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Chapter IX

Cuntal contrasts. • Feminine friggings. • Cuntal trials. • Pleasure-giving capabilities of different pudenda. • Baudy lessons to Liz. • Double gamahuching. • Liz gamahuches me. • A mouthful. • Micturating oddities. • The cunt funnel. • Bum slappings and fustigations. • The organs ministering to sexual pleasures. • Aunts and nieces. • Young virginities sold. • Fornication philosophy of the poor. • Absence. • Four months later. • Both on the pavй. • “She would turn out.” • Sarah's efforts and kindness. • They disappear suddenly. • Fruitless enquiries.

I had much pleasure with Sarah and Liz together, the contrast between them was so great. Sarah beyond the usual height of women, with a dark and well haired cunt, laying side by side naked with the little one whose cunt was all bare, was a beautiful sight. Sarah obeyed me implicitly and made the little one do so. — “Open your thighs — open your cunts,” and both were distended. — Then Sarah frigged the girl, then the girl frigged Sarah, and both operations I began to notice pleased Sarah as much as me. When I had roused my passions fully, I put into one or the other of these charmers for a finish, but the little one generally had my Priapean offering.

I did with them what I find I often do when I have two females together — I wonder if all men do the same, if not, what enjoyment they miss — I delighted to put first into one, pull out my prick, and then put in-to the other, return to the first and so on. I did that with the other two girls whom Sarah once got me. — After my first spermatic ejaculation and my lust was subdued; at my second trial, cooler than both in lust and brain, I could judge of the different qualities or fitting of the cunts, could notice the different feelings which my prick experienced in them. Certainly there is a difference in the sensation on the prick between the fully formed cunt of a woman of twenty-five, and that of a girl of fifteen — tho towards the finish of the delightful exercise within them I could not perceive much; the all pervading pleasure then drowning judgment. Most cunts, if deep enough, feel the same when the prick swells and throbs in its intensity, as the sperm rises up through it. Nevertheless there have been many cunts in which my prick did not feel its fullest enjoyment, even in the height of the pleasure; and even as the sperm throbbed out, I was conscious of a certain unfitness, and of incomplete pleasure. There was the delight of initiating this pretty lass into the art of love, as well as in giving in her sexual gratification, apart from the enjoyment I had in doing what I liked with her sweet fresh body, which in itself was an in-tense satisfaction which made me almost love her. — Sarah at first hesitated at every suggestion to let the girl participate in our recherche pleasures, but yielded. — I made Liz solicit her. It pleased me to think that the young one was desirous of helping in the satisfaction of my letches, it was like the pleasure of making her say baudy words. One by one, things I had done with Sarah, Sarah, Liz, and I then did together to our mutual gratification. The diary of my erotic enjoyment is complete and copious in particulars about these two. Writing it, and afterwards reading it has given me the solitary pleasure so often told of. I find even a chapter on the subject of that pleasure, but it will be destroyed. This is only to be a narrative of facts.

Sarah had given me the fullest gratification with her mouth. I have gradually begun to appreciate this variety of prick friction and wanted her to do it before Liz, to instruct the girl. It would please me to see the girl looking on. That Sarah held out against long. — One night I said — “Ask your aunt to take my prick in her mouth.” “Do, Aunt,” said the girl trapped into saying “aunt.” — “I'm not your aunt,” said Sarah fiercely, and nothing would persuade her to do it. — Then I fucked Liz whilst Sarah went out man hunting. — My letch was the stronger thro Sarah's refusal, and I told Liz that she'd often put in in her mouth, and that I'd spent there. “Oh you, ain't you story.” — I affirmed it, said that some women loved doing it, and talked so nicely that Liz longed to do it. — But “No, but I will if Mrs. F**z*r will.”

