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The girl brought the corkscrew, and really looked lovely in her night dress. — “Come to bed,” said Sarah. “Piddle before you get in, Liz,” said I. “She's just piddled.” “Do you dry your cunt after piddling.” “Oho,” said Liz as she got into bed. I took a chair to the bed-side, opened the bottle, and they both had ale whilst we talked baudiness. “Have you got your dress made?” “No sir, it will cost such a lot.” “I'll pay for it, and give you a new bonnet and parasol as well, if you let me.” Her face was a study. She looked partly bewildered, partly delighted. Then her face grew blank, and she laid down silently.

“Let me see your cunt again and I'll give you half a crown.” I had made up my mind now to do her, but it suspiciously occurred to me that since I had seen her quim she might have been fucked by some one —her virginity sold to some one else by Sarah — “I won't.” “You little fool,” said Sarah, “when he has seen it and licked it. — You don't want your dress I suppose.” — The girl who was lying on her back turned to Sarah. “I don't like letting him.”

“Let him, he's already seen it,” and she pulled down the bed clothes. There was her pretty round white rump towards me — Sarah gave her a gentle push and she lay on her back, and her night clothes Sarah pulled up. “Look, Doctor.” The girl did not resist or speak. I seized the candle, Sarah pulled open the girl's thighs, and I opened the delicate little split, and saw that it looked just as it had before, but her position was not favourable for inspection. I kissed it rapturously and told her how I loved her. I licked her little clitoris with difficulty, she broke away, and in doing so, knocked the candle out of my hand and we were in darkness — Sarah swore, got out, lighted the candle, and got into bed again.

“What are you going to do, Doctor?” “Going to bed.” “What a lark. It will be a close fit.” “I mean to sleep here.” Rapidly undressing and naked, I got in to bed next to Liz, and in the twinkling of an eye was cuddling her. Oh, the delight of that delicate little naked form touching my flesh everywhere. “Go away now — you shan't,” she said as I squeezed up to her. But her efforts were useless. I had lifted her smock, and her naked body was against mine every where. She got closer to Sarah. — That only made more room for me. Her bum was against my belly, my prick against her bum valley. What a delicious position. — My hand reaching over her haunch felt her little nick. She restless and denying me, Sarah advising, “Let him, — don't be a fool.”

I could not get at her well, so drew back and forced my hand under her bum and between her thighs. — “Oh! he's a hurting me. Oh — do — not, — don't let him, Missus — don't.” — My hand then went to her front, then again to her back, and then roved all over her from neck to knees. Closer and closer she got to Sarah — I laid hold of her little hand, and pulling it back on to my prick, kept it there. Sarah spoke about fucking. The girl now lay silent — her hand was firmly held by mine around my prick, she now unconscious to all but sexual wants I expect. No wonder. Her clitoris had been well previously rubbed by Sarah, Scotch ale and lewed talk had warmed her. She was in a mood which Sarah knew better than I, who only knew my own want, but felt by instinct that she would resist no longer. — Then Sarah sat up. “You two are better without me — you will be love-making in a minute and fucking.” So saying she stepped over us and quitted the room.

“Don't go,” cried the girl clutching at Sarah's chemise. I threw my hand round her — my leg over her — my body following pressed her back, and before Sarah had well left the room, she was on her back and I on her belly.

I was so lewed by abstinence, so full of sperm, which was almost boiling in my ballocks that I feared I should spend before I had her — Sarah told me all afterwards for she listened. — I was on the girl's belly, her legs were closed, mine outside. “Open your legs dear — let me put my prick in — when you know what pleasure fucking is, you'll want it night and day.” — I promised dresses, theatres, even to keep her, and everything else, but she kept her legs closed. It is doubtful if she recollected what I said, for she never told me of many promises afterwards. She was now under the spell of the prick — lewedness and curiosity well filled her, she wanted the prick but feared it, and when she didn't think of that, she thought only of her new dress made up. What mixed sensations.

The strongest woman cannot keep her legs closed against the man's knees when he is well on top of her and his arms round her. His legs are sure to open hers. — With one knee I forced her legs apart, the other knee followed, and I was between hers. “Oh — don't you” — my prick went between her thighs as my belly closed on hers and struck blindly anywhere outside her cunt.

It was a heavenly moment when I thought that my prick would go where never prick had gone yet. Pressing heavily on her, I felt for the slit and lodged the top of my prick there — Ram — Ram — Ram. — “Oho get off.” I was coming, and thought I could not be on the right line, so put down my hand and pushing it brutally on to her cunt hurt her, and she cried aloud. — Sarah outside at the room door called out, “Don't make that row.” My prick was now well lodged in the middle, and with all the force and weight of my thighs, arse, and belly, I thrust; and as I was told by Sarah for I don't recollect it, blaspheming like a trooper. “Cunt — ballocks — spunk —fuck you — c — c —cunt.” I had done it and spent as soon as my prick entered. She moaned as my hot prick got right up her. Coming to myself, there stood Sarah in her chemise watching us. — She had come in when the girl cried out, and saw and heard the consummation.

It is a heavenly sensation to recover from the pleasure, and assure yourself of the journey you have made up a fresh girl — I seemed to awake in Elysium. — “Do you like it?” — I heard a rattle. It was Sarah piddling. Keeping the girl tight to me I fell asleep — Sarah had gone back into the parlour.

I awakened very soon. She had barely moved. I felt her cunt, my fingers were smeared with blood and semen. I pulled down the bed clothes and saw her chemise was bloody — I recollect scarcely any girl of her age who bled so much. — She was exhausted, and took another glass of ale. Sarah, whom I called, came in, winked at me, and we scarcely spoke for half an hour. I felt Liz all over but couldn't get a word out of her, until asking if she did not want to piddle, she said she did. I have noticed that a woman always pisses a lot soon after her defloration.

“Piddle, my darling, never mind me.” She got out, and on to the pot, put her head against the side of the bed and moaned. Leaning on my elbow looking at her in voluptuous contemplation, and twiddling my prick up to her readiness for another turn. “Come to bed,” I said — she didn't. — How I gloried at the sight of the red on her chemise. “You will have my dress made up, won't you.” “Yes darling.” “You said you'd give me a bonnet.” “So I will.” “You said a parasol.” “So I will.” “I am so glad.” — She stooped down and opened her trunk under the bed. — “Oh, isn't it beautiful,” said she taking out the silk. I will go and show it to the Missus.” — Off she went to Sarah with it.

They came back together. What vanity at such a moment! She'd forgotten all about fucking. “Come to bed.” “No.” She was sore. Sarah told her to wash her cunt, and she did, after a sort of command in which Sarah joined, I looked at the orifice my prick had made. The difference of half an hour in her sexual organ delighted me. The bleeding split, I would that I could have photographed it, but it is photographed on my brain. — Her cunt looked inflamed and it delighted me to hear her say it felt burning hot. Said Sarah, “You'll want to fuck again directly.” — The very idea of hurting her delighted me — the blood on her chemise made my cock stiffen. “Look at my prick, this is what burst thro your cunt.” She looked long and fixedly at it. She got into bed, but would not let me do it. Sarah, saying she was tired, got into bed telling Liz she'd have pleasure the next time, but the girl refused saying, “It's too big.” — She kept asking what sort of parasol it would be, and the colour of her bonnet. At last I could not contain myself. Wetting my finger well, I felt up her little cunt forcibly, for persuasion was of no use. Sarah, on feeling my stiff stander, said, “Let the doctor.” She wouldn't. “Then I'll fuck Sarah.” Said Sarah, “I'm dying for it.” I got over Liz but did not mean that, and when passing dropped on to her, forcing open her legs with my knees.