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Chapter VIII

Lizzie's form and cunt. • Our next meeting. • Sarah frigs Lizzie. • The second gamahuche. • “What-ever is it.” • The dress made up. • A dog fashion poke. • A stercoraceous furrow. • My disgust. • Lizzie's relations and antecedents. • About little boys' cocks. • Sarah's impecuniosity. • Lizzie's disclosures. • Sarah's Lesbian tastes. • “I don't like her thinging me.” • A lapunar reminiscence. • A flat fucking baud. • Lizzie on Sarah. • Sarah's admissions. • Sarah drinks. • A flat fucking baud. • Lizzie on Sarah. • Sarah's admissions. • Sarah drinks. • A flat fucking exhibition. • Lizzie's sexual ignorance. • A masturbating essay. • “It spits.”

Lizzie had the loveliest form, from head to foot she was prefect as a girl. Wonderfully plump and formed for her age, her breasts tho nascent were firm and fullish, and her skin was like satin. — Her buttocks were solid and as large as many a girl's at seventeen. Her cunt had plump roly-poly little lips and would become, I should say, pouters if she became thin, but they swelled out from such a plump motte, such flesh between the lips and the thighs, that there is no chance of that I think — I never saw a more exquisite youthful cunt. — It was like that of most young girls of a coral tint. She had a fully developed clitoris. It didn't look at all ugly, but showed slightly between the lips even when her thighs were closed. Slight inner labia joined it, which died away soon into the general surface of the vulva. — There was just sufficient hair on her motte to make it feel mossy. — It was of a bright flaxen tint, somewhat darker than the hair on her head, which was light, but of an indescribably beautiful bright tone.

It was a lovely cunt to gamahuche, and I did that often enough to her. Clitoris and labia seemed to meet my tongue so deliciously, that I often paused, giving my tongue rest, whilst I gently nibbled the gristly nubbly projection. — I wonder if Sarah was attracted by the look of Lizzie's cunt.

The night but one following, Sarah was angry at having stayed at home awaiting me the night before without seeing me. — Lizzie had got her bonnet and parasol. — The dress had not come home, and she walked about the room with petticoats only on, the parasol held up over her bonnet. Her delight and vanity was almost idiotic.

“Come into the bed room.” — She hesitated. — “Go to the doctor, he may do anything — he'll only do it again.” — Into the room the girl came. As I put my hands up her clothes, she dropped the parasol with modest instinct. — I kissed her. “Oh, my bonnet — don't now, you'll hurt it.” — Bonnet and parasol I soon put out of the way.

It was a charming evening, the lacerated ragged edged hymen looked heavenly. I think I see it now, and she was such a little lovely made lass — I looked her over from the hair of her head to her toe nails. Cunt even bum hole came in for its share. Sarah had made her scrupulously clean. — She didn't spend when I poked, and lay as most quiet young girls do without attempt to wash her cunt after the fuck. It suited me, for I like now a girl beside me with her cunt full of my sperm. No young girls wash it until they are taught, no married woman does after fucking, no woman after copulation naturally does. All when in bed turn their bums to you with spunk in their cunts trickling out. They never think of soap and water. — Lizzie lay so, I fucked her twice but she did not spend; young girls are so different in this respect.

Sarah, who had gone out after seeing me with the girl, came home. — “He's done you over twice, ain't you lucky.” — “Not spent? — have you washed?” — “No.” — “Get out and wash, always — I do,” said the knowing old card. — (She didn't tho) I said I did not wish it. — “She'll spend if she do the next time,” said Sarah. The girl washed and got into the bed again, Sarah squeezed herself into the bed, and the little one lay in the middle. It was late.

We talked of fucking — Lizzie then said that she'd never had before such a sensation as the first night when I licked her. If true, her first pleasure had been under my tongue or she lied awfully. That amorous lingual friction had fetched her. — After a time we had brandy and water, and Liz Scotch ale, for I had brought it with me as before.

All in bed again. — My cock seemed to have emptied itself for the night. Sarah put her hands across Liz to feel me. “It will be up soon,” said she. Then her hand went on to Lizzie's cunt. — I removed her hand and took its place and business on myself. Then Sarah frigged me a little, and then put Lizzie to do it.

My cock soon swelled. — As much of my finger as I could cram up Lizzie's little quim had been probing that orifice in all directions for some time. — “Feel her well up and about,” said Sarah, beginning again to frig the girl, “gamahuche her, doctor.”

I moved on to my knees and began licking her little cunt — holding her arse with one hand, and stretching out the other which went into Sarah's black thicket. — “She likes it, doctor.” — The girl's bum began to wriggle — a sign and enough — The next instant I covered her, and my prick was up her. A few thrusts and wriggles. — “Ahaa,” sobbed she, delicately. — “Oh! what-ever is it — oh —h — ha — ha.” — The sweet child had spent. Putting out my hand as I felt my pleasure coming, I found Sarah frigging herself, which seems now quite her custom. She'd been fucked that night, but had no pleasure she said frankly. Turning to Liz she gave the girl a kiss and burst into laughter. — “Aha, what is it. Aha,” said she, imitating the girl's manner and exclamation as pleasure had overtaken her. Afterwards when a funny mood we would say, — “Aha whatever is it — you know what it is now Liz.” The girl declared she never uttered the words, and no doubt she was unconscious that she did. — They were the funniest I ever heard a female say just before spending.

She spent with me regularly the next night. — The more she fucked the better she fucked, and the better she drew me. — She became voluptuous in the extreme, and took as much pleasure in the various lascivious excitements as I did. It was as delightful to her to be taught, as it was to me to teach her.

The dress came home, and she looked lovely in it. I took a fancy to fuck her in it, but the chance of rumpling it gave her much grief. She couldn't understand why I wanted to spoil a nice dress. — She was nice and clean in her habits, and put away her clothes with great care. — This made me like having her extremely. But I must abbreviate, and only tell of novelties which marked my acquaintance with her.

I stroked her the next time dog fashion. — “What! do it that way, that's funny.” “Yes dear, just as you've seen dogs do it.” “That's like beasts then and you shan't,” — but I would. — The bed was too low and she was too short to let me get conveniently up that tight little cunt in that fashion. — So I put the pillows in a heap on he bed, and stood her legs on a couple of hassocks fetched from the sitting room. — My pleasure was to have her in that posture, and at the bed side in her silk dress. — Up went the dress over her bum and I drove my prick between her cunt's lips with such thrust, that she called out — drawing back to indulge my eyes with the luxury of seeing — I saw what? — Out it came. “You dirty little devil your bum's dirty.”

— Up shrivelled my doodle at once.

The girl turned round and began to cry. I began to reflect whether I was unkind or not. — There she sat, looking a perfect little lady in her silk dress — I thought how I had enjoyed her the night before — had enjoyed her even that night — a little water will wash all away. But I felt so annoyed that I could have boxed her ears

— I had no patience to talk or even look at her, was disgusted, and angrily determining never to see her again, went away leaving her sobbing and calling out. — “Oh don't go — don't, oh don't, — I was in such a hurry to come up, I was at the privy when you came — oho — oho — oho,” she sobbed.