I left when Sarah had not returned, and knowing her usual promenade went there, met her, and asked her to gamahuche me the next night. As she refused, I said I shouldn't go for a week. She knew I would do what I said, and repenting of her obstinacy promised. Getting exacting now I insisted on full pleasure. — “I'll never let Liz see that.” — It delighted me to think and suggest my letches, standing and combating Sarah's ob- jections at the corner of a street, men and women passing and looking at us.

When a letch lays hold of me I can think of nothing till I have gratified it, but could not this one until two or three nights afterwards. — Then I took good sweet champagne there, for I had now found that sweet drink tempted Liz the most. — We all nearly stripped whilst drinking it. Then I laid on the bed, Sarah sucked my prick, and afterwards Liz did the same. Liz was quite serious about it, and evidently liked it in her mouth. She laughingly said so — I did not spend, it was but a preliminary. — Then it was for the first time before Liz that I gratified Sarah with a complete gamahuche. Sarah gave way to her passions openly sighed, talked baudy, felt Liz's quim with one hand, and clutched my head with the other during the operation.

Then I laid on the bed, Liz kneeling over me with my head between her thighs. — I took the whole of her dear, sweet, coral, fresh washed little split in my mouth and gamahuched her. — She could not see Sarah, who at the same moment began to gamahuche me. — Then for some minutes all was luscious tranquillity. As Liz and I felt our increasing pleasure, I clutched Lizzie's little buttocks harder whilst my tongue played over her cunt, and Sarah's long tongue played round the tip of my prick, now tickling the frenum, now the little orifice, now taking it fully into her mouth where it rubbed over palate and tongue. So we deliciously played with each other for a time, Sarah pausing when my backside would not keep quiet with coming pleasure, and I, when I felt the wriggling of Liz's backside and belly, ceasing to lick, giving tongues, cunt, and prick a minute's repose, and letting the excess of our pleasure subside for a time.

Then my spermatic reservoirs refused to retain their balmy liquid longer, the lascivious play of Sarah's mouth overcame desire for further dalliance, and Liz's little cunt titillated by my tongue to lewed frenzy, agitated itself over my mouth, whilst my tongue responding fixed on her clitoris and licked wildly. On a sudden her cunt clung to my mouth with pressure whilst it moved, and a salt effusion spread over it, her backside quivered in my hands and she sighed softly. I oscillated my rump, my prick seemed on fire, and, almost bursting ing in a cunt, and something more than a cunt, and shot out a torrent of soft mucilaginous sperm into Sarah's mouth. She never relinquished my prick till every drop was drained out of my testicles, and my pleasure slowly subsided, mixed with a slight pain at the last suction. This time certainly Sarah enjoyed her work. She had got more and more lewed during my long acquaintance with her. She loved her meretricious trade and I am sure, altho she says she doesn't like it, that she really enjoys the feel of my prick in her mouth. Directly she had done, she began feeling her own cunt, and shortly afterwards I gamahuched her.

This double gamahuching pleases me much. I certainly like my penis so frictionized in a nice, smooth, cherry lipped mouth, more than I used, and the lick of a delicate little hairless cunt like Liz's is a deliciously erotic tit-bit. I had this amusement again and again on other nights. — Liz (unless Sarah has told her) knows not that her mistress has taken my libation into her mouth, for she has a napkin at hand which ultimately receives it. Now I longed for Liz to gamahuche me completely, for the girl had hitherto only taken me into her mouth for a minute, or so. With a little encouragement she said she'd do it longer, for she little knew my intention. — Sarah then knelt on the bed and I fingered her cunt, whilst Liz operated on my penis. — Her pretty, cherry lipped sweet little mouth seemed scarcely large enough to take my pego, yet in it went. — “Go on darling put it further in.” “Oh! ain't it stiff,” said she, taking it from her mouth and looking admiringly at it. “Yes, lick the red tip. — Yes, so —now put it in — suck it, love.” “Shall I make it spit,” and she began clumsily to frig it, after she'd again taken it out. Frigging is not learnt in a day, and Lizzie can't do it nicely at all.