depths. — Then we died away in each other's arms, and lay tranquilly coupled in spermy slobber, till the prick left her. She washed out the sperm, and again we sat and talked, and both smoked.

I talked about the other women's cunts. My caprice in seeing so many amused her. I must be rich, she thought. Men had strange whims. Nothing surprised her. — There was a gentleman came there, who laid down on the floor, and one of the girls whom he loved, and whom he always wrote to the day before, to tell her to hold herself in readiness, then sat over him, and bogged in his mouth. She swore it was true. He always gave her a hundred francs for this stercoraceous amusement. — [I didn't believe it, but now after more knowledge of male whims, think it likely enough to be true. — There is no oddity, no bestiality, no sanguinary deeds that are not pleasurable to the lust of men — each has his letch if he likes women at all — so have women.]

After another poke we parted, for I did not stop the night, tho I paid her the price of one. — No doubt she was just as well if not better pleased with my absence than with my company. It left her free to get others, and more money.

A few nights after I was there again and repeated my amusement. I think I must have seen all the cunts in that establishment, and one or two of them twice, including her with the big clitoris. — [Tho I didn't think much about tribadism then. — I was beginning to think more about it, and its reality came more strongly to me a few years later on, as I grew older, and I grew still more curious about the ways of women with worn- en, and the voluptuous pleasures they could get without the aid of a man.]

A month later we were again in the same city, and this time I sought a neighbouring, large, handsome lapunar. — It was not much more expensive than the other (they are all state regulated, and the price not high). I selected a very tall, big, stout woman, who had one of the loveliest faces I ever saw, but of a Jewish type. She was twenty-four, but I believe her to have been thirty-four, and certainly she weighed seven-teen stone. — For all that she skipped up stairs quite briskly, and jumped on to the bed in her nudity quite lightly. She had a fully developed, fat cunt, and masses of thick, crisp, dark hair, half way to her navel. She didn't look ugly with it tho. I don't now like a woman with so much hair about her cunt (I once did) so choose them thinner and younger; yet this woman's ensemble pleased me much for a quarter of an hour.