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I went to the sofa and sat by the side of her, and put my hand on the foot. “Oh, what a sweet foot, what would a dancer give to have that,” and I respectfully felt the silk. I said that she thought me too timid, for putting one leg quite delicately up over the other, she shewed a little way up the calf. She was lewed, and I believe in the contagion of lust, when man and woman touch each other. — Desire ran through me. — I put my hand higher up, praising the leg and the silk together, higher till I reached her knee. “What a lovely leg” said I, (tho it wasn't). Then she made a sham of pushing my hand away gently. — “Ah signor, you English are rude, is that the way you treat ladies in your country?” But she laughed, her big eyes were staring into mine. — “Oh, let me one moment, just above there” — and up went my hand.

Then with a sudden rush of lust, which roused my prick to fever heat, the conviction came to me that she was accessible. “A flirt,” — the kiss in the carriage, — all passed thro my mind, and as she gently pushed my hand away, I pushed it right up to her cunt. “Oh what a shame, to take such an advantage of me.” I now thought of nothing but getting into her, hesitated at nothing. My finger titillated a wet slit, my mouth met hers, I pulled her to me, her thighs opened, she gave one long exhausting sigh of pleasure, and gently sank back on the sofa. Then in a minute my prick was up the Marchesa's cunt, and five minutes later left it, half its probing size, flabby, and wet, and whilst the Marchesa with closed eyes was still kissing me, and murmuring that I had taken a shameful advantage of her. Considering how it had all come about, it would be more correct to say, that she had taken a shameful advantage of me, for the wrong date on the invitation, and all other circumstances, make it quite clear now, that she had got me to her house that afternoon, with the fixed intention of fucking.

The door was unlocked during all this. I left her belly. She laid exposed for a minute, seemingly in a state of bliss, and then very leisurely covered up her thighs, and sat up smiling voluptuously. “Go further off and I'll ring for coffee.” “Let me have a cup of tea.” — She hadn't got such a thing. Coffee was brought in, and there she sat with me drinking it, with her cunt full of me.

I had only been a week at R**e when this carnal treat was given me. But through her, I had already invitations to the houses of two or three R*m*n nobles of high degree, but not to any dinners. Hospitality there did not seem to take that form, but she had began to ask me to luncheon, and dinner, and supper as well. Indeed this great dame had, I found, got a strong letch for me, tho I did not see it so clearly then as I now do.

When the man came to remove the coffee, she asked me before him, if I would dine there that evening, and she would send and ask my friend, and the Princess of * * * * * * to come, and we would have a friendly musical evening. We all of us sang, and she sang divinely. I agreed, she ordered the servant accordingly, said she should go out in the carriage, return to dine, and would be at home to no one. Would I take the note to my friend if she wrote it? I undertook to do so. — “Then I will go into the next room and write it” — and then she told the servant to go and tell the cook, etc. etc.

Directly he had left the room, she went into the ad-joining one, a large room, in fact a second drawing room, but in which were writing materials and books. As she rose she looked at me in a languishing manner, and I followed her, for I had been thinking all the time of the condition of her cunt, and wondering when she was going to wash it. — She wrote the note and gave it to me — and then there was something about the whole affair, which set me lusting for her again. Without more ado, I closed that door but did not lock it, and led her to the sofa which was there handy, and without hesitation she let me shag her again.

That done, with much kissing and sighing on her part, — she said she must go to her room. — “It's across the lobby, there” — said she opening a door, and pointing to one at the end of a short corridor. — “Hush — I'll go and see if my maid's there.” She went, and returned saying the maid was not, and we went back to the drawing room, in which she had received my first spermatic ejaculation. I was now in a state of wonderment at the whole affair, and particularly at this noble lady, walking about with her cunt unwashed, when she could have purified in her bed-room, in a couple of minutes.

“Come an hour before dinner,” said she, “tho I shall be dressing, but I soon send my maid away.” — I never in my life had such an open invitation from a lady, and said I would. — “Say you have made a mistake in the hour when you come, and that you will wait.” I did all that. After seeing my friend I re-turned to her. “No signor, not seven — eight o'clock.” — “How stupid, but I will wait. — Don't tell the Marchioness and disturb her, it will only make her hurry.” — “No Signor, but I think she already is dressed, she has sent her maid away.” — and he left me in the drawing room alone.

I felt now that I could take any liberty, and that I had been asked to take them. — In a few minutes I felt my prick, to make sure of its service, for it had twice done duty in the afternoon, and but three hours had elapsed since its last performance.

Then I went into the adjoining room. The door leading out of it on to the lobby was open. I saw other doors open there, which I guessed led to servants' quarters and other rooms. — It did not occur to me that she would see to that — what if one came in — it might compromise her, so I hesitated, stood, coughed, and then coughed louder. Her bedroom door opened ajar, she peeped out, opened it wider, and I saw she was in her chemise. — With silent but rapid step I crossed the corridor. — “Oh you rake, to dare to come in here and catch me like this,” said she, shamming. But smiling, her game was as transparent as glass.

“Oh, let me see that lovely form,” said I, clutching her, kissing, and pulling up her chemise for feel and inspection. “Be quiet, — no noise, my maid's gone, but you mustn't be long.” Then on the bed I laid her and had a sight (I had had none before of her charms), saw a crisp, black-haired cunt, between a pair of thin thighs, that her arse was small, and her hip bones shewed too much, yet all looked inviting enough. — I praised it rapturously. — She smiled delightedly, and shewed me her bum and small bubbies. Then she got hold of my prick, and looked at it, long. — Then saying that we must be quick, she fell back, opened her thighs, and another fuck terminated our fun, not hurriedly but voluptuously. She was very demonstrative when spending, and in no hurry to let my prick escape from her sheath, but somehow my prick did not seem to relish its lodging much, and soon left it. I washed, went back to the drawing room, and in half an hour she joined me there.

The little dinner came off and a very pleasant evening we spent. But my emissions had left me in a languid, contemplative mood. Only a week ago I was a stranger to her, and now I have possessed her, I thought. — I scarcely took my eyes off of her, thinking of that black, crisp-haired cunt, which I had pierced, and the facility with which I had been permitted, and somewhat wondering how it had come about, for that I had not had the slightest lust for her.

But her maid whom I had seen several times, I had at once lusted for, and she had given me a cock-stand. She was a fine looking, well grown woman, fleshy, dark haired, and with that bold (not rude) independent look, which many Roman peasants have. I deter-mined to get into her if possible, but didn't see much chance. For a long time now, I have in all emergencies offered so much gold as upsets the female. If I have time for courting, well and good; for courting, in-to a cunt, is nicer than buying the right of entry straight off. But if I will have a woman not of the courtezan class, she is worth any money, so as well make short work of it, by making a high bid, if there be no time for anything else.