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Next day she did not appear. Her maid, a sour looking woman, said she was unwell. — The day following, the lady was fresh, smiling, and lunching by her-self — I asked her to let me go to her room after lunch-eon. — She refused, but I watched her till she went up-stairs, and followed at a distance. — In day-light it was difficult to get to her door without being noticed — but afterwards I saw her servant going down stairs, the corridor was empty and quiet, and I knocked loudly at her door. She had been in her room about a quarter of an hour. “Who's there,” said she in French. I answered in French in such a manner, that she could not understand who it was or what was wanted. The door then opened slightly and she showed her head. — I pushed myself thro violently, nearly upsetting her, and closed the door — she was half-undressed, and was having a nap when I knocked.

“I told you no,” said she angrily. — “Do you want to ruin me, it's broad daylight, now go, I won't have you stop.” — I wouldn't go, her bare arms and breasts and short petticoats delighted me. I pulled out my prick and that quieted her, and she got lewed I suppose. We sat on the bed edge feeling each other. — It's lovely to have a nice woman fondling one's cock, but still she would not let me fuck her. — She didn't want it, her poorliness was coming on, and she made various other excuses, but kept tight hold of my prick. — I went on gently rubbing her clitoris, entreating her, until her backside began to wriggle and then I left off frigging and pulled my prick out of her hand. — “I won't frig you,” said I — “Nobody asked you,” said she, puffing her clothes down. But her eyes were lewedness itself.

Then I noticed she had a bottle on the table. She is drinking on the sly, thought I. It was a liqueur, we both drank some, I went on talking baudy, she laughing and calling me a rude man. — Again after a while I began feeling her, I could not resist it. — “Come to the bed and lie down — we can enjoy it that way better, even if you won't let me fuck you.” She took all off but her chemise, I stripped and we laid down, I hoping still to get an insertion when she was excited. She had let me do all this, but her manners were neither lewed, nor bashful, nor forward; they were just as a woman would behave to a husband or lover. — Not a baudy word could I get out of her, and never recollect having a woman so peculiar in manner, when giving way to our passions as we were.

It was great pleasure to have this handsome, large thighed woman by my side, with her cunt open to my fingers, but I determined not to have a repetition of the previous amusement, so frigged her gently, keeping up the lustful irritation, but taking care not quite to satisfy her. Several times her hand sought my cock, but I would not let her hold it. I watched her, saw when she was just about to spend, and then ceased. — “Oh, what a shame to tease me so” — said she, wriggling and jerking her backside, and sighing. — “Why do you do that?” — “Because I want to fuck you.” — “Then you won't” — said she, sitting up, I told you so, I dare not, and wish you would go, — I tried to force her but it was fruitless. Then I could restrain myself no longer, I seemed to want to frig her, I wanted to give her pleasure so, and to see it, so went on. She clutched my penis with her soft hand, manipulated it voluptuously, and my spunk gushed out over her thighs, just as she spent. Then turning, she kissed me endearingly and we talked. She took no heed of the sperm on her thigh, but let it lay there till I removed it with a towel.

“Be reasonable, said she — I'm just going to be poorly, its just the dangerous time, and I should be sure to get in the family way if you did it, that would be a nice affair for me just now. Wait till next week and I'll think about it.” If I got a French letter, I asked, would she. — She professed not to know what that was and I had to explain, but she must have been trying to humbug me. No, she would not have any such thing put in her. — My resolution was now gone, I could not forgo the pleasure of a nice soft hand twiddling my prick, nor the pleasure of feeling her soft, satiny cunt. — Besides she let me look at it, it was very handsome, and it was a real, and quite a novel pleasure, to frig a handsome, voluptuous creature, who made no secret of her delight in having it done to her, who kissed me with her tongue and used every blandishment. So I frigged her two or three times more, till her cunt got very wet, but resolved she should not do it to me. Then an extraordinary letch seized me. Wetting her hand with my saliva, mixed with her own spendings, she laid hold of my tool, I laid half on her, grasping her arse as if I was fucking her, and thrust it through her hand, sucking her mouth and fancying as well as I could that it was up her cunt, till I spent.

Did she frig her husband? — Did he do it so to her, I asked. — “No” — she wouldn't tell, and generally re-plied to similar questions, “Oh you rude fellow.” In fact, out of her I could squeeze no information, but she was delighted at hearing about my intrigues, and amorous tricks; and asked much about the women and the pleasures I took with them. I did not mince my words, and explained all in lascivious language, and then I frigged her. We were all but naked, but some-times she would pull her chemise down as if she had just thought of the exposure, but in minute I would have it up again, and for nearly four hours, we were at this libidinous amusement. The hour of dinner approached, she said she was so tired that she must dine in her room, and she should remain there till her poorliness was over, it was coming on.

Next day I did not expect her, but the day after, not seeing her maid about, I walked past her room. A servant was cleaning it, I peeped in and saw no trunks. “Has Mrs. *** gone to luncheon,” said I. — “The lady who was here left this morning by an early train,” said the man. I never saw her again. In England a year afterwards, I met my friend who had introduced her to me, and found that he only knew her by having been introduced to her. — Of course I never told him of my amusements with her. This is one of the funniest episodes of my travel, indeed of my private life. — A most singular woman that. — Was frigging her passion, what did she do at that seaport, were she and the maid waiting for her husband, and who and what was she?

After that, by the Messageries Imperiale maritime, I went to Italy, and arrived at F**r***e towards the end of September, and found that city sweltering under al-most a midsummer heat. I had not expected this.

When I was at F**r***e I had three sisters, and it is the only time I ever had three, tho a dozen times I have had two sisters. — It was in the middle of the day, a scorching hot day, and a Valet-de-place had been with me to some of the sights of the town. When lust got hold of me very strongly, I resisted it till after lunch-eon, when my food made me more lustful, and I asked him if he could show me a house where I could get a woman.

To my astonishment, he drew himself up, said he was a gentleman, had been a soldier, and that he knew of no such place, that he showed people about the town and nothing more, and pulling out a book, loquaciously wished me to see the testimonials he had received. As I had had no difficulty with Italian valets before in such matters, — I was slightly surprized and annoyed, and told him he need not trouble himself, and that I did not wish to see testimonials. We then went to see a Church, inside of which he turned to me, and said that tho he could do nothing of the sort himself, he being a gentleman, he would find me a man who would. I told him not to bother himself, that I dare to say I could find all I wanted without him. But as we came out in-to the street he beckoned a respectable looking man, spoke with him, and then said to me that the man knew those places, should he leave me. I waited to see if any well-dressed harlot was on the plaza but saw none, so dismissed my valet, and accompanied the other to a quarter, where in a nice looking house, he rang a bell at a first floor door. It was opened by a woman who evidently knew him. I told him not to wait as I would pay my valet for him in the evening, and he left me.