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I fucked her soon afterwards. — She sucked my prick as I laid on the bed. She put her finger up my rectum whilst sucking. Immediately after, she threw herself on the bed by the side of me and frigged her-self. “I'm damned randy to night,” said she. I raised myself and looked at her whilst she was masturbating, and thrust my finger up her cunt to please her more. In the middle of these operations, she stopped, went to a closet, and got out a wax candle. “If you won't bugger me, push this up,” said she — threw herself on the bed, and again began masturbating. — Smitten with the novelty, I did as she asked; pushed it about five inches up, and watched her whilst with distended, quivering limbs and sighs she finished her pleasure, the candle up her arsehole.

“If there's a woman who knows more, or has done more than I have, I am damned,” said she, “and you — you — of all the baudy beggars in London, I think you are the baudiest.” — She did not mind what she now said or did with me.

Thinking of her expressed wishes, and the times when the young man and I used to be laying naked by the side of her, I regretted that we could not give her the double poking simultaneously in her arsehole and cunt, which perhaps we might have accomplished. I never had that delight. — She said she would try to find some one we could all trust, to try it together, but she did not.

Soon after I saw but little of her, yet for a time only fucked her. She began again to incite me in the other direction. “Put your thumb up a bit, Doctor, I want to spend, and that fetches me,” I did it perhaps once or twice or so, whilst she frigged herself, but disliked it, tho I did it to please her.

Whilst I absented my self from Sarah, and tried to forget my frolics with the man, I was at about ten o'clock one clear, very cold, frosty morning at the terminus of the G.W. Railway and going to visit a friend at S***d*n. — The train was just ready to start, when a lady in a splendid sealskin and other furs, whom I had but slightly noticed as I walked up and down the platform, met me full face, gave a slight smile, and stopped. — “Don't you know me?” “Why it's Fanny G***d*n. — and I recognized an old Paphian acquaintance, whose lovely body I had lain in several times, and whom I last saw at the ball given at G***t P***l**d St, on the night when I went home with Lizzie M***d*n to B**t*n S***e, and when captain Blank tailed her in the dark on the bed, with me and Nellie***** in the room.

“Going to * * * * *?” “Yes.” “So am I.” — She had a seat in a carriage where there was no one else. — “Let's ride together.” “Very well, but no nonsense mind.” I called the guard, who was hustling the people into the carriages, and got my rug out of my compartment into hers. “Keep this compartment for me and I'll give you five shillings.” “Will if I can, Sir.” — The next minute, Fanny and I were alone in the carriage of an express train known (then) for its rapidity, and which would not stop for nearly an hour.

The instant the train had well started, Fanny and I were kissing. — “Why, it's years nearly since we slept together.” — Pleasant talk of about that period we began. Where was Polly * * * * and Mary * * * *? Jane so and so was dead, and so on. Fanny herself was now Mrs. * * * * *, had left off gay life three years — they thought she was married to * * * * * — he had taken her as his wife to his mother and sister, and she believed would really marry her. She was true to him. He a good fellow, and with plenty of money since his brother's death. — “Now leave off.” “You can't look me in the face and swear that no other man than he has had you for three years?” “That I can” — looking at me as she said it. “You fib,” said I kissing her. She returned the kiss — “I always liked you, how strange we should meet here,” said she.

Fanny was sumptuously dressed and looked thoroughly respectable and rich. She had got stouter. “Yes, nearly a stone heavier.” “Let me feel.” “No — now — no nonsense — talk as much as you like.” “Well! let me feel outside” — and I began by pinching and prodding her in all directions. Then I put one hand thro the seal-skin jacket. “Your breasts are twice as large, and I expect hang a wee bit.” “No, that they don't” — was the angry reply. — Then I kissed Fanny again, and all this hadn't, I'm sure, occupied five minutes, for the reminiscence had warmed both me and her. The first kiss made my gland tingle, and now I had an erection of the first order. Then as I kissed, I thrust my tongue against her lips. — “My God, how I want you. I wish I hadn't got into the carriage with you, for I shall have to frig myself.” “Oh you beast,” said Fanny laughing. “You always were such a talker.” We talked on with our faces close together. — How delighted she got, at what I recalled of our free loves and free lovers. As I kissed her now, she threw one arm round my neck. “Ah! what larks those were,” said she.

A very few minutes more talk, and I suggested poking. — “No.” She was indignant at the proposal, she had vowed to be true and meant it. Every fellow she met who had once known her seemed now to want her more than ever. We went on talking and kissing, our legs were close together under my rug, warm thighs were against warm thighs. — “Oh! you naughty woman, you unkind creature, I must take my thighs away from yours, it makes me think of the time when I lay naked between them.” — She laughed. My lewedness was affecting her voluptuously. Frost now covered the carriage windows, so that we couldn't see out of them. I pushed my hand up her clothes and got it on to her knee, spite of her. She had drawers on, and I couldn't feel her flesh.

“Why have you drawers on, I never knew you to wear them before?” — “To keep my legs warm, of course.” “To keep hands from your cunt, Fanny.” — She laughed, I still tried on feeling. — “Now don't — I won't let you.” — But something in her manner told me I had made her lewed, she was so soft in her voice — I well nigh bursting, and wildly erotic, pushed away the rug, pulled open my travelling cloak, and rapidly out came my prick in magnificient erection, red tipped and throbbing. — “If you won't let me, Fanny, I'll frig myself, I can bear it no longer — I must spend — let me put one hand on your cunt whilst I do it, and fancy I'm again up the lovely warm slit.” I began the friction with my hand, tho I really didn't mean doing it; but can't say how I might have finished had she been obdurate.

More than once, the threat of frigging myself, coupled with the exhibition of my machine in enticing order, has made a woman yield to me. — Women know well the delight which the gristly, horny rammer gives them, of the soothing pleasure when it sheds its balmy mucilage in their cunts. They cannot bear to see the soft, pearly, viscous fluid split on the ground, when nature is saying to them warmly. “The proper place for that is between your thighs.” It was so with Fanny. — The sight of it thrilled her, the movement of my hand up and down the stem annoyed her. Hurriedly and angrily even, she pulled my hand away from it. — “Don't be a beast, Walter (she'd not forgotten my name), how can I? — I don't like risking it — I'm very happy with * * * *, — suppose he found it out. — Now leave off — you'll get a woman easily at * * * * — leave off.”

“Let me only feel you.” “No.” But with a slight struggle in a minute my fingers were well between the lips of a soft, satiny, fat-feeling, very moist division between her thighs; the palm rubbed in a strong crisp bush. My finger settled on her clitoris and rubbed it gently, our mouths met, kissing and moistening each other. She laid hold of my prick with her gloved hand, and it throbbed violently at the soft touch, and a delicious silence ensued, whilst our tongues played with each other. Then rapidly I threw myself on my knees. Lust had overcome her and she yielded — I threw up her petticoats, saw her handsome legs and large thighs, covered tho with the drawers all but a little bit high up, where they were naked, and the creamy flesh on either side shewed — mere creamy lines, between which peeped the dark brown thicket. The smell of the female came overpoweringly up my nostrils, whilst I kissed, and kissed, and tickled the red button at the top of the delicious aperture, which my tongue could scarcely reach from that posture. Yet it was enough. — “Oho — aha — I shall spend if you do that.” My God! The ineffable delight of that minute or two, whilst my hand sought with difficulty every part of her nudity, whilst my tongue tasted the sexual salinity, and my nostrils revelled in cuntal aroma